"Mr. President and President kneel down to propose marriage? Or on your knees? "

Miss reporter was frightened by Lu Yuchen's words.

Even if she was asked by her superiors, she would ask some sharp questions against Lu Ye.

But compared with the old news about Lord Lu's ex-wife, it is obvious that the gossip of the president is more attractive and can become a hot spot!

The female reporter was afraid that she would miss such a hot headline and immediately forgot what her superior said.

She excitedly held the microphone to interview, "speaker Lu, could you please tell us in detail about last night's situation? Is the president really on his knees and proposes to his fiancee? "

"Who is his fiancee? What's your identity? What's your appearance? Must also be a very noble lady? "

Miss reporter's eyes with excited light, did not find Lu Yuchen look at her eyes, with profound meaning.

"Well, I'd love to." The man said very gentlemanly.


A moment later.

"Romantic, too romantic! I can't see that our president is such a romantic man

The reporter's face was flushed and her eyes were full of yearning light.

Mr. Lu dug a hole in silence. "Yes, Mr. President is a man with responsibility and responsibility. Even if his fiancee's identity is subverted and there is no rich background, he is still inseparable. This is really a shame to others. "

"Yes, the president is perfect. Such a responsible and responsible man, and such a single-minded, is simply the perfect character in the novel. President Lu, that's all for today. Thank you for your interview. "

Miss reporter's attitude to Lu Yuchen was obviously much better.

After politely saying goodbye, he rushed to the presidential palace to interview Mr. President.

She really can't wait to see the president and his fiancee.

I don't know what kind of gentle and elegant Miss Gu looks like.

I don't know what kind of grand wedding you will give your fiancee.



at the same time, the presidential palace.

"Young master, it has been more than 12 hours. If Miss Gu's injury is not dealt with, I'm afraid it will lead to death."

The person who came to report to Huo Jingyan was not an official of the presidential palace, but his confidant in the Huo family.

After returning from the cold residence last night, Huo Jingyan threw Gu xuan'er to his confidant.

In addition, he put Gu Xuaner in the basement of the presidential palace and sent for four bodyguards, ordering them to play hard with Gu xuan'er.

Twelve hours have passed since last night.

Gu xuan'er is in it, and she doesn't know what she looks like when she is playing with them.

But Huo Jingyan knows at least a little.

If she does not deal with the broken nasal bone, I'm afraid it will not stop bleeding and die of excessive bleeding.

But he couldn't swallow it!

"Don't worry about that bitch, let them go on!"

“…… Yes My confidant hesitated a little, and no longer advised, retreated.

If it wasn't for her, Gu xuan'er, a bitch, would not have made such a fool of himself at the party.

President, kneeling on his knees. Fortunately, only a small number of upper class people know about it.

Even if those people would laugh at him behind his back, they would not lose their status and go outside to talk nonsense, which at least saved the face of his president.

Huo Jingyan is secretly hateful, outside the study sounded a knock on the door.

"Mr. President, Premier Lu and Mr. Lu have said that we need to see you again." The voice of the president's aide came from outside the door.

"No! Tell them I'm not free today! "

For the first time, Huo Jingyan refused Lu huanting's request for an interview.


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