Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Five

"Brylee, were going to be late, get up baby." I was being shook and I groaned

"Go away" I mumbled and swatted the hand.

"Baby girl, you need to get up. We still need to shower and get into work."

I groaned and sat up to feel blanket. I looked around and remembered we fell asleep in here and smiled at the memory, last night was completely unexpected from him, but it was amazing and it's the best date I've ever had.

"Come on" he said and I crawled out

"I'll clean this up later" I yawned as we headed into the bathroom, we both moved quickly and when we were done Chase dressed and kissed me goodbye before heading in first to work. I took some time to dry my hair and put on some make up. I picked a nice outfit that I figured would drive Chase crazy and I too headed into work. I was a bit late by the time I got coffee and got in the office, but I wasn't worried about it really.

It was weird to me that just yesterday I was sneaking in and out of here to hide under his desk and tomorrow we were going to come clean about everything. I'm still nervous about that. We've been together for two weeks now, and we've been sleeping together a month. I feel so guilty about it, and I really tried to fight it, but when it comes down to it, it's my life and my decision, I just hope Riley can see that.

"Hey Bry." Riley called me in his office

"Yes little brother?"

"I need you to work with Joey to make sure the books are all set."


"Are you okay today?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I hear you have a hot date tonight" I winked

"Ah, so you and Chase are talking again!" he smiled and mine almost faltered, of course we were talking and it killed me that he didn't know that.

"Yeah, we are. What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked

"Nothing." He shrugged

"We should do a family dinner."

"Sure, are you cooking or is Monica?"

"It doesn't matter, just talk to her and let me know, you can ask Chase while I go work with Joey."

"Are you going to invite Rochelle?"

"Yeah, I'll call her later" wouldn't hurt to have someone else on my side when we tell them, and if the monsters around he can't flip and maybe Monica can calm him down when he does.

"Alright, I'll see you then, and while you're at it today, try to convince Chase that a date isn't a bad thing." He said and I took a deep breath to calm myself down, no way in hell was my man going on a date to please my brother.

"If he doesn't want to go it's his decision, Riley" I rolled my eyes and tried to play it off like I didn't care about this.

"Monica already told her he was coming, I just need him to go and be polite. He could hook up with her or never see her again; I just need him to go." I frowned at that, no way is he hooking up with this girl and I'm not okay with him going on the date and neither is he.

"That's your issue Riley; did you ask him about it before you made the date?"

"No, I didn't think it would matter, I've set him up before and he didn't mind going."

"Well, that's your problem with him; I'm not going to force him into something he doesn't want to do. I really should get to work though." I smiled and walked from the room, and longer on this topic and I would have spilled everything, and this isn't the time or place for that.

I walked over to Joey's area and sat down with him to go over the books, this was something I usually did, Joey was new at it, and we just wanted to make sure he was doing it all right.

"Hey Brylee." He smiled at me, Joey was a good guy, he's gone out with Rochelle and I a few times after work.

"Hey, so what do we need to go over and get all sorted?" I tried to get right to it so that I could also do my work that I missed yesterday and today.

We went through everything, some we flew over some we had to do step by step, but we had fun with it. He was such an easy going person and had me laughing the whole time.

"So Brylee, we all going to go out again sometime?" he asked

"Sure, I've just been busy lately."

"I get it" he put a hand on my leg "You're just too good for me now" he sighed dramatically and I pushed his shoulder

He stuck his tongue out at me

"Classy." I stated

"And manly, I know."

"Brylee." I was laughing at Joey when I turned and saw Chase.

"Hey Chase" I smiled at him, but it faded quickly when I saw how pissed off he looked right now.

"Can I see you in my office for a minute?" he asked with a forced smile. I nodded

"Are we done Joey, or do I need to come back after?"

"Nope, I got it, if I need anything I'll ask" I smiled and followed Chase into his office and he shut the door and turned on me so quick I stepped back. He was angry and I have no idea why.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked. my eyes widened and my mouth opened and closed in confusion.

"What?" I managed to ask

"I said what the hell are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are you doing with Joey, you two seemed pretty cozy"

"Going over the books?" I said slowly and still very confused.

"They why were you laughing and talking about going out and why the fuck was he touching you? Am I just not good enough, you need him too?" he took steps forward until I was pressed against the wall.

This was bullshit right now, he was backing me into a corner and being a jerk without simply just talking to me like an adult.

