If her opponent had been easy, she would have gained information right away after subduing him. However, her intuition told her the man’s skills weren’t normal.

Even though he stood carelessly, she couldn’t seem to find an opening. Besides that, she couldn’t believe that she couldn’t discern his presence behind her.

‘He’s probably at master-level or higher,’ she thought at the back of her mind.

By far, Baron was the only person she found difficult to read when she first met him. If this mysterious man was that capable, then she needed to be careful.

Seira climbed into the bed and sharpened her senses.


She had no choice but to lie down with the man’s persistent gaze, and he strode toward her.

‘What is he going to do now?’

All the worst things flashed inside her head.

“Wait, we can talk this out, okay?” Seira yelled urgently as she saw him reach for her feet, “I don’t know what you want…”

Her sentence wasn’t even finished and her words faded. The man suddenly took off her shoes and put them neatly on the floor. After that, Seira raised her body as he pulled out the blanket beneath her.

‘Why does he want to take that?’

Her body tensed up as his cold fingertips touched her forehead. He pushed Seira to lay on the bed.

Then, the man covered her with the blanket he took earlier. He tucked her in neatly without any folds, and sat beside her. What he did next caught her completely off guard.

“Sleep, sleep.”

‘He can talk?’

He could hear and talk normally, but he kept his mouth shut up until now.

‘This is crazy. If he wants me to sleep, then he should’ve just used sleeping pills instead!’

Even his hand gestures like patting her on the blanket and his words spoken in a harsh voice were very clumsy. Besides, what was with his expressionless face that totally contradicted his behavior?

“No, hey…”

Seira tried several times to talk to him, but he shook his head firmly and continued his attempt to put her to sleep.

‘This is confusing me, really,’ she thought.

“Hush, hush, my baby, sleep,” the man said.

It wasn’t the worst thing she could think of, but her situation just blew Seira’s mind.

‘Who is the baby? Me?’

Anyway, before she could even fall asleep, Seira decided to pretend for now since he seemed like he wouldn’t quit. She closed her eyes, slowed down her breathing, and relaxed her entire body’s muscles.

She wondered if it even lasted for five minutes.


As if he knew, the man didn’t stop trying to put her to sleep. It was proof that his senses were superior to hers.

‘I’m sure he’ll eventually fall for it…’ she hoped.

Seira shook her head as she barely calmed down her rising irritation.

‘Let’s stay calm. There’s no need to rush.’

It was fine if someone was trying to sabotage her from attending the conference as Louis feared. She didn’t know if a day had passed by now, but there were still at least less than four days left until the conference.

There were plenty of opportunities. For now, what she needed was to rest and regain her power. Even if the man’s skills overwhelmed her, Seira was confident she could escape. As always, any crisis would just pass if one kept calm and cleverly looked for a way out.

This time around, Seira slept for real.

From signing the contract with Louis to meeting Baron, to pretending to be lovers. So much had happened within a day, and her mental fatigue seemed to have accumulated. Contrary to what she expected, her eyelids sank heavily and she fell fast asleep.

‘My men… what if they couldn’t even eat meat because I went missing?’

Amid her fading consciousness, the man’s voice clumsily lulling her to sleep faded away.

* * *

Early in the morning, Baron parked his carriage by Askan’s mansion walls and waited. Alec dissuaded him thinking it wasn’t right, but it wasn’t enough to stop him. He was anxious to meet Seira as soon as possible.

‘That fox revived Dews…’

He couldn’t guess what trick Louis used. Baron had tried to find a way as well. The revival of Askan estate was the key to Seira’s heart.

If some miracle happened where even the best wizards shook their heads, there was only one possibility.

‘It means the answer lies with his power.’

The moment he reached such a conclusion, Baron felt helpless. His power only specialized in breaking and destroying crimes.

‘What a useless bloodline.’

He didn’t like his unnecessarily large size and fierce appearance, but even his own power didn’t help. At the very least, it was fortunate that he had the ability to heal as the direct descendant of Viseltium.

‘I have no choice but to use it to be appealing,’ he thought at the back of his mind.