Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The following day, Su Junxin opened the basement door as usual. However, the moment she stepped out, she quickly retracted her feet.

She lowered her eyes to look at the floor to find a document lying on the floor. She picked it up and opened it, revealing its contents: a red-colored land title and a cheque. 

She took out the cheque first, and her eyes sparkled as she saw the number on the cheque. It was her portion of the inheritance. Nonetheless, what surprised her was, disregarding the decimal numbers, the cheque was actually worth 2.9 million yuan!

‘I didn’t expect that cheap dad to have this much money. Also, if I combine the amount on this cheque together with the value of this villa, the first step of my plan – to accumulate enough capital – will be complete!’

At the thought of that, Su Junxin stopped frowning and ignored the mother and daughter who were secretly spying on her from upstairs. Then, she picked up her bag and headed out.

Su Junxin was studying at Shi Yang High School, the best high school in South City. The school was just three kilometers from her current house, so it was only a little past 6 am when she arrived after jogging. At the time, there were only a few students surrounding a breakfast stall in front of the school’s entrance. 

As she entered the school’s campus guided by her pre-existing memories, she quickly noticed a large noticeboard. On the board was a table for the second year’s class allocation. 

After she found the second year (12) class, Su Junxin sat in the right corner of the classroom. Taking out her sketchbook and pencil, she was quickly immersed in her own world.

Soon, other students started flocking into the classroom, causing the once tranquil room to very quickly become filled with noise. In fact, there were even some students who were already familiar with each other that had formed small cliques. All of them had smiles on their faces as they gathered around and chatted happily.

Su Junxin was obviously an anomaly in the classroom when faced with such a lively scene.

From afar, it seemed that she had not even moved an inch from her seat; her gaze was fixed on the blank piece of paper on the table while she held a mechanical pencil in her right hand. She continuously drew a number of lines very quickly, sometimes even swapping hands when one was tired; nevertheless, her speed remained the same at all times.

Her behavior had very naturally attracted several curious gazes – some of them could not even help but whisper amongst themselves.

“Hey, who’s that? Does anyone know her?”

“I can’t seem to recall her at all. She’s probably a transfer student.”

“She looks very cold and distant; no one even seems to want to go up and talk to her.”

“Do you think she’s really like that or just pretending? From the way I see it, she seems to be putting on an act.”

“She keeps on drawing; do you think she’s an art student?”

“Aren’t we an honors class? Are art students even allowed to enter here?”

“Pfft; she must’ve spent a lot of money then…”

At 8 am sharp, the bell rang.

Su Junxin stopped drawing and raised her eyes to look at a young woman who slowly walked into the classroom.

Their new form teacher was actually a beautiful young woman; her entrance alone was enough to make the blood of all the men in class boil up. In fact, those who were braver even started slamming their tables and howling, causing the classroom that had just regained its silence to become noisy again.

The female teacher seemed to have blushed from all the commotion; she walked up to the podium and raised her hand to gesture for them to stop. After seeing that everyone had become quiet, she spoke with a very gentle voice.

“Students, it’s nice to meet all of you for the first time. My name is Jiang Rushi, which I’m sure you might have heard from the poem – ‘I looked at the green mountain to see how beautiful it was, who knew that the green mountain would see me as such as well.'” As she said that, she picked up a piece of chalk and valiantly wrote down her name on the blackboard. “It’s an honor for me to be able to become your second-year form teacher and also your English teacher. This is also my first time being a form teacher as well, so I hope that we’ll be able to have a wonderful and fruitful year together…”

Jiang Rushi’s gaze slowly scanned the entire class. When she saw Su Junxin, who was seated at the rightmost corner, Jiang Rushi gently curved her lips into a smile.

Su Junxin suddenly stopped spinning her pencil in her hand as an image flashed through her mind like a scene in a movie. Yet, she could not clearly see the contents of the image and could only subconsciously feel that the female teacher’s gaze seemed familiar.

‘Could I have known her in the past?’

After that, she carried on observing Jiang Rushi for half of the day. However, she still could not recall where she might have seen that face before. ‘Could I have mixed her up with both me and my original host’s memories?’ At that thought, she stopped pondering on the question.

After meeting the other two main subject teachers in the morning, the final session of class for the day was spring-cleaning the entire school. Su Junxin was arranged to wipe the gangways of the public areas by the newly appointed Labour Committee. In the end, after tidying up everything and heading to the cleaning corner, she realized that all the tablecloths had already been taken away by someone else.

Suddenly, a gentle female voice was heard from beside her.

“Are you unable to find any cleaning equipment?”

Su Junxin turned her head, only to see that it was Jiang Rushi. After politely greeting her teacher, Su Junxin nodded her head.

Jiang Rushi then smiled very naturally and took out a brand new blue cloth from the plastic bag she carried in her hands and handed it to Su Junxin. “It just so happens that I’ve prepared extra; you can go ahead and use this one.”

Su Junxin was startled for a moment before receiving the tablecloth and thanking Jiang Rushi. She only shifted her gaze when she saw Jiang Rushi turning away to ask another student the same thing.

However, right at the moment, a high-pitched shriek was heard, followed by the sound of glass shattering.

Su Junxin subconsciously turned her head.

On the floor laid a metal window frame; the piece of glass that should have been held within it had shattered on the floor with fragments of glass scattered everywhere.

A male student crouched on the windowsill with a tablecloth in his right hand while his other hand was firmly extended to pick the window up as he frantically tried to explain himself. 

“I… I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t know it was going to fall like that!”

After Jiang Rushi regained her senses, she quickly ordered everyone to back away and called for the Labour Committee to bring her a broom while she personally squatted on the floor to pick up the larger glass fragments.

Nevertheless, as careful as she was, a sharp piece of glass still cut her finger.

The moment blood gushed out of her finger, countless screams followed.

“The teacher has been injured!”

“Teacher Jiang, are you alright?”

“I’ve got plaster! I’ll go and get it right now!”

“You’re bleeding so much; maybe you should go to the clinic?”

Jiang Rushi received a piece of tissue that was passed to by a student and wiped her hand before she quickly appeased the crowd. “I’m fine; all of you don’t need to panic. See, the blood’s stopped.”

Su Junxin went up to have a look as well.

‘Although her wound looks a little ghastly, the blood had actually stopped flowing out.’

“I’ll head off to the clinic to tend to my wounds first. Ask the school’s cleaner to come and clean this up later. None of you are to touch these fragments.”

After watching Jiang Rushi being assisted by a few students, Su Junxin lowered her eyes and went deep into thought.

She gently rubbed her fingers, and a hint of doubt flashed through her eyes.

‘Would a normal person’s wounds… Heal that fast?’