I stepped forward and used the backbone I actually had but didn't use with Chase

"What gives you the right to interrupt my work and pull me in here to accuse me and be a jerk? You could have talked to me like a normal person but instead you just go off."

"I have a right to be pissed off."

"No you don't. This is stupid and you obviously don't trust me." I said hurt that he would be like this.

"I do trust you."

"Then what is it you're trying to accuse me of?"

"Nothing." He mumbled

"Nothing?" I asked "This is stupid, and until you can talk to me like an adult and apologize, you don't need to talk to me." I turned and walked from his office. I had just made it inside mine when he caught up with me.

"What do you mean?" he asked

"I mean that you go back to your office, calm the fuck down, and then we can talk."


"These will be the last words I say to you until you do." I sat down and got to work. I was determined to just get it all done and get out of here when my phone rang when I was on my lunch.

"Hey Roro." I said and my heart twisted when I heard her crying. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked panicked. Is she hurt? Is she okay?

"Can you come over right now?" she asked and I was packing my bag.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes" I hung up and went to Riley's office.

"I'm out of here, I need to go."

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know but Rochelle called crying and I need to go over there."

"Sure, if you have time you can work on whatever at home."

"I'll see you later." And I was out the door, I was just glad I could do this sort of thing. I was at her house in thirteen minutes and knocking on the door.

Her eyes were bright red and her face was blotchy so I pulled her in for a hug instantly.

"What's wrong?" I asked as i moved us to the couch. She laid her head in my lap and hadn't said anything.

"I don't know what to do, should I leave him?"

"Leave who? What's going on?"

"Scott." She cried and i was pissed, I don't know what he did, but she was upset and I was ot happy about it.

"What's going on sweetheart?" I asked gently

"He's been working late more and more and every month there's more money than usual missing, we haven't slept together in a month and he's pulling away from me."

I remembered her telling me two weeks ago that she thought he was cheating on her, I was hoping she was just over reacting to everything, but I see how destroyed she looked right now. He was her first serious relationship, and I don't know what it will do to her if he's cheating.

"Have you talked to him?"

"He said he loves me and wouldn't cheat on me, but each time I ask he gets more distant."

"Do I need to kill him?" I asked her

"I love him" she whispered and it broke my heart to watch her like this. I felt even worse that I haven't spent any time with her and that it's just been Chase and I the past couple weeks, I was a shitty best friend.

"I know, what else is wrong?" she got up and went to her purse and handed me a box I looked at it confused and then my eyes shot to hers

"Have you taken it?"

"No." she whispered.

"Come on, I'm here for you no matter what." I told her and we went into the bathroom. She did her pee on a stick thing and we sat in there waiting. Neither of us said anything.

When the timer went off she picked up the stick with shaky hands and she couldn't bring herself to look at it so she handed it to me. I flipped it and I didn't know how to feel.

"What does it say?" she asked

"It's positive honey." And she sank to the floor. I knew we weren't kids anymore, but this was the worst time to find this out. She wasn't sure what was going on with her and Scott, she's convinced he's cheating and now she's pregnant.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her while she cried. I heard my phone ringing and I ignored it, nothing they needed was more important than Rochelle.

I moved her back to the couch andI played with her hair until her cries turned to hiccups and then she fell asleep. She was out a couple hours before Scott came home and if looks could kill, he would be dead right now.

"Hey Brylee, what are you doing here?" he asked

"About to kick your ass." I hissed out and his eyes widened and he looked down at Rochelle.

"Is she okay?"

"No, she's not." I whispered

"What's wrong with her, is she sick?"

"No, just hurt and devastated."

"Why?" he asked a bit panicked

"Because she think's her boyfriend, who she loves more than anything except me, is cheating on her and doesn't understand what she did wrong"

"What?" he asked

"You heard me."

"I'm not though." He said a bit too loud for my taste. I gently put her head on a pillow and walked over to him

"She said she asks you about it and you pull away from her more. What the hell are you doing to her?"

"Nothing, I don't know what's wrong with her."

"Nothing is wrong with her" I snapped and he backed away from me.

"I know, she's amazing, but I'm no cheating on her."

"Why are you spending so much time away from home, pulling away, spending extra money, and not sleeping together then?"

"Uh" he said and he sighed "Come here" he whispered and gestured to the bedroom; I looked at him skeptically but followed.

"Can you do me a favor?"


"Okay, can you do Rochelle a favor?"


