People on the road broke their glasses one after another.

Which child does not recognize their own mother, but called bullying mother's little three "mother"!

Youyou seems to be aware of the surprise of others. He slowly raises his head and looks at the onlookers.

Finally, I fixed my eyes on the face of the first elder sister who stood up to "do justice.".

"You're all wrong. She's my mother..." He pointed to Xinluo.

"She's not." And pointed to Wan Weiwei.

Wan Weiwei, who is pointed at by Youyou, begins to struggle in pain. Her mouth cries "ah, ah, hmmm". But because Xinluo pinches her chin, she can't say anything.

You you calm back, cold vision fell on WAN Weiwei's face.

See that, and mother is extremely similar, but to make people sick to vomit face.

In youyou's dark and cool eyes, a touch of disgust flashed.

"Mom..." You you looked up at Xinluo, "Mom, let her go. I have something to say to her."

Heart Luo slightly a Zheng, but on the son's calm eyes, but did not ask anything to loosen Wan Weiwei chin.

As soon as she let go, Wan Weiwei immediately cried, "you you, you you Don't listen to her. I'm your mother! I'm Tang Xinluo, I'm your mother... "

"My mother has been pregnant for ten months. You are a piece of meat from my mother's body. How could my mother leave you alone! You you, you can't be brainwashed by this woman, and you don't recognize your mother. When she left you, she had a hard time... "

Because youyou didn't stop you or let anyone do it, Wan Weiwei cried out the lines she had recited many times without any hindrance.

As she cried, she told youyou and all the people present how forced she was to leave.

When people heard Wan Weiwei's words, they understood.

No wonder the little boy didn't recognize his mother. It turned out that his mother was not around since he was a child, so he was brainwashed by the third child.

"What a tragedy. The child lost his memory in the bombing when he was only half a year old So early forced to leave their own son, do not know how sad

"Yes. Her husband is really insidious. In order to kick his wife away and give up his seat to the junior, he turns a blind eye to his wife who disappeared in the explosion

"What is this. I tell you, what I saw on the Internet is that the explosion was planned by his husband himself. The purpose is not only to solve the original match, but also to blame the former president Shi Weizheng. As a result, the cause of death of the former president has not been investigated because of the explosion. "

People on the road share their gossip.

At the time of their heated discussion, the protagonist of the topic, Youyou, the real son in Tang Xinluo's mouth, said a cold look, which made everyone unexpected.

He said -

"pregnant for ten months? Well, you can talk. Don't you know that I was born seven months prematurely

Wan Weiwei's sad and sorrowful cry stops abruptly with youYou's words.

His problems, like a sudden cold wind, froze everything in place.


After a few seconds, Wei suddenly reacts.

She suddenly remembered what Gu Xuaner had said to herself. Lu Yuchen and Tang Xinluo's son were indeed born seven months prematurely.

Wan Weiwei immediately changed her words: "mom knows Of course mom knows. You you are a premature baby. You were born by accident for more than seven months. Your mother almost died when she gave birth to you A lot of blood has been shed... "

"Son, you were born in the first hospital of a city. Of course, my mother knows your situation. She just used the wrong word. Please don't blame your mother, will you

There are four more, crying I will continue to

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