Collar duration progress: 47 seconds.

In the past 47 seconds, Lin Sanjiu didn't look at the people behind him. She also knew that she was in a wonderful and almost floating situation, and every second seemed to walk on the clouds.

God... This is really the most appropriate word.

All the furniture blocking the road ahead automatically stepped back in front of Lin Sanjiu, making way for several people. It's easy to do this. Just change the composition order of the parts a little. Just a moment ago, she found that the furniture cemetery is composed of two parts: one is a special object like a base, and the other is a long recorded "copy" released by it.

Special items are at the core of the furniture cemetery, at least ten minutes away from her; However, this cannot be called a problem at all under the effect of data volume capability. The earth between Lin Sanjiu's every step has been rewritten, and the definition of distance has been "condensed" - just like the "shrinking to an inch" in the novel. Just a few seconds later, she "saw" the core special object from a distance.

This section of the road was so smooth that even the furniture Lin Sanjiu passed by unconsciously became her favorite color and style; Like a group of servile ladies, bow their heads and wait for the emperor to pass.

Absolute control over everything is the biggest luxury in the world.

With it, are other things meaningful?

Collar duration progress: 55 seconds.

"Why doesn't she talk?" This voice, which seems to be stuttering forever, is naturally white fat. "Which is a special item? I think... It seems to be ordinary furniture."

Lin Sanjiu still didn't look back. A few people behind her just muttered for a long time. They all sounded like insects and birds in her ears.

The soul of this furniture cemetery copy is right in front of her; How can ordinary humans distinguish core objects from camouflage?

They can't understand.

"Civilians are most likely to indulge in the illusion of power," a gloomy, cold voice smiled without a smile, "so a person who can't do anything is also most likely to indulge in the illusion of controlling the world."

"Ah, ah?" The fat man was stunned. "What do you mean?"

Muxin didn't say a word, as if no one wanted to offend.

"She must be very tired after being a fool for 20 or 30 years," the puppet master's voice is soft. If you don't read the content, it's like being considerate to Lin Sanjiu. "Give her a holiday."

Although he has the ability of data volume, Lin San Jiu is still human in the end - even Gang Cai's floating and drunken sense of beauty seems to have been subtracted by his acrimony. She breathed out as if she hadn't heard, and bent over to touch a pile of dusty dirty furniture; All the glass plates, tea tables and old seat cushions were immediately obediently separated.

A brown stain on the ground, like a tea cup, was thus exposed to the dark night.

Without the ability of analysis, no matter how skillful the evolutionist is, it is impossible to find that this stain turned out to be a special object.

Lin Sanjiu sighed contentedly and put his finger on the stain.

Collar duration progress: 1 minute 22 seconds.

[keaido, keep colorful time]

How lucky it is to be able to enter such a colorful doomsday world!

Don't the lucky ones who enjoy traveling in all wonderful worlds hope to keep their memories alive? It's always not enough to record the cherry blossom like dream of the doomsday world with diaries and photos, so a prop that can let people personally relive the experience of doomsday came into being.

Function: it can record the most interesting and beautiful place in the doomsday world - copy. Once the copy is recorded, it can be replayed again in the future until the number of uses of the copy is consumed; Replay means that the copy is completely reconstructed at the activation site.

Usage: hold this product by hand and walk through the copies. When the information record is completed, this product will prompt the owner. The reproduced copy will have the same effect and appearance as the original copy.

Note: the shape of this product is changeable, and it will change with the environment, becoming the most inconspicuous thing around. Many evolutionists got this product accidentally because of wrestling / being knocked to the ground / sitting on the bottom... And so on.

Different copies are used for different times, and there is no rule to follow. This product can only retain one copy of information. When entering a new copy, the information of the previous copy will be automatically washed out.

Collar duration progress: 1 minute 35 seconds

Lin San Jiu held the [keaido, keep the colorful time] in his hand and didn't move for a long time. After she removed the item from the card, it became a wrinkled paper towel with stains on it - there are really not many people in the world who will reach out and pick up such a piece of garbage.

It is much more complicated than [light moss] in analysis; It's like approaching a famous oil painting. The closer you get, the more dazzling you feel because of its rich and thick strokes. The basic material that constitutes [keaido, retain colorful time] shows such a charming and exquisite variety


Muxin's voice shouted in her ear, interrupting her thoughts. Lin Sanjiu looked up at him reluctantly. In her eyes, there is no human face: the so-called "Muxin" is actually a data combination with "Muxin characteristics"; His data looks much more sophisticated and vast than special items——

"Why did you turn into staring at me in a daze?"

Some groups of surface "data" were activated, and they worked together to produce the voice of mucin. Lin Sanjiu looked at those data links that lit up obsessively, like stars submerged in the ocean, and gradually hidden under the surface data. She somehow understood why the data body always wanted to parse others. "Don't look, don't you only have five minutes? Time is precious."

Lin Sanjiu felt himself trapped by a shadow. She almost forgot that this supreme sense of control was brought to her by the collar. The collar is restricted by her potential value and cannot fully exert its maximum effect; So, does the ability of the data body even surpass the current experience?

