Rachel's mouth is as big as a goose egg.

"Alice is a Chinese face, how could she..."

She's a doctor, and when she says this, she immediately responds, "is it recessive gene, intergenerational inheritance?"

The more silent she nodded.

"Oh, so it is No wonder it is

Indeed -

if Alice is the younger president's sister, of course, this may happen.

The president's wife is a Chinese with black hair and black eyes, and the president's husband is a European with brown hair and blue eyes.

Their children can be black hair and blue eyes like the young president or Alice.

Because it's the same genetic characteristics as blonde hair and single eyelid.

Blue eyes, a recessive gene, are easily masked by dominant genes.

But like all recessive genes.

When newborns have different genetic characteristics from their parents, most of them are due to the intergenerational response.

The recessive gene is inherited from the first generation.

In other words, although Alice looks like a typical oriental girl, because her body has a recessive gene with blue eye characteristics of her ancestors, the baby born may have blue eye genetic characteristics because of the intergenerational inheritance.

Rachel can't help clapping and the mousse opens.

However, she still asked, "young president, before this, what is the relationship between you and Alice? If you value her so much, it won't be like those bloody Korean dramas. What kind of indescribable feelings happened between brother and sister... "

Yueze draws on his forehead.

The doctor, who is a few years older than him, is really daunting.

He said in a deep voice, "you think too much. Before that, I thought she was my cousin

"Oh, no, how could that be possible!"

Rachel was more excited than she had just heard him.

"Your original relationship was actually a cousin Are you sure Alice's parents, their grandparents, don't have blue eye blood? "

This kind of thing can't be chaotic. Rachel thinks that she must ask for Tang Xinluo clearly.

More Ze frown, a little meditation.

"She is my aunt's daughter. That woman is my mother's sister. Both my aunt and uncle are Chinese. Looking back, I don't know if there is blue eye blood, but at least, within three generations, there is not. "

Rachel understood.

Inside, there must be a secret of a powerful family!

If Alice is really the daughter of the president's wife, but is carried away by the aunt of the young president

Rachel couldn't think of it any more. She immediately said to Yueze, "please wait a moment. I'm going to take samples for Alice and her two babies. You can rest assured that the DNA sequence of siblings and cousins is completely different. Our hospital is just equipped with the most advanced testing equipment in the world. It only takes five hours to ensure that the results can be obtained. "

Yueze nodded slightly.

Five hours later, when Lolo wakes up, you can see the results.


when Tang Xinluo gave birth to a child in China last time, Yueze was accompanied throughout the whole process.

Although later by Lu Yuchen rushed to the outside of the ward, but the pregnant woman after giving birth to a child after the state, still remember particularly clearly.

No blowing, no water, no going to the ground, a lot of them can't.

After he cooperated with Rachel to extract DNA samples, he went back to the ward, prepared to accompany Xinluo until the results came out, and then woke her up.

Who knows, heart Luo just slept for an hour, there is a nurse to ward, want to wake her up.

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