Xinluo didn't answer zhuoyrong the first time.

She reloaded the broken eavesdropper into transformers and then returned to zhuoyunfei, "Ann, you take Dudu and fly there to play."

Heart low points to the next room.

An'an is sensible, nodding, with zhuoyunfei and Dudu who are completely unclear about the situation.

Three children left, zhuoyrong no longer need to avoid, anxious to ask: "heart Luo, just what you put into flying toys?"

"Mom, it's a bugger." Xinluo went to zhuoyrong and sat down in a deep posture.

"Theft, eavesdropping device Why do you want to put the bugger in!? "

"It's not put in, it should be returned, exactly. Someone put the eavesdropper in zhuoyunfei's transformers and sent him to you. He has been following you all these days, including your conversations with your uncle, from which he has leaked out. "

They searched for nothing because nobody thought that the toy in zhuoyunfei's arms was a listening device.

"How can I Flying transformers... " Zhuoyrong's face was as white as ghost, she suddenly raised her eyes and her eyes were filled with amazement.

Shaking his lips, he asked, disbelief, "is zhuomingfu or tangmi No, the person who sent the flight is zhuomingfu. It must be him! How can he do such a thing! "

Zhuoyrong trembled and fell on the bed.

She clenched her fist and her hands shook violently.

She's stupid. She's stupid Stupid to save!

Betrayed and framed by her brother, Zhuoming Fu set up a bureau again and again. She even jumped into it with great pleasure.

Although the child is innocent, but when she takes zhuoyunfei home, why there is no guard.

At that time, zhuomingfu had been in trouble with them. She should at least check the objects of zhuoyunfei.

And heart rock

Thinking that every time Xinluo sees luqinghao, he is trying to find out the eavesdropper and make up for her mistakes and omissions, so zhuoyrong feels more helpless.

"Heart, I I am not worthy of being Yuchen's mother. I'm sorry for Yuchen and I'm sorry for you I don't know what happened to me at that time. Why I said those words, why I flew home easily and easily, and

She grabbed the hand of heart Luo and her eyes were dancing.

"And you You are such a good daughter-in-law You clean up the mess for me, remedy it for me, but I misunderstand you I, I...... "

Zhuoyrong can't say it.

She felt like a mean man, and Lu huanting and zhuomingfu were not different from them.

Otherwise, how could she be haunted to think about her heart with such a dirty mind.

Zhuoyrong repented, and he could not help but bump into the bed pillar, and he had to finish it.

"Mom, don't you These are small things, and it is inevitable that a family can get misunderstood together. Your starting point is also good, let alone no one can guess zhuomingfu actually can move his own son

Heart Luo was originally some of the misunderstanding of Zhuo Yalong, even some cold heart.

Can see zhuoyrong describes weakness, sad self resentment, and not bear the heart to blame.

Heart Luo is not difficult for zhuoyrong, but zhuoyrong can not pass his own pass.

Shen Zi said impatiently: "cry and cry, how long will you cry? What is the use of crying when you meet things? If everyone is like you, who will try to solve it? "

"Method..." Zhuoyrong was dazzled with eyes lifting, and his eyes were confused. "What else can I do They have recordings in their hands, and they don't know how much they've heard... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!