The sentence "leave it to you" said by the young man is really not empty words.

I don't know where he got such great confidence. After hearing the fierce wind above his head, he just looked up quickly, and then buried his head, as if he didn't feel it, he quickly broke the water waves and rushed forward - it seems that he really wants to give the diver all to Lin Sanjiu.

The spray thrown high into the air hit people heavily, making their skin painful; With this sudden acceleration, he almost threw Lin Sanjiu, who was holding him, into the water. There was water everywhere, so slippery that people couldn't grasp it. In a hurry, she circled the young man's neck and shouted, "fat man, help me in a moment!"—— Then Lin Sanjiu bit his teeth and rolled over hard, sitting on the young man's back.

She seemed to exert more force at that moment, only to hear that the young man coughed violently and almost choked into the water; But Lin Sanjiu had no time to care about him at the moment - because the diver who attacked from the air was already wrapped in the wind.

Lin Sanjiu raised her head, just opposite the person's four eyes. Her consciousness immediately filled and circulated, and she was ready to go; However, before she could make any move, the visitor was suddenly stunned and shouted, "it's you!"

He knows me?

Lin Sanjiu was stunned and was about to take another look at each other's appearance. Unexpectedly, the young swimmer dashed again, and his blinding speed increased again. In the blink of an eye, he had split all the waves, rushed out of the diver's feet, and made the man jump into the air and crash into the water——

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the sound of water waves behind them was loud again, and the waves rolled into the air broke. With the roaring fog, the man rushed out of the river, stepped on the waves and rushed up, shouting, "return my suspect suit!"

Lin Sanjiu was surprised, and his men couldn't help but use strength, pinching the young man with a cry.

"What's the matter? Do you know him?" The young man shouted angrily.

"I don't know!" Lin Sanjiu shouted in disbelief, and suddenly took another sip of water - [suspect suit] was snatched from the man who wanted to come to the Olympics, but according to the time, the man should have been sent away long ago. How could he still be here?

She twisted her body and was about to stand up from his back when the strange man behind suddenly shook his hand, threw a small light spot and shouted, "stop them!"

The light point roared into the water in front of them. As soon as they mentioned it in their hearts, then there was a bang in the river ahead, raising a high water wall composed of countless heavy waves; Under the high-speed sprint all the way, the young man was caught off guard and almost rolled up by the water waves, becoming a part of the water wall - fortunately, his reaction was not slow in the end. When the river suddenly rose, he kicked his legs under the water, and his power device opened to the maximum, breaking the snow-white waves, and quickly retreated out.

For a time, the gradually rising turbulent waves chased and bit several people tightly; In the dark back of the river, the man was also rushing towards them. Several people are like feathers in the rough waves, which have long been soaked. I don't know which wave will hit them all into the water——

When the water wall was almost higher than the stone column, it was led down by gravity. Tens of thousands of tons of water waves fell on the river with a force greater than the mountains, and immediately triggered waves of waves. In a blink of an eye, the swimmers on the whole river were pushed away, overturned and swallowed.

Inadvertently, Lin Sanjiu once again implicated the players around him.

Not all the water waves fell back into the river - when all the mountain like water walls fell back into the river, the young man just swam to the stone pillar; When he was about to rush forward again, he couldn't help but "eh" and stopped.

Lin Sanjiu looked at it and was stunned.

A row of spray is still standing straight ahead, forming a strange edge. At a glance, it seems to have a head and limbs; This row of spray did not fall into the water, but stopped horizontally on the river, as if a row of villains blocked the way hand in hand.

"What is this?" Lin Sanjiu murmured.

If the man is really the one who hunts and kills the visa officer in the meat world, then her current battle is an unprecedented bitter battle: the number and strength of the other party's special items are only inferior to the puppet master.

Thinking of this, she looked back and breathed again: the figure of the man was getting closer and closer - he seemed to bind himself to the stone pillar with a traction rope, so after jumping out from a distance, it was OK even if he fell into the water. As long as the rope was retracted, he was pulled back again; Even if he only stepped on the water, the forward speed was still amazing.

"You hit him!" The young man became more and more angry: "didn't you say your fighting capacity was ok?"

Lin Sanjiu was almost furious - why didn't she want to attack?

But the problem was that as soon as the young man turned over and began to swim backward in the half backstroke style, she was immediately immersed in the water, and her feet fell to the ground with no force, only her head was exposed and floating on the water; In addition, she was afraid of being swept away by the storm, so she could only hold the young man's shoulder tightly and dared not let go - in this way, her very combat effectiveness was also removed by 89 points.

When it comes to combat effectiveness, the white fat man grabbed the young man's hair, like a large leech, shrank in his black hair and dared not make a sound.

