"Are you in the hotel?"

"The airport."

Fang Zhengqiu steps: "fear of crime to abscond?"

"Don't be so ugly." Meng Chen's tone winding, listening to the ancient strange: "just found something interesting, do you know Kyoto Gaojia?"

Gao family in Kyoto, Fang Zhengqiu thought about it and had a little impression.

Like the Jings in the south, the GAOs in Kyoto are the business overlord in the north. Gao Xiangyu, who is now in charge of the business, has pushed his father's business Dynasty to an unprecedented height. Unfortunately, Gao Xiangyu has no son, and the whole GAOs will fall to Gao Zixuan, Gao Xiangyu's only daughter in the future. Therefore, everyone in the North knows that marrying Gao Zixuan is equivalent to getting the whole GAOs, Even if it's a burden, it's definitely not a loss.

It's just that I heard in my early years that when there was a son-in-law candidate in Gao's family, it was just a matter of getting married. It didn't spread much. Gao Zixuan was still studying abroad. Even if she wanted to get married, she would have to wait for a while.

"Why?" He asked, not sure what Meng Chen meant.

Meng Chen gently a smile, laughter, some treacherous: "my Meng family now strong outside, to bankruptcy, always look for some foreign aid."

Fang Zhengqiu's eyes narrowed: "do you want to marry Gao Zixuan?"

"Maybe." He laughed, did not say much, left a registration, then hung up.

Fang Zhengqiu was standing outside his home when the elevator came up. He didn't go in. He breathed, turned around and went back to his room.

Gao Jia? Why mention Gao family suddenly? What's the relationship between his life and Gao family in the north?

Meng Chen's behavior is changeable and cunning. Fang Zhengqiu enters his study, turns on his computer, sends an email to Shangfa, and transmits the incident.

As a state official, he can't cover up criminals, but it's none of his business to do anything about it.

If Meng Chen is wise, don't make trouble and stay well in Muhai City, he can cover up, but he still dares to commit a homicide case. If he doesn't report it, it's impossible.

He can't do the thing of suicide.

After the email confirmation was sent, he went to bed, but couldn't sleep.


Three days later, Yin Lin retreated to protect Jing chihan and his wife.

It was officially announced that the case had been closed. The suspect's car was found. The three suspects were involved in a car accident. They were severely burned and could not be identified, but their DNA could still be extracted. Therefore, their identities were confirmed. They all had a lot of lives on their hands. In the police file, there were photos of them. Fu Chen had seen them and confirmed that they were one of the people who followed joss that day, This matter was handed over to the headquarters in Kyoto, and soon feedback was received. These three people are gang members and first-class dangerous people, and it is very likely that they were responsible for the murder in Muhai city.

On the other side of the hospital, Yang Ling woke up two days later, and his confession also confirmed that the murderer was two of the three. That day, with the cooperation of the police, he took their original wedding photos from Xiao Yun's lodging, but behind the wedding photos, there were two messages, which said dad.

That's when he gets home and is ready to make a phone call, don't attack.

The men broke into the house, armed with murder weapons, but the dog yelled, so the men attacked his head a few times and left.

According to Yang Ling's description, the police did not find the photo or the phone number at his home.

But because Yang Ling confirmed that the suspects were indeed the three people who died in the car accident, the case was completely ended.

Meanwhile, the flight from Los Angeles to Beijing, China, and then to mohai, China, also landed.

Jing chihan hung up the phone of his subordinates, and the expression on his face was bright and dark.

Stopped less than two months, there, finally came.

Looking out of the window has been faint sky, he pursed lips, eyes, coagulation that piece of light, eyes color complex, I do not know what to think.

Just then, behind him, a soft body leaned up.

A pair of white wrists, encircling his heart, stretched out to the front.

He narrowed his eyes, dropped his eyes, held the two little hands in the palm of his hand, and asked: "don't sleep?"

"Well, wake up." I went to bed early last night and joss woke up early today.

She leaned her face against the man's back and put her little body around him from behind. She took a deep breath and smelled the familiar breath on him.

He turned and hugged her: "lie down with me for a while."

Then he picked her up and wrapped her in the quilt with the woman's exclamation.

Joss was pressed down by her on the soft bed, smiling at his eyebrows and eyes, fingertips sticking out and pointing at his nose.

He opened his mouth, took her finger and rubbed it gently.

Joss giggled at him, buried his face in his neck and muttered, "it's itchy."

The voice is light and shallow, with a little coquetry, his heart a heat, find her lips, kiss down.

Joss took advantage of the situation to encircle his neck and welcome himself up. The smile on his face never faded.

This morning, with the sun rising, with lingering heating, will cover the world.

The fire in the room went on and on.

And outside the room, on the first floor, there was a lonely man, sitting on the sofa, holding the dog and looking dejected.

"Little Kim, how about we rush in?"

The sound insulation facilities in the apartment are very good. Although he doesn't know what the two people are doing inside, he can see that it's almost ten o'clock, and before he comes out, he knows what is not suitable for children.

He seldom got up early today. He was so hungry that his chest was close to his back, but the two of them were still at ease. They were insane.

Touching the big dog's hairy head and looking at his innocent big eyes, Fu Chen seriously thought: "otherwise, I'll have a dog, Xiao Jin. I'll have a little silver. I'll be your wife later."

Xiao Jin didn't know if he understood. He raised his head, grinned and let out steam.

"Do you agree?" Touching its big head, Fu Chen said with a smile, "is the name Xiaoyin a bit casual? It's better to call it love. It's an English name. Listen to the higher grade."

"Wang." Xiao Jin gave a cry.

"You think it's OK, so it's settled. If you go back to the pet market, it's better to look at it now." He took out the computer from his room, logged on to the official website of the pet, and began to search.

After a while, he pointed to a half golden feather.

"How about this one?"


"And this one?"


"And this one?"


"Dream about it. You want three wives. I don't have them. You still want them."


It's a lot of fun to play with one person and one dog.