Chapter 2281

Name:Divine Perception Author:bu zui
Looking at the young man who suddenly broke into here with people from the outside, Prince lion dragon and Prince Jain both had a faint sneer on their faces and watched the arrival of the young man.

"In the first World War of Terran, you have caused heavy losses to our demon family and lost all your face. You have become the object of ridicule in the whole God and devil continent. If you don't return to the temple to be punished and still appear here, aren't you afraid that I'll let someone send you back to the temple? Old ten!"

Prince Jain's eyes twinkled with an inexplicable smile. The cunning color in his eyes seemed to be more cunning than Prince clam pit viper!

That's right. At the moment, Prince halys halys suddenly broke in with people outside the conference hall. After the failure of the demon family in the last invasion war, Prince halys did not return to the temple to be punished, but chose to stay.

Although the temple has ordered the crown prince to return to the temple, the crown prince is not willing to fail in this way. He is not willing to lose in the hands of Ye Han.

Prince halys has ambition and ambition. He wants to regain the glory lost in the Terran battlefield. Therefore, he also needs a platform, and the 800000 army brought by Prince lion dragon and Prince Jain is the opportunity for Prince halys.

Said the prince with a cold look; "Even if I am punished, I will recover the lost glory. Although I was defeated in the last invasion war, I was defeated by betrayal in the end. Without those betrayers, the Terran is under my control now!"

Prince Jaime sneered; "Defeat is not terrible. What's terrible is that you don't recognize your incompetence. Old ten, the current leader is no longer you, and I don't need your help here. I think you'd better return to the temple and be punished. This is only good for you. Once the holy blame comes down, I'm afraid you won't be punished again!"

Although all of the top ten princes of the demon family are outstanding talents, it is precisely because of their excellence and on the same platform that the competition between them is also huge.

Said the crown prince with a cold face; "Finally, even if there are any consequences, I am willing to bear them alone, and you can rest assured that I will not compete with you for the position of leader. As long as I win, even if I win once, I am willing to pay. What's more, I have fought with the Terrans. For them, I know better than you. You will have a better chance of winning with me. If you win, the credit is yours, and I will win , I just want to win once on those Terran opponents. I want to see them suffer after they fail! "

Smelling the speech, Prince Jaime's eyes full of cunning gradually narrowed into a line. Although he would not fully believe Prince Jaime's words, one thing is that he really can't compare with Prince Jaime's opponents. Prince Jaime hasn't touched them yet.

Although Prince Jaime and others have made plans to deal with Terrans, one more clam pit viper who knows more about Terrans will have a better chance of winning.

Moreover, the choice of clam Agkistrodon halys to stay is beneficial and harmless to Prince Jaime and others, which is very clear to Prince Jaime and others.

Prince Jain and Prince lion dragon looked at each other, as if they both knew it.

"It seems that the ten younger brothers are determined to stay," said the prince with a smile on his face; "I'm not an unkind person, but anything behind this has nothing to do with us!"

"If the temple blames me, I will bear it!" said the crown prince indifferently.

"Then, ten younger brothers, please take a seat!"

Prince Jain and Prince lion dragon sat down again. Their eyes looked vaguely at Prince clam Agkistrodon, who looked cold, and said; "Ten younger brothers, in the last war, the Terran was full of tricks and more betrayers helped, which led to heavy losses for our demon family. However, this time, our demon family will never repeat the mistakes. The blink array will be completed immediately. If the Terran wants to play Yin, I will let them know who is the real player!"

Smelling the speech, the crown prince of clam pit viper said with a gloomy look; "With the blink array, the horoscope owned by the Terran doesn't have an advantage. However, the Terran guys are extremely smart. If you want to beat them, you must first mess up their deployment and disturb their mind. Only when they are confused and angry, our chances will be greater!"

Said the prince lion dragon; "So, we are going to light a fire in the back of the Terran so that they can't look at each other, and this fire should make the Terran completely angry!"

"If that's the case, I can give you a suggestion," said crown prince halys, glancing at crown prince lion dragon and crown prince Jain; "The Terran has seven regions. Among them, the four celestial regions occupy the most special position. As long as you win the four celestial regions, you will be equivalent to controlling the Terran. The remaining three regions are not a worry."

"Therefore, we are going to focus on the three heavenly regions except Tianxuan region," said Prince Jaime.

"No, if I were you, I wouldn't choose any of the four heavenly regions," said the prince with a bloodthirsty smile on his face; "Although the four heavenly regions are very special, they are closely connected with each other. Once you start at any one of these places, at the speed of the Terran's astrolabe, you will definitely help back at the first time. Therefore, I think you should put this fire in the three earth regions of Yuheng, Yaoguang and Kaiyang."

"Now the Terran army is at the boundary of Tianxuan domain, which is the farthest away from these three regions. Once something happens in these three regions, even if they return, it will take some time. In this time period, with our strength, we can do some earth shaking events. Moreover, since we want to do it and provoke the Terran, the fire can't be too small. If we want to kill, we can kill happily , what if you destroy the creatures in a region? Only in this way can you make the Terrans more angry! "

The prince of clam pit viper has a bloody smell spreading out. His cold, evil, cruel and vicious eyes can't see the slightest human nature and feelings.

The failure in the hands of Ye Han and others has completely distorted the mind of the crown prince. Now he just wants to win and see what ye Han and others look like after their failure. For this, he can do everything!

Hearing Prince halys' unfeeling words, Prince lion dragon and Prince Jain could not help shrinking their eyes. This vicious guy was even more terrible and cruel than them!

Although Prince lion dragon and Prince Jain both intend to create a massacre in the Terran, they are just slaughtering the city and slaughtering the creatures of a region. They don't think about this!

"It is said that ye Han rises in yaoguangyu, so it should be the best place to choose!"

With a Yin measured smile, the crown prince seemed to be intoxicated with the massacre he had planned but not yet implemented!