"What's going on here? Where's the Supreme God?" Muxin urged.

Collar duration progress: 2 minutes and 05 seconds

Furniture cemetery is a thing of the past.

Since [adorable, keep the colorful time] was taken away by Lin Sanjiu, all the furniture, together with the unknown creatures, disappeared from the empty concrete floor. The concrete ground is lonely and vast, and only the sporadic bodies of evolutionists that have not been eaten by big fish are still crouching on the ground, like relics forgotten in the wilderness.

With the supreme god disappeared, as well as her [ability sanding agent].

He trapped the people in the furniture cemetery, but he left. He didn't know where he went.

Doesn't he want to know what the relationship between Lin Sanjiu and the data body is? Why did you leave before you got the answer?

The wonderful feeling of manipulating everything seems to be a crack, like a faint trace of impurities in a bright diamond, which is very uncomfortable.

The real data body must not feel helpless in the face of such a situation, right?

Lin Sanjiu looked down at the cement floor under his feet. This piece of cement ground should be written by the Supreme God, and the data arrangement is very rigid, which seems to be made rigidly according to formula dogma. If you replace several of the data, this concrete ground will become more real and detailed

"Don't call her anymore. She's on top and can't hear. I think there's only one way," said the Puppeteer softly in a voice as dark as winter clouds. "Turn her into a doll and you'll be obedient."

Ah? What just happened?

Lin Sanjiu was so excited that he hurriedly looked back and felt that he seemed to have missed a lot of things. She was about to open her mouth, when suddenly she heard a sharp familiar voice in the distance: "adult! ADULT puppet master, is it you? I am the queen of soul!"

Collar duration progress: 2 minutes and 37 seconds

On the horizon in the distance, there is a group of flesh colored data vaguely, which is jumping and fluttering; Its physical strength seems to have reached the end of its strength. It took several seconds to walk here, but it seems that the distance has not been shortened at all.

Lin San Jiu glanced at the ground and thought; Almost in the blink of an eye, the big meat bug swam to the front with his tired body.

"Hmm? I'm very fast," he looked around, as if he was a little strange. "Are you... All yourself? Where is the furniture?"

Now no one has time to explain it, because Lin Sanjiu has taken another step in the distance.

"Have you met the fake guy?" The queen of the soul has just reunited with her companions, and she is too excited to stop, I didn't realize that there was a strange atmosphere now: "I saw a fake myself! Just like me, tell me... I also saw a fake Lin Sanjiu! The fake Lin Sanjiu was lying in the cabinet under a fish tank. As soon as I saw the fake I walked by, I probably thought it was me, and immediately rushed out to blow it up. Fortunately, I hid fast..."

Muxin opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

In the nagging voice of the soul queen, Lin Sanjiu kept "shrinking into inches", and soon walked most of the concrete floor over. Unexpectedly, she unconsciously walked back to the place where she broke into the furniture Cemetery - because she saw the little preserved egg lying on the ground.

He still kept the posture when he was shot by the anesthetic injection, curled up in a ball, and even the needle was still shining on his shoulder.

This is a set of human data, and it is a set of human data that has just died.

Lin Sanjiu suddenly felt a strong sense of unreal. She stopped, bent down slowly, reached out and touched the boy's face - the little preserved egg's cold skin, no longer beating pulse, and still lingering odor; They rushed into the senses of Lin San wine in the form of data.

"Who is this? It's ugly." The queen of soul stretched out her head and asked, "why doesn't Lin Sanjiu speak?"

Lin Sanjiu glanced at the anesthetic injection - it was resolved in an instant and presented everything she needed to know. She glanced at the motionless little preserved egg again; All the data, including the contents of his stomach, were quickly displayed in front of him.

"This... This is a human child." She hoarsely opened her mouth. It was as if someone had splashed a bucket of cold water on his head, and the wonderful sense of power to control everything slowly cooled from his mind like a fading medicine. "I killed it."

There was no sound for a moment.

"The amount of anesthetic was too large, and he... Couldn't bear it." Lin Sanjiu wanted to hold the small preserved egg, but found his hands trembling unsteadily. "He was originally the only person who survived in the furniture cemetery... After his mother died, he could only live on cannibalism, but I... I thought he was a degenerate."

Lin Sanjiu looked at the little preserved egg and could hardly even sigh out of his throat. Let him stay here... With his mother.

Even if the little preserved egg looks just a set of data at the moment, she still can't help feeling palpitation for a while.

I don't know if it was affected by the data body, Lin Sanjiu vaguely came up with an idea.

How could such a small child know how to eat human flesh? Did the mother ask him to eat her body before she died?

Such a child who survived hard finally died in his own hands. Although she had no intention to kill, she could not deceive herself. It was an accident. She can only carry such a sin to live, and there is no other way.

She stood up silently and looked up at the night sky shrouded in thick fog.

If people really have souls, I hope their mother and son can rest in peace somewhere

Lin Sanjiu was suddenly stunned and narrowed his eyes to the night sky.

Collar duration progress: 1 minute 02 seconds remaining.