"Calm her down and get her cleaned up and ready to go by four. I need her dressed nice. It's our anniversary and I was going to take her out for dinner."

"Not until you explain."

"I've really been working late. I would never hurt her. Please just do this and I promise it will make her feel better."

"That's not an explanation" I crossed my arms and he groaned. Whether he knew it or not, he's going to be a father and I would not let him mess with my niece or nephew and my best friend.

"Keep your mouth shut" he warned and I was about to go off when he held up his hand to stop me, I shut my mouth and just waited. He walked into the closet and did something and came back out with a box.

My heart started beating faster, oh my god this can't be what I think it is.

He handed it over and I opened it and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head. This was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen in my life.

"I've been working later to make more money to get her the ring she deserves, and there's been more withdraws in cash little by little so she wouldn't realize a big sum missing. I'm not cheating on her, I'm just seriously panicked that she's going to say no."

I looked into the living room and she was passed out still.

"Have you asked her dad?"

"Yes. He gave me his blessing. Do you think she's going to say yes?" he looked nervous and I connected that he was asking her tonight, their anniversary. All anger I held for him was gone and I smiled.

"I do, if you give her a speech I would say that you should tell her this is why you've been off though. This is going to be a night of surprises" I mumbled the last part.

"So could you get her all dressed up? Maybe get dressed up too and bring her to me?"

"Sure, I would clear out soon though, grab what you need and I'll get her there."

"Thank you." he smiled "Bring her to the gardens, the ones I took her too for out first date."

"By three, I have two hours so move it out of here so I can get her up!"

He did just that and as soon as he was out the door I shook he awake. This was going to turn from one of the worst to best days of her life and I was having a hard time containing my excitement.

She was going to be a bridezilla. Lord help me.

"Get up!" I yelled and she glared

"Let me be miserable"

"Nope, you're getting your ass up and in the shower right now and we are going out. Move it I'm not taking no for an answer."

"No." she shrugged

"Oh girl, if you weren't pregnant I would drag your ass. Don't make me call my brother, he will come and carry your ass fully clothed into freezing water." She glared at me, but I could take a few hours of that because I knew what was coming next.

"I hate you" she said as she moved to her room I smacked her ass in encouragement and laughed when she tried not to smile.

She showered and I went through her clothes. I was going to change too so that she would be more relaxed

"Girls day?" she asked and I nodded. Damn I'm tired of lying to people, but this time it was for a good cause and I felt basically no guilt. I wanted it to go just how Scott wanted it to go, and I was determined to put her in a better mood.

"Chase and I are telling riley tomorrow."

"And I thought I had problems" she mumbled and I laughed

"I'm doing it with Monica and the monsters around, and you and Scott will be there too for a family dinner." She nodded sadly and I tossed some clothes at her. she got dressed and I stripped to do the same.

We were both wearing sun dresses, mine was white with a light purple lace overlay and he's was just white lace. I wanted it to be symbolic. I grabbed some cute and sparkly sandals and dried her hair and curled it and pinned it up. She straightened mine, which probably took longer than curling hers.

My hair was so think and too curly most days.

I did her make up light but pretty and she did the same for me. it was two now so we left and went to go get ice cream near the gardens. And we walked around. I saw Scott a bit later and he ducked away. She wasn't really paying attention so I brought her into the gazebo as she finished her ice cream and I backed away and booked it around the side.

She kept talking and I watched her from afar.

"Brylee?" she asked and finally looked up and around in confusion. Her face fell and I was wondering where the fuck Scott was! she looked around sadly at the gardens and then Scott finally walked up behind her, and I had pretty much a front row seat to this.

"Happy anniversary baby" he said and she turned suddenly with wide eyes. he handed her a single red rose and smiled at her. she looked shocked at him and looked around for me.

"Hey" she finally said

"I love you Rochelle" he brushed her hair back and she leaned into his touch, they were so perfect together and I feel bad doubting him, the way he looked at her, he could never look at another girl that way.

"I love you too" I could barely make out her whisper.

"I'm so sorry for being weird lately. I would never hurt you, I know you think that I'm cheating on you and I swear to you I'm not. I love you so much and I could never do that to you." he said and she looked away.

"I don't know what to believe" she mumbled

"Believe me. Trust in me." he grabbed her hands

I pulled my phone out to record this so she could see it later. She wasn't looking for me anymore, she was focused on him.

