They went into the supermarket and bought two bottles of water. The cashier was an aunt in her 40s and 50s. When she saw them, she was stunned. Then she stared at joss and asked, "are you Xiaosi?"

Looking at the aunt, joss recognized her for a long time before he recognized her: "ah, you are Aunt Wang."

Aunt Wang was surprised to see her: "how did you come back? Haven't you moved away? "

Joss said with a smile that he just came back to have a look. He hasn't been back for a long time.

Aunt Wang nodded, scanned her drink, looked at Jing chihan, and winked at joss with a smile.

Joss took the man's arm and laughed sweetly.

Aunt Wang understood that she had brought her boyfriend back to visit her hometown, and she also opened her voice: "your grandfather's house is still the same as before. When it was just sold a few years ago, someone came to live for two years. But not long after, it was said that the traffic was inconvenient, so she changed her hand again. It's not who the new owner is. She saw someone come to clean up things several times, But the house has never been occupied. Up to now, it has always been empty. The children nearby will occasionally run to play. However, if they can't get into the house, they will play in the yard. It's a mess there. They haven't seen the owner, and they don't know what's going on. "

With a new owner and no one to live in?

This was quite unexpected. She asked quickly, "what about the trees in the yard? Was it cut off? And the garden my grandfather used to grow. Are you still there? "

"Yes, yes, I've been ruined by so many children."

Aunt Wang's son is the same year as Jos, and she studied in other places in high school. Therefore, Aunt Wang really can't stand these children. She thinks that her son's children, including Jos, are very sensible. Even if there are some children's tempers occasionally, they are very polite when they come to other people's homes. They are not like today's children. They are pampered at home and tease cats and dogs all the time, At first glance, parents can't educate.

Aunt Wang talked more and more. Jos listened quietly for a while and talked about the past for a while before leaving.

After going out, joss still had a smile on his face: "I didn't expect to meet my old neighbor again. I didn't think I'd see any acquaintances here." After all, it's been so many years.

Jing chihan hugs her shoulder and protects her little body. The road here is very narrow, and cars come and go. If you don't pay attention, you will rub it.

Joss nest in his arms, looking up at him: "Aunt Wang said my grandfather's tree is still there, there are flower beds, but this house is so good, why no one live in it?"

The man is silent for a while, hang head to say: "since nobody lives, buy back."

Jos was stunned and looked at him: "buy it back?"

"You're my grandfather's house. It's not bad to buy it back." A house, especially a bad location, is nothing.

But Jos shook his head: "we'd better leave. We don't live here when we buy it. It's also vacant. Besides, there are too many memories of my grandfather. I'm sure I'll be very sad to stay in it. Just come and have a look once in a while."

She was very close to her grandfather. Her grandfather's death was so abrupt that she didn't even see the old man for the last time. She was not sure whether she would be able to sleep in such a house again.

Maybe, I'll cry for a few days.

Seeing her insistence, Jing chihan didn't say anything. He just planned to deal with it after going back.

Go on, on the road inevitably met some familiar faces.

But time is too long, and not every neighbor can recognize it at a glance, or even name it, so most of them just smile at each other, and then go wrong.

The more you walk inside, the sooner you can see the house before your grandfather.

Every winter and summer vacation, her parents send her to her grandfather. The bus goes out to the street, which is the terminus. Every time they walk in slowly, they can see the old Beige house from a distance.

The house was originally white. My grandfather likes clean and likes white very much.

But after a long time, wind and rain, the house became old, and gradually looked like beige.

The shape of the house is the same as that of other houses nearby, but the big tree in the yard is so high that it can cover part of the roof of the house, which is different from other houses nearby.

She can always see there at a glance, familiar with the shape, familiar with the color, and the old man who always plays Tai Chi under the tree.

The closer he got, the more timid he was. Joss felt that his nose was sour. Too many childhood things were shaking in front of him. Pictures of the old man's face were full of wrinkles and vicissitudes.

His shoulder was clenched, joss looked up at the man's deep and quiet black eyes, too close to the memory of the most beautiful part, people's emotions will be driven, and Jing chihan's appearance, but let her suddenly wake up.

Yes, she has a companion beside her. She is not that young child who can only enjoy a little bit of freedom in her grandfather's figure. She is already an adult. She is married, has a husband, has people to rely on, and has a harbor for her soul to rest.

In her heart, Jing chihan has an extraordinary position, because their relationship is one more layer than that of family. It's called love, which is the most important rope to keep two people together.

But now, he accompanied her to the past, this kind of feeling, as if a kind of alternation, a kind of entrustment.

Her past is here, her future is beside him.

Sour red nose, slowly restore color, she reached out to embrace his waist, face buried in his arms, breathing his familiar breath, heart, peace.

He quietly waiting for her, her mood, he understood, and he would not say anything, he just took her hand, it was enough.

"Ah, are you joss?" At this moment, someone called her.

As soon as joss stepped out of jingzhehan's arms, he saw a man riding a bicycle and wearing fashionable long sleeve clothes. He seemed to be going somewhere.

When joss saw the man, he recognized him immediately, but he couldn't say his name.

The other side saw her embarrassment, and then looked at the man beside her with extraordinary bearing, and told himself: "I, Chen Yang."

"Yes, Chen Yang." Chen Yang is one year older than Jos. Now he is a mature man. His hairstyle is very simple, and there is no unnecessary shape. His face looks very white and his figure is good. At this time, he looks like a child riding a bicycle.

Chen Yang laughed: "how did you come back? Didn't you sell all your grandfather's houses? I thought I would never see you in my life. "

"I'll come back and see." Said joss, smiling.

Chen Yang looked at Jing chihan again and waved his hand to her: "my father is not well during this period of time. My company asked for leave and came back to take care of him for a few days. I'll go to buy milk first. How long do you want to stay, or I'll sleep here tonight. My family still has a room. I haven't seen my little friend for many years. I always want to talk about the past. My parents must miss you too."