The lively environment, on the contrary, can set off Zhao Yang's loneliness and depression.

Chen Xin and Luo Xinlei sat together, two people do not know what to say, their faces are hanging extremely bright smile.

"Is that it?"

After getting out of the car, Luo Xinlei was the first to run to the restaurant. Looking at this small private restaurant, which is not big but has a very unique shape, she could not help sighing.

The overall style of the restaurant is mainly green, surrounded by green plastic vines. From a distance, it's like being entangled by vines.

Inside the seats are all framed in a similar tree trunk under the cane swing, with the body shaking slightly around.

The floor is a kind of grey floor without any decoration. If you look carefully, you can even feel a thin layer of sand on it.

Occasionally, cicadas and frogs are heard from all parts of the restaurant, and those are recorded by the boss by the trees beside the pond and played in the store.

"It's like being in nature!"

Luo Xinlei stood next to Chen Xin and looked around with her head raised. She had a look of surprise, her cheeks bulging, and a little scarlet color. She looked very lovely.

"Well, that's why this restaurant is famous."

The waiter led the group to the private room, introducing the special food of the restaurant.

The expression on his face is slightly proud. After all, if he works in a famous place, his employees will feel proud.

Almost all the people stopped at the door of the private room, waiting for Jos to go in and choose his seat.

This made Jos feel a little embarrassed. Although he was really a little higher in his position, in private, everyone was very close friends. There was no need to make these false polite things.

In spite of this thought, she was the first to go in, found a seat close to the inside and sat down. Then she asked Zhao Yang to sit on her left.

And Luo Xinlei is very impolite sitting on the right side of joss, next to her is Chen Xin, the others in turn.

The waiter put the menu on the table, and everyone looked at it, and soon ordered the main food and dishes.

Just as the waiter was about to leave, Zhao Yang, who had been sitting next to Jos, suddenly said, "ten more beers!"

As soon as he spoke, almost everyone looked at Zhao Yang.

It seems that Zhao Yang seldom drinks wine when he has been together for such a long time, and he has never called wine like this on the wine table.

Jos looked at her sullen face, frowning, wondering whether it was better to comfort her or whether it was time to stop her from giving up.

Hesitating, after all, joss didn't say anything, just motioned to the waiter to add a bottle of wine as Zhao Yang said.

"Zhao Yang, you are hiding it! How can you drink so much

A girl with glasses, pushing her own black frame, looking at Zhao Yang, I don't know whether it is intentional or why, suddenly said.

But there was a hint of jealousy in the tone.

"Why, do you care about drinking?"

On weekdays, Zhao Yang doesn't like to quarrel with others, but who makes her feel bad today? If you have to provoke her today, don't blame her for being impolite.

"I care? How can I manage it? You are the red man in front of the minister, and you have a good relationship with the president. It's too late for us to please you! "

This sarcastic tone made Zhao Yang frown, and his face became gloomy gradually.

I just wanted to fight back, but I didn't expect Luo Xinlei on the other side suddenly interrupted and said, "I just heard the waiter say that the specialty of this restaurant is called... Natural face... I don't know if you've been here before?"

Joss sat aside, rubbed his eyebrows, and looked gratefully at Luo Xinlei.

She knows the person who just picked up the issue. She is also a well-known cannonball in the group. No matter who it is, she has been shot. She has a hot temper and is very sensitive.

In the group, she called her nickname in private, Shen Xiajing, the homonym of psychosis.

However, as a team leader, this time is not suitable for her to come out of the siege. No matter who she is facing, things will develop towards unimaginable situations.

Once gossip gets up, it's hard to suppress it.

Two waiters came in from the outside with plates. The huge plates were on their shoulders, but they still felt a slight tremor, as if they would fall down at any time.

A unique blue and white porcelain plate on the table, different colors, aroma, let a person instant appetite doubled.

"This is our signature dish, the face of nature. You can see that this dish contains almost all the colors of nature. White, blue, red, green, brown and yellow are taken from the best part of different seasonal vegetables and sealed in cans for three hours before opening. It's fried by the most famous chef in our restaurant. It's delicious and colorful. It melts in the mouth, and the fragrance stays in the mouth for a long time

The waiter pointed to the most central round plate on the table and explained it in detail.

Joyce was staring at the dish. Was the waiter exaggerating?

So it sounds like a bit of court food. She picked up the chopsticks on the table, put them on the plate and took a small bite.

The green vegetable leaves are full of sauce, and the taste is full of aroma, but it is very strong to chew.

"Yes, it's delicious!"

"Really, it's delicious!"

The voice of praise came around, and the waiter was smiling politely. It was obvious that she could hear this comment every day, and there was nothing new.

After a polite half bow, the two waiters withdrew from the private room.

Without chopsticks, Zhao Yang stares at the beer bottles on the table. Suddenly, she takes one of the bottles to her face and finds the bottle opener from the table.

With a click, the cap comes off, bubbles rise from the bottle and almost spill out.

She raised the bottle directly and made a few Gudong noises. After half a bottle of wine, her stomach was slightly bloated, and she didn't eat any staple food. In an instant, Zhao Yang felt that his stomach was like a river and a sea, which was very uncomfortable.

"Come on, order."

Joss put some chopsticks and vegetables on Zhao Yang's plate, and comforted him.

"If you were my friend, leave me alone today!"

It's rare for a person to be willful once in her life. Today, she just wants to be completely willful once.

Not for anyone, just for their own timidity and cowardice.

Some things, some people, once missed, it is a lifetime of missed, there is no turning opportunity.