"Give you five more minutes to familiarize yourself with the script, and then start audition in order."

This is the man with gold glasses.

Xinluo along the direction of the sound, slightly raised a glance.

I just saw the man with gold glasses standing in front of her right.

And in the gold wire glasses man behind a little position, put a few sofas.

From her point of view, you can't see the face.

But can see vaguely, man's leather shoes and trousers trouser leg.

1、 Two, three, four

She counted them to herself. There were four people sitting on the sofa, all male.

There must be jomohan in here.

Xinluo also wants to see more clearly secretly, a tall shadow suddenly blocks in front of himself.

"Pay attention to your script, don't look around for me!"

The voice of a menacing man with gold glasses comes in a low voice.

By his rough scolding, Xinluo slightly glanced at the eyebrows.

She didn't like his attitude.

But now, it's not the time to make trouble. She tries to suppress her unhappiness. She pretends to read the script like everyone else.

Five minutes passed quickly.

At this time, a slightly mature and steady voice suddenly sounded.

"It's almost time, Chen Shao. Look Shall we start now? "

Chen Shao!?

It's not supposed to be called Qiao Shaocai, right?

There was a palpitation.

Then, the man's cold and indifferent voice came from far away.

He only "um" one, the voice still sounds so familiar, but also with a strange chill.

In her dream, it seems that she is very distant.

Xinluo can't help it any longer, regardless of the golden glasses man's warning, she did not want to, raised her head.

The sudden impact made her breathe faster.

She didn't expect to see him again after four years of separation.

In such unexpected circumstances, at such a close distance!

It's so beautiful and amazing.

The pupil is very tight.

Without any psychological preparation, she never thought that she would meet Lu Yuchen in such a situation.

He was sitting alone in the middle of the couch.

A person is like an independent God's residence.

Long legs overlap, seemingly leisurely and lazy, but every cell in the whole body sends out cold alienation that repels people three feet away.

Black hair is not like in the past, all meticulously combed to the back, revealing the entire forehead.

He changed his hair, cut his black hair short and had more broken hair on his forehead.

This hairstyle makes him look younger and more casual than four years ago.

But that pair of cold eyes hidden behind the black hair, but let his whole person, inexplicably, added a trace of danger and coldness.

That face, still very beautiful.

The long and narrow Phoenix eyes are narrowing dangerously.

Obviously, when Xinluo looks up abruptly, he also notices her.

In the dark deep cold eyes, a trace of displeasure flashed.


Xinluo was dumb.

Receiving the twinkling of his eyes, the bitterness in her mouth gradually expanded.

At that moment just now, at the moment when she saw him, she almost couldn't help but call out his name directly.

However, the pair of dark, without a trace of feelings of cold Phoenix eyes, but reminded her.

Who is she now.

What did she do to him

From the moment he saw her, his long and narrow black eyes were filled with the coldness and indifference of strangers.

Then there was no indifference to strangers.

Xinluo eyes open to see, his eyes, there is no cover up displeasure.

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