The blue sky floating with sunlight, the Arab city made of stone bricks, the half broken minaret... All in an instant, turned into a whirlpool stirred by colorful pieces; In front of me, I quickly retreated and shrunk, like a kaleidoscope getting farther and farther away, and finally exposed the gray pipe wall again.

More than one data body is connected into a huge "pool" with light golden light, which reflects the pipeline into soft gold.

The dissipation of the right shoulder seems to accelerate the melting speed of Lin San wine; In the blink of an eye after Ji Shanqing disappeared, the rolling smoke quickly swallowed up the lower half of her face. In the soul, the queen screamed "Lin San Jiu!" After that, she couldn't hear anything - the last thing left in her vision was the black shadow of the Puppeteer rushing straight at the data bodies; The shadow was eroded by the golden awn and flickered, as if it would disappear at any time.

It was like falling into a bottomless abyss, and Lin Sanjiu lost consciousness in this way.

Many years after this incident, she sometimes can't help recalling the moment when she fell into darkness like death. What was it like around her at that time, and what happened?

Of course, she doesn't know the answer - she just doesn't know whether the answer is true.

As if floating in the deep sea, I don't know how long before I was finally lifted to the sea by the gentle waves a little bit; It was a familiar and soothing voice that regained her mind: "sister, sister?"

Lin Sanjiu slowly opened his eyes, as if he had just woken up from a long dream, and was still stunned for a time.

The first thing that came into her eyes was Ji Shanqing's forever white and bright face. As soon as their eyes met, his sparkling eyes immediately flashed with joy: "sister, are you awake?"

"I... where am I?" Lin Sanjiu closed his eyes hard, and felt his mind intermittent, like a receiver with bad signal. "What just happened?"

"It's all right, sister," the gift bag gently approached her, her long hair floating between her neck, and a breeze like breath between her hair slightly rubbed her skin. He stretched out a cool hand and grabbed Lin Sanjiu's wrist: "I'm here."

"What happened?" She asked again, and her thoughts gradually cleared up again. She looked down, and her hands and feet came back intact; With a little confused, he raised his head, and Lin Sanjiu swept around.

Although she could see everything clearly, she couldn't understand what she saw at all.

Who has seen a transparent space?

In the daily world, the air is naturally transparent, so is glass and many other things; But when a person's eyes pass through these transparent things, they will eventually fall on an opaque object - the earth, trees, buildings.

However, at this time, the surrounding space is full of some colorless transparent "wave current"; Only this kind of wave and current. Looking through, there was no landing place on the empty ground, because every place was transparent.

This "wave current" flows past her in a dense manner, as if it were weightless, as if it were extremely dense and viscous. She was carried up by the waves and floated leisurely in the air, unable to see where she was at all.

She rubbed her eyes hard and found that this time, even the "glasses" of the Supreme God could not help her clear her mind.

"Where is this?" Lin Sanjiu was a little anxious. "Where are the puppet master and the soul queen?"

Ji Shanqing heaved a long breath. He glanced at her, and his eyes bent like Crescent: "sister, you have just been turned into a group of data in their information base by the data body."

Lin Sanjiu stared for half a second and involuntarily looked at his body again. "Is this an information base? But how... How can I still be conscious?"

"I scattered my data, inserted it in your data, and came in with you." Ji Shanqing softly explained, "after I came in, my sister all came in. What I just want to do is very simple, just reactivate your self-consciousness."

"Broke up?" Lin Sanjiu was surprised by these words, and he didn't take his words to heart. He was busy looking at him up and down. "Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

"What about the puppet masters?"

Ji Shan paused and smiled like a peach blossom: "I think they should still be in the light outside. Don't worry, sister. Once they lose, they will also be sent here. Then I just need to activate their consciousness. To be honest, it may be better to say so."

It's really such a truth. Lin Sanjiu nodded, and his heart was a little calmer.

"Did you come in with me to save me?" As she asked, she looked around - although it was useless. "Why is it better for them to come in?"

"Saving you is one reason," Ji Shanqing said softly. "Another reason is that it's more beneficial for us to come in. Didn't I say that although I have data bodies and have their ability, I have too little information stored, so I can do too little - it's difficult for a cunning woman to make bricks without straw. If they also come in, it means that the data bodies may not be in doubt."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but suddenly said, "you want to enter their information base and steal their information!"

