Chapter 2829

Name:Divine Perception Author:bu zui
"The magic arm, the envoy also knows the magic arm?"

Ye Han looked at the handsome and extraordinary prophet in gold armor with a stunned face. Logically, the envoy should not know the magic arm, because the magic arm is the first magic fist under the emperor created by Zhenwu Tiandi. Living in the city of destiny, the prophet under the seat of the God of destiny. How does the strong man who has lived for many years know the magic arm?

"This is one of the doubts in your heart. As I know, there is a reason. Ten thousand years ago, the city of destiny opened, and a person like you came here. Now do you know who that person is?" the prophet smiled on his handsome face and looked at Ye Han.

"Zhenwu emperor!"

Ye Han took a deep breath and slowly said the name he guessed. Zhenwu Tiandi created the magic arm ten thousand years ago, and someone came here like him ten thousand years ago, so there is only one possibility. Zhenwu Tiandi once came.

"This man has great righteousness and is willing to sacrifice his life for adulthood. If in ancient times, his achievements must also be among the envoys of God. Of course, the person who arranges all this is not me, but the true God!" the prophet has a look of remembrance in his eyes. The true God in his mouth is naturally the God of fate.

Hearing the speech, ye Han said with shock in his heart; "Did the God of destiny predict all this in ancient times, so he left arrangements in the city of destiny? The fate of Zhenwu Tiandi is also predicted by the God of destiny?"

"Hehe, even the other four gods admire the ability of the true God. Since you can predict it, how can you not predict the variables in the middle? Everything in the world, except the fate of this heaven and earth and other gods, may be unpredictable. There are unpredictable things and unpredictable people." there is a touch of respect in the eyes of the prophet, It is a kind of worship of faith. As the only messenger under the seat of the God of destiny, the God that the prophet believes in all his life is the God of destiny.

Ye Han continued; "So the God of fate has already predicted all the causes and consequences of future generations, and has already made arrangements in the city of destiny?"

"You can say that, but it's not all right," said the prophet; "You may guess the origin of the city of destiny?"

Wen Yan, ye Han thought solemnly and said; "Is it because of the God of fate?"

"The city of destiny, hehe, since it has something to do with fate, of course it is the masterpiece of the God of destiny. The city of destiny will come every thousand years to give future generations the chance to enter it and obtain opportunities. However, there are too many opportunities in the city of destiny. If you wait for someone to obtain these opportunities, you don't know how many years it will take, but you can't afford the disaster of heaven and earth However, with the joint efforts of the gods in the last disaster, you and others have been safe for 30000 years, but the disaster that has not ended will naturally come. Therefore, there will be the emergence of God and devil arms. "

"Of course, such treasures as the magic arm will naturally fall into the hands of a person who can shoulder the heavy responsibility of the disaster of heaven and earth, and you are the only candidate. If you get the magic arm, you can open the ancient inheritance, let these opportunities reappear in the world as soon as possible, benefit future generations, and prepare for the disaster of heaven and earth."

"The God of fate is so mysterious that he can guess everything in future generations in ancient times?" Ye Han's heart shook repeatedly. Is the ability of true God so unfathomable?

"True God's power, if one day you reach that step, you can spy on one or two," said the prophet; "Each of the five true gods in ancient times has its own unique ability, and the ability of the God of destiny is the most unfathomable. However, after the original disaster subsided, the true God took the God seal as the price and calculated the 30000 years of ancient and modern times with the wheel of destiny, predicted everything, and finally incarnated the destiny, separated from the throne, and became the city of destiny today. In this world The God of fate no longer exists! "

Hearing this, ye Han was shocked. Is the city of destiny transformed by the God of destiny?

"Lord Zhenshen incarnated his destiny and buried all kinds of opportunities in order to enable future generations to resist the great disaster of heaven and earth. The great disaster that cannot be solved by predecessors can only be done by future generations, because you have arrived in future generations, and only you can solve the great disaster of heaven and earth!" the prophet looked at Ye Han and continued; "The magic arm is the key left to you by the God of fate. With this key, you can get more inheritance from ancient times. As a person who should be robbed, this is also the inside story of your resistance to the disaster of heaven and earth. Of course, the existence of the magic arm is also a treasure against foreign races. You will find this in the future. Lord Zhenshen has paved the way for you before leaving the throne, However, it is difficult for God to guess your fate. As a person who should be robbed, your existence has long been above the gods. "

The shock in Ye Han's heart still can't be calmed down. Does the ancient true God and the God of destiny really have such great power? It is predicted that in the past and present 30000 years, if so, how rebellious the true God is!

Said the prophet; "As a person who should be robbed, the future world still needs you to support. The God of destiny breaks away from the God's throne and incarnates destiny, but the other four true gods' ideas last forever. Therefore, the temple of destiny is the place you must go. When you get there, what choices the sleeping gods will make depends on your chance."

"The other four true gods are still sleeping!" Ye Han shocked and said.

The prophet said slowly; "Hehe, the secret of heaven cannot be revealed. Even the God of destiny dare not reveal too many secrets. I can only tell you that the place where the gods sleep is a blessing and the beginning of destruction."

Ye Han doesn't understand why the sleeping place of the gods is a blessing and the beginning of destruction?

However, even if ye Han knew the doubts in his heart, the prophet did not choose to say more, he continued; "This statue was built by me at the beginning. I waited for 300 centuries and came only for you. Now when I wait for you, I should follow the true God!"

The prophet looked relaxed and could not see any nostalgia and fear on his face.

Hearing the speech, ye Han's heart has no origin. He is sad and waits for 300 centuries. How lonely and painful this process is, but the prophet is willing without any complaints.

"However, as a gift, I give you a gift. The will of the true God is not a force that ordinary people can use. If it is forcibly used, it can only make people fall into hell. I give you a 'God pendant', which can be used as a carrier to release the will of the true God..."

The voice fell, ye Han's lower abdomen was in full bloom, and finally disappeared into his Dantian.

In an instant, the Bodhi leaves in Ye Han's elixir field and the true God's will were wrapped by the God pendant, all of which were integrated into the God pendant.

"Hehe, it's time to say goodbye. The robbed person, the world needs you. Remember, go to the temple of destiny!"

At dusk, after the prophet finished saying this, 99 oil lamps in the palace went out, and his body and the whole palace were gradually fading and disappearing!

"Congratulations to the envoy!" Ye Han bowed and felt that everything around him gradually dissipated.