She looked up at him and nodded. He pulled her into a hug and when he pulled back he took a breath and dropped down to one knee.

This is a memory I will never be able to forget. I

"Rochelle, three years ago I took you here for our first date, and this is where I asked you to be my girlfriend. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you now, and so this is where I sit here and am asking you to be my wife. I've been working so hard because I knew that you deserved the perfect ring." He pulled the box out and I could see the tears rolling down her face as he opened it "Rochelle Stevens, will you marry me?" he asked her

I was crying too, this was my best friend and she deserved nothing but happiness

She was crying and she nodded her head and barley got out "Yes" he slid the ring on her finger and put a hand on either side of her face before he kissed her. it was such a beautiful moment.

I put my phone away and she turned to see me

"You set me up!" she said

"You bet your ass I did. I demanded he tell me what the hell was going on when he came home as you slept. Of course I would set you up then" I came around and hugged her.

"Congratulations times two" I whispered and she cried but this time she was happy.

"Thank you" she whispered back

"Time for your surprise" I told her and she nodded

"I have something to tell you" she looked at Scott

"Now?" I asked and she nodded with a smile

I pulled my phone back out and was hoping he didn't pass out when she told him

"Yes baby?" he pulled her towards him

"I don't know if that's the best nickname" she said

"Why not?" he looked confused

"Because I'm not a baby."

"I know, but your my baby,"

"No I'm not" she pulled back and he looked a bit freaked out and I tried not to laugh. She grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach "This is your baby" she said shyly

He froze and looked at her shocked and down at her stomach, to her, to me, and then back to her.

"Were having a baby?" he asked and she nodded

Slowly a smile came on his face and he looked down at her and in total cliché picked her up and spun her around

"I'm going to be a daddy?" he looked to me for confirmation and I bit my lip to hold in a laugh and nodded. "This s officially the best day ever" he kissed her again and then kissed her stomach. She was giggling now and it was a welcomed change from a few hours ago.

"I'm going to leave you two alone and spread the joy elsewhere" I told them and hugged them both before I left and went to Chase's house.

I knew he was going to be pissed, but I was just too happy to care.

I drove up and practically skipped up to his door I opened it and walked in to see him sitting on the couch drinking a beer with a frown. When I busted in he turned startled and then his frown deepened.

Nothing was going to bring me down right now. My best friend was getting married and going to be a mother.

"Why the hell did you just leave? You didn't answer any of my calls" he yelled and I calmed down to look at him.

"Rochelle called crying and I went running, she was freaking out."

"About what?" he asked and his mood softened

"She was convinced Scott was cheating. Working late, money missing, no sex, emotionally distant."

"Son of a bitch better not be" he said, Rochelle was like a sister to him and no one would mess with her if Chase could help it.

"And she had a certain little box with a certain little test in it." I said and his eyes widened

"It was negative, right?" he asked and I shook my head with a smile

"No fucking way." He said shocked and I nodded

"That's not all" I sang and pulled out my phone; I opened the first video and handed him the phone. He watched and a smile broke out on his face.

When he was down I pressed send and sent it to Riley.

"Well that was a turn of events" he said and I nodded happily.

He hugged me and all bad mood he had was forgotten.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I was being stupid. I trust you and I love you" he mumbled against my skin

"Thank you, and I love you too, but I want out of this damn dress" I put my arms off and he pulled it over my head. I walked over and grabbed his work shirt and buttoned it up.

"Well now that everyone is in a good mood, how about you make dinner"

"Is it because I'm a girl?" I asked

"And I would prefer to keep my kitchen well, not burned down." He said and I smirked.

"What about dinner with Riley?"

"I was adamant on that not happening and he finally dropped it and said he would call Monica to cancel"

"Good" I skipped to the kitchen to pull out the food.

"How does steak sound?"

"Amazing" he piped in and so I pulled out what I needed for it until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I laughed as he spun me around.

I was very giggly right now.

He put my up on the island and peppered kisses all over my face which only made me giggle more. When he kissed me it was light and happy but the passion was there too. I moaned as he caressed my skin and I pulled his shirt over his head.

He moved his mouth down my neck and I tilted my head to the side so he could get better access. I had a smile on my face as a moan escaped.

It was the best day until I opened my eyes to see the worst possible person standing there. I froze as I saw my twin looking directly into my eyes and my heart broke at the look of hurt that was shining through.

My head was going to explode with everything that's happened today.