"... want, want a degenerate phone number?" Lou Qin never thought that what came out of Huang Xiaoni's mouth would be such a request.

She had already made psychological preparations, thinking that the other party would ask her to hurt herself or jump from a building. She was feeling heavy. Hearing that it was such an easy task, she was a little stunned for a moment.

How can it be so simple and not life-threatening? In this way, what are the advantages of the problem setter?

Huang Xiaoni's words haven't finished yet.

"Task requirements - the time limit is 20 minutes, and what you get must be a real phone number. Whether you can get through or not is not under consideration. The time is subject to returning to the person in front of the question. There is no limit on the sex of degenerates, and the timing starts now!"

As soon as her flat without undulating voice fell, Lou Qin immediately turned and ran.

During the duration of the ability, Huang Xiaoni had to wait for her back in place, so she was not worried that the other party would take the opportunity to attack Lin Sanjiu with Dan Li.

20 minutes is neither short nor long - she must find a degenerate before she begins to interrogate the phone number.

However, things in the world are so unsatisfactory - when there is no need for degenerate species, I feel that they are everywhere and can't be finished; When they were needed, Lou Qin ran for five minutes, but he didn't see any of them.

She estimated the time in her heart and stopped.

She couldn't run too far, lest she didn't have time to go back to where Huang Xiaoni was - she looked around, and Lou Qin was a little anxious.

Where do ghosts usually haunt?

This street is mainly covered with bank buildings; Each building looks brand-new. Even at night, it also exudes a glittering sense of elitism. It doesn't look like a ghost.

To be honest, I seldom hear any strange talk in the bank After thinking about it, Lou Qin stamped her foot, picked an office building casually and broke in.

Although she is not sure, she seems to have heard the ghost story that happened in the office - as long as there is a corresponding strange talk, the possibility of the existence of ghosts is greater.

The office building is also dark, and only a few corridors occasionally flicker with pale and unstable light.

When Lou Qin ran over with a heart, the light often flashed suddenly and sharply, and the space was flickering, which made people easily dazzled, thinking that there was a person standing in a corner - however, when Lou Qin looked suspiciously, it was mostly a projection of something.

"Is there a ghost!" Lou Qin ran several floors in one breath and was flustered by the flickering lights. After every second, she was more anxious than the previous second. "Come out one!"

After running through an education consulting company, Lou Qin followed the sign on the wall and turned into a corridor - the women's toilet is at the end of the corridor. According to theory, the women's toilet should be a place where ghosts and strange talk often occur.

From a distance, she saw the toilet door half open, a pot of potted plants at the door was kicked askew, and a toilet paper was stuck on one side of the wall; Although deserted by human beings, there seems to be no trace of ghosts.

"Really, at least nine minutes have passed now?" Lou Qin gasped and walked to the bathroom reluctantly. She had no idea about time and was a little uncertain: "it may take five minutes to interrogate the number, and it will take twoorthree minutes to run back, that is to say -"

When she thought of this, she was almost at the door. She inadvertently raised her eyes and suddenly found that behind the wall was not a piece of toilet paper, but half a snow-white face.

Her face was no longer in the position she had just taken. At this time, she walked several steps in a row and almost hit it. Her snow-white face almost stuck to her eyelashes.

Slowly, the upper half of the face was squeezed together, and a dark, toothless mouth bent up and smiled at her.

Lou Qin couldn't help it, and suddenly burst into a half scream - she stepped back a few steps, and the pounding heartbeat didn't subside, and then rushed up again.

"You're just in time," her voice was still palpitating, but for her brother, for Lin Sanjiu, and for herself, the girl whispered with white lips, "give me your phone number!"

While talking, her fist lit up and hit out against the snow-white face - her fist was deliberately not accurate. The ears of the snow-white face turned into a puff of smoke, and the smile of the face immediately disappeared. Two big white eyes turned to the direction of their ears as if they couldn't believe it.

"Give me the phone number!" At this time, Lou Qin had rushed into the toilet and blocked the degenerate species who was still wearing office ol clothes in the corner. "Or I'll kill you!"

When faced with evolutors who are relatively rich in force and experience, general degenerates have little room to fight back; If we fight with Lou Qin with real weapons, this degenerate species may have long vanished.

But now, it turned its snow-white eyes without black pupils, and slowly began to smile again.

"You... Pass me... A piece of... Paper..." it said slowly, "I... Will tell... You..."

He didn't even ask why, and immediately caught the other party's weakness.

Lou Qin immediately frowned.

The force value of ordinary degenerate species is indeed not as good as that of upgraded evolutors - but there is a prerequisite.

This prerequisite is that the evolutor is not dragged into a specific strange talk setting, because there are some special moments in the strange talk, and the degenerate species has the so-called "vertex" power.

If we take the most famous Sadako as an example, this strange talk setting should probably be "watching the video" - when Sadako climbs out of the video and attacks the evolutionist, there is a "peak" power - at this time, the ghost is a hundred or ten times more dangerous than usual.

Lou Qin, who has done a lot of homework before coming, certainly won't be fooled by this.

"... I know what you are talking about." She sneered, clenched her fists, and shivered with anger. "... when going to the bathroom in the cubicle in the women's bathroom, the woman in the next cubicle will suddenly say that she has no paper and ask you to pass a piece of toilet paper - then it is said that at the moment of passing the paper, her wrist will be caught and dragged to the other side of the hell... Right?"

Her face didn't say anything, but two snow-white eyes rolled onto her hands.

"... don't give... Me... Paper, I... Don't say..." the spirit smiled maliciously, "you can... Kill... Me."

It seems that it can hear Lou Qin's soliloquy clearly, knowing that the other party is in a tight time and has little choice now.

Lou Qin just felt her blood vessels jump suddenly - she has always been a little lofty with the characteristics of young people, and she is rarely pinched like this in the red Nautilus at ordinary times, not to mention this is a degenerate species - even if her brain repeatedly warned her to "don't be impulsive" many times, she still couldn't help it. She punched out, opened her hand and grabbed it, and then pulled off an arm of the degenerate species. In the scream of the other party, Lou Qin said angrily, "do you say it or not!"

The sharp hiss of the fallen species soon stopped - it glanced at its arm, which had been turned into fly ash, Jie Jie smiled, slowly lowered its body, and fell down like a big spider.

"I'm... Next door... Toilet... Waiting for you..." it said, pressing down, and something suddenly flashed in the light of the bathroom.

Lou Qin was stunned.

Before she could straighten out the idea, Lou Qin's hand had picked up the degenerate species first, and her eyes immediately fell on its chest - staring at its chest for a few seconds, Lou Qin suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"I've never seen such a stupid thing as you," the girl's crisp voice showed a lightness of unloading the burden: "Yu Meizhen!"

In front of depraved seed's chest, there is a metal famous brand pinned with a row of small words "bluesky soaring education consulting company" on the top and a slightly larger word "Yu Meizhen, a consultant teacher studying abroad".

The degenerate seed opened his mouth, as if eager to say something, but the next second it turned into smoke. r1152