The man was so fast that he rushed to the front before several people came up with a way; He whistled, and the row of Lilliputian waves in front of him immediately bent down and drilled back into the river - although the road ahead seemed to have been cleared, no one was relieved.

Because the appearance of those waves when they drill into the water makes people feel that they are coming from under the water for no reason - and the water walking in the water is essentially different from people walking in the water.

"Don't move!" Lin San Jiu shouted loudly, knowing that he couldn't save his strength, he immediately released a force of consciousness; Consciousness rushed forward violently, and immediately covered the young man like a half bubble, a thin layer separated from the river ahead.

"This is easy to use," the young man was wrapped in consciousness and floated on the water. He suddenly felt labor-saving and happily boasted, "unexpectedly, hold on!"

Lin Sanjiu sighed and didn't want to explain more to him at all - the subtlety of consciousness is that although it is invisible and colorless, it is full of power and control, which is simply a wonderful energy independent of the scope of physical interpretation; Plus every drop is hard won. Now it's a great waste to blow it out like this as a wall.

"It won't last long," she said hurriedly, and turned around to meet the man rushing behind her.

She had long forgotten each other's appearance. Although she had guessed for a long time, she still shouted, "Hello! Who are you?"

"Don't you remember me?" The man laughed angrily, pulled the rope in his hand, and slowed down not far from the stone column - Lin Sanjiu looked up and saw his traction rope high across the sky, so thin that he could hardly see it, which seemed to be fixed at the top of the stone column.

Looking back, she couldn't help glancing at each other.

After two worlds, Lin Sanjiu saw his appearance for the first time today - this man didn't know what race he was. He had a set of big eyes with a big nose, and his head was bright without a hair; Only facial hair, such as eyebrows and eyelashes, floats lightly on the face, like a layer of light yellow grass debris.

"You robbed my things and almost threw me into the crack of time and space. Do you always remember that?"

The man smiled with a gloomy face, twisted his expression like a rope, suddenly gave a whistle and shouted, "jump up, come over the stone pillar!"

Although he shouted at Lin Sanjiu, he didn't seem to say it to her.

Lin Sanjiu frowned. Just when she realized that he was giving orders to the row of waves, the river suddenly splashed high behind her, rushing out of the row of waves that were blocked outside her consciousness; They still maintained the appearance of human beings and non-human beings just now, as if they had life. They crossed the cover of consciousness in the water waves and hit the stone pillar with a "snap".

The surface of these stone pillars is smooth, and there is no place to climb at all; Even the evolutionist cannot fix the body with a wide and flat surface - but these waves can.

Just when they hit the stone pillar, all the waves suddenly lost their shape, like a handful of real water was sprinkled on it, and immediately turned into a wet water mark, which slowly flowed down the stone pillar - before a few people reacted, the water mark suddenly changed its shape, gathered into the shape of waves in the blink of an eye, and suddenly fell on several people under the stone pillar.

"What the hell is this!" When the young man scolded this, the waves were already coming up; Lin Sanjiu quickly threw [tornado whip], and the strong wind suddenly rose, curling the spray and blowing them out dozens of meters away. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the man behind them smiled and whistled again——

The young man who had just turned his head and was about to swim forward suddenly sighed.

On the water ahead, countless identical splashes have stood up again; This time, the water spray was at least ten times more than the last time, and Lin Sanjiu and others were surrounded not far or near.

"As long as you are still in the water, you can't get rid of them." The man said as he looked back at the time behind him and snorted, "I have to hurry up -"

Before he finished saying a word, he suddenly stumbled under his feet and was thrown in the direction of Lin Sanjiu as uncontrollable by the traction rope; The man was so surprised that his skin and eyebrows jumped, and then immediately responded, "it's my [birds facing the Phoenix]!"

Anyway, it's all taken away. Isn't it a waste to not use it?

Lin Sanjiu didn't say a word, and his right hand had been opened underwater [a glittering Ding in the sky]; As soon as the man gets close, he will be thrown to the sky for the second time——

However, what she didn't expect was that the man allowed [birds facing the Phoenix] to quickly drag him over without resistance, and made all the waves on the water.

Lin Sanjiu's back suddenly bristled, and he understood: I'm afraid he also has a backhand!

The distance between the two sides is not far. As soon as the [hundred birds facing the Phoenix] starts, it has pulled him in front of him in an instant; Even though she hurriedly turned off the object effect, the traction rope was affected by inertia and still brought the man closer and closer, and the shadow he cast gradually covered several people on the water——

"Splash, splash!" But at this juncture, the fat man screamed pointedly, "they're coming!"

Lin Sanjiu didn't even have time to say "stop it first", and the man had rushed close to her.