Chapter 2259

Name:Divine Perception Author:bu zui
Hearing the words of crown prince halys, there was a terrible light in the eyes of the powerful people of the demon family. The demon family invaded the Terran. In the first war, they had won the Tianxuan domain. As long as they continued to win the other three Heaven domains, half of the Terran will be controlled by the demon family.

However, once lost, it is also obvious what the demon family will face in the Terran army.

Of course, the demon clan didn't think about losing this outcome. There is a huge difference in power between the human clan and the demon clan. How can the human clan have the hope of winning?

"Inform me. Tomorrow's troops will attack the three Terran regions in three ways!"

The prince of clam pit viper's eyes were cold and sharp. The demon family soldiers were divided into three routes. There were 300000 troops in each route, and one third of the strong ones of the demon family followed. Such a force could completely eat any Force stationed in the three Heaven regions.

After all, the current human race is not only inferior to the demon race in quantity, but also inferior to the demon race in terms of the top strength. In terms of the human race, the supreme and immortal practitioners are basically the most, while in terms of the demon race, the demon respect, the demon Emperor and the heavenly demon far exceed the human race.

Soon, the whole demon clan is also taking action. At present, the demon clan has 900000 troops in Tianxuan domain. Even if the soldiers are divided into three routes, it is also an extremely terrible force.

"Terran, what trick are you playing? Have you really accepted your fate?"

The crown prince of halys halys stayed alone in the hall, which was once the holy land for the cultivation of the Yi family. The Terran soldiers were divided into three routes and occupied the three Heaven regions. It seemed to prevent the demon family from continuing to invade the Terran in all aspects, but the disadvantages could be seen. The combined forces of the Terran family could not resist the demon family, and the scattered forces were even worse.

However, the crown prince can't guess what the plan of the human race is. Of course, after Zhuge Prajna said this plan, he can't even guess the unknown heaven burial, and it's normal that the crown prince can't guess.

However, as ye Han said, the conceited crown prince will not miss this rare opportunity. Once successful, half of the Terran will be controlled by the demon family. The crown prince can't resist this temptation.

Therefore, the crown prince would rather have a try. The same soldiers are divided into three ways, so that he can eat the Terran cake faster. More importantly, from the perspective of the situation, the demon family still occupies a big win, and the Terran is unable to return to the sky.

"It seems that in the Terran world, the second world war will break out soon. The Terran will disperse its only power and spread it all over the three celestial regions. This is undoubtedly killing itself. Will the powerful demon family miss the opportunity to destroy them?"

Of course, what the crown prince can't calculate is that the Terran won't care about the gains and losses of that city and place at present. He just wants to eliminate the power of the demon family in the Terran!

"Of course, the demon clan will not miss this opportunity, but how can the action of the human clan be like this? Disperse the power. If the powerful demon clan is broken one by one, they will be vulnerable and will not even cause much loss to the demon clan."

"It's true, and even if the demon family has three soldiers, the Terran army in the three regions of Tianshu, Tianquan and Tianji can't stop them."

With the new action of the Terran, now we focus on here, and all races are watching here more closely, because the battle that is about to start again will only accelerate the demise of the Terran.

"Hey, hey, I'm outside the Bureau. I don't know the layout of the insiders. The boss is not so stupid, let alone Miss Zhuge!"

In a restaurant in zhongshenyu, Lin Qi listened to the hot discussion in the restaurant, and his face was filled with an extremely cold smile.

Silly Ben said expressionless; "In the end, these guys will find that they will fall this time. They will definitely be a powerful demon clan!"

Lin Qi smiled; "Silly man, it seems that we can watch a good play in zhongshenyu. I really look forward to what kind of surprise will appear this time. However, I still miss the time when I fought with the boss in China!"

Silly Ben said; "You and I are too weak to go back now!"

"Hey, hey, so it's time for us to continue to challenge the next goal. Although Tianfeng college is dominated by a group of women, this time, our two old men can only choose them!"

Lin Qi's smiling eyes flashed a strong sense of war. Their strength was too weak. They had to quickly improve their strength in competition. After returning to the middle God domain, they were already doing so.

It can be imagined that the next major colleges in zhongshenyu will be patronized by silly Ben and Lin Qi!

Of course, these patrons will naturally be the top talents of all ethnic groups.

"How did you come?"

At this moment, in the peacock royal family residence in Tianxuan domain, Qizi aoimpermanent lived alone in the small courtyard. A soft figure dressed in white clothes and a silver cloak appeared. She walked outside the courtyard and followed five people behind her. The breath on four of them was extremely terrible. All of them were extraordinary demon gods!

Proud impermanence looked at the woman walking towards him with some accidents and some calmness, but the strong man behind the woman made his eyes shine with some light.

"I heard you were hurt, so... Let me have a look!"

The woman quietly walked to the proud impermanent body. What was different from the past was that there was a terrible firm color in her soft eyes. The woman was no other person. It was qianliu, a woman with half human blood, whom ye Han met in the peacock king capital Wanyao building.

When ye Han once left the wild land, he asked Ao impermanence to look after qianliu. In fact, Ao impermanence did the same. They not only knew each other, but also had a secret relationship with each other!

However, Ao impermanence has never looked at this positively.

But now it seems that the seemingly weak qianliu, the only descendant of Tianmei family, does not need to be taken care of, because there is a terrible strong guard behind her!

"Who the hell are you?" Ao impermanence looked at qianliu with deep eyes. This woman with a gorgeous name in the king's capital, based on his relationship with Ye Han and his later acquaintance, he didn't investigate qianliu.

"Who am I? Maybe you will know soon. Now, I just want to know who hurt you!" qianliu's firm eyes became as cold as ice, with a terrible chill on his body.

Smelling the speech, Ao impermanence took a deep look at qianliu and the strong people behind her and said; "Do you still want to avenge me? If so, I don't think it's necessary, because you may not be able to attack him, let alone his opponent, even myself!"