On the wharf of ranbei port, there has been some peace these days.

A group of people have never left ranbeigang since they hurried to ranbeigang two days ago; From morning till night, they lingered in the port all day long, scanning every passing passenger with gloomy eyes.

Almost every airship that stayed in the port, whether it was a private flight with special items or a profitable public passenger ship, was harassed by them; From the tone of voice, it seems that these people are going to go somewhere in the west, but where is it? More than a dozen people are vague, and none of them can say it; Even if some captains were willing to do business with them, they could only refuse with regret.

Next, these ten people began to lose their breath.

Several times in a row, they didn't know how to sneak into the spacecraft; If it hadn't been for the discovery of those faint captains in the sea, I'm afraid they would have lost their lives. However, it may be that none of those people can operate the spacecraft. After a long time, they will get down from the ship and continue to squat on the edge of the dock, staring at everyone passing by with cold backs.

"What should I do? The queen is no longer within the scope of my positioning." A narrow eyed man lifted the broken hair that covered his eyes. As you can see, I posted on the front page this week. I was so transparent that I really only dared to think about it before. There are really too many people to thank for writing today. During the break, I am still inseparable from me. The heart of comparison is too heavy, which can only be reflected in rewards, who keep voting for me, monthly tickets, and self-help Amway everywhere, The willow leaves in winter, who had the grace of supporting and recommending, and so on... Without you, I really abandoned the article long ago. After all, it is such an unpopular book that I can't imagine that so many people are still reading it today.

Today's list of thanks includes the fragrant sachet of Mrs. Yamada's shiitake pedigree in doubt, sun Shuyou 120321225217464, the ghost of nawusika's bread and milk, the unintentional two little lilylareina0v0 strawberry charms, the peach blossom fan of Duo Muer Lala La Zi, my unique way of death reward, the sachet and charms of my chestnut ten days, and the grandson of pedigree, pan Dajun. Why did you two quietly reward two he Shibi again? It's really scary and happy. It's not over~

I always miss someone's monthly ticket party. Thank you, Bai Jinshu 941, two books of desserts, two annabellquan of Huw, Shen Chun, ghost, unintentional nine leaf Kui. Thank you for saying too much, and I feel a little pale

Later today, there is another chapter~