"Stealing is not pleasant to hear," the gift bag pursed its red lips slightly, and his small face looked as if it had been kissed by a flower. "Read, read."

"How, how to read?"

"Sister, just wait for me here." Ji Shanqing smiled at her, blooming purplish red and snow-white.

The way the data body behaves may have completely gone beyond the scope of human understanding; Seeing that he didn't explain, Lin Sanjiu didn't ask again. She watched the gift bag float away for a few steps, just stretched out her hands in the wave, which seemed ordinary and nothing special - after looking at it for a while, she suddenly subconsciously touched her forehead and found that her eyebrows were frowning tightly.

Since she entered the data flow management library, almost everything she saw and heard was in a category that was difficult for her to understand; Not to mention, one after another, she didn't even have a chance to think. When she was overloaded, even her brain seemed to be creaking when it turned; Vaguely feeling that she was still full of doubts, she just couldn't even ask a suitable question.

This feeling is uncomfortable.

Ji Shanqing gently put his hands in the air and was pushed by invisible waves from time to time. Lin Sanjiu looked at him for a while, half confused and half confused. He was in this strange space, and he didn't know how long the time had passed; It's just that the puppet master and the soul queen have not come in for so long, and she can't help feeling a little uneasy.

Dare not disturb the gift bag, she quietly turned around, picked a direction and took a few steps. It's transparent everywhere. It doesn't make any difference whether she walks or not. If there's even a darker place, maybe she can try to start [flash of light]... Lin Sanjiu thought of this and touched the back of his head. His fingers fell into his short hair without any hindrance.


She was busy touching up and down - but the back of her head was empty and there was nothing.

Did you lose it just now when the war was in chaos?

"Teacher Yi," she tried to shout, "where's my [flash]?"

Teacher Yi responded quickly: "after you lost consciousness, I also fell into a deep sleep... I don't know where it went."

Maybe it fell when facing the data body? Lin Sanjiu thought of this and turned around to see the space.

The puppet master and the soul queen still haven't appeared.

The longer time passes, the higher her heart will be. A person who has been analyzed and a meat worm whose combat effectiveness has long been seen through can't last long; It's not a good sign that they don't show up. Lin Sanjiu waited patiently for a while, but finally he couldn't help it and approached the gift bag.

"Sister," he shouted immediately without turning his eyes. "What's the matter?"

"How long does this read...?"

"Their amount of information is almost endless, and they can't be read for a lifetime." Ji Shanqing looked at his hands without blinking, as if the most complex things in the world were flowing on them. "I'm picking out useful information that can help us find weak data points as soon as possible."

"I'm worried that if the puppets can't hold on, something will happen."

"Sister," the gift bag suddenly laughed without looking back, with a clear voice, "you are too anxious. It took only 1.7 seconds after you woke up."

"One, one and seven seconds?" Lin Sanjiu was surprised. She felt that at least ten minutes had passed.

"The speed of information exchange here is amazing." Ji Shanqing lightly explained, "maybe in some legends, 'one day in the sky, a thousand years in the world' refers to this situation."

"What about now? How long has it been?"

"It's less than 1.71 seconds." Ji Shanqing smiled as if she were a little helpless and a little spoiled.

Lin Sanjiu scratched his short hair a little embarrassed.

"By the way, where is the Supreme God?" Perhaps because she thought of the puppet master and the soul queen, she frowned as she asked, "what's the matter between you and him? Did you use him?"

"Sister," although Ji Shanqing didn't look back, he pouted again from the subtle movements on his side. "I let him take the lead all the time, let him write paper cranes, let him find you, let him be beaten, and monitor the action of the data body in his body... Can I do it without his consent? What do I have to convince him to get into this series of traps without doubt!"

"So you have already agreed?" Lin Sanjiu's eyes lit up when she heard the words - she didn't like the Supreme God, but since she decided to fight together, she couldn't stand stabbing people in the back again. "You didn't frame him?"

"Of course not. When he was on the white tower, he was controlled by the data body; at that time, if it weren't for the connection between him and me, I couldn't find his data group at all; let alone trace back through his body." The gift bag sent out a grievance from his nose, "he opened the [desired love] to attack the data body, which is also a step in our plan."

In short, the gift bag and the supreme god have been fishing for law enforcement. When you think about the bait in this plan, there is really no more suitable person than the Supreme God.

So... Where did this uneasiness and doubt come from?