Chapter 2256

Name:Divine Perception Author:bu zui
Throughout Ye Han's journey, his rise has never experienced a crisis, but in the end, he will miraculously stand up and become the final winner.

Although this time the Terran lost under the leadership of Ye Han and others to the powerful demon clan, making the Terran face an unprecedented crisis of extermination.

However, Ye Qing believes that even in this desperate situation, ye Han has the ability to create miracles!

"Sister, you may be the only one who thinks I won't disappoint the Terran in the whole demon continent!" Ye Han hugged Ye Qing tightly, and his eyes looking at Tianxuan domain became extremely fierce.

Although the Terran has lost the Tianxuan domain, which makes the demon family occupy a land and threaten the future living space of the Terran, the Terran is not without a chance of winning. As long as the time comes, the powerful demon family will also roll out of the Terran world.

However, before this time comes, the Terran can only rely on its own strength to resist the powerful demon family, even if it will pay a lot of sacrifices.

Leaf light said; "I always believe that you are the person who can create miracles in the world. At the beginning, you, who stood at the bottom of the Chinese world, rose step by step, and you trampled on the famous heroes of China. Foreign battlefields, ancient races, international owls and world-class giants were born and died because of you. Xiao Han, since God chose you to become the world One of the most dazzling protagonists in the world. Your road will definitely be brilliant! "

"My road, Terran will never be the end!"

Ye Han took a deep breath and once again missed the direction of Tianxuan domain. He turned around and left with Ye Qing. Whether it was the demon army or clam Agkistrodon halys, ye Han would not let them trample the Terran under their feet, and the bloody warriors of the whole Terran would never allow it!

The merit monument has been re established in Tianxuan area, and it is built in the most lively wushuangcheng where ye Han first met the king of green leaves!

Of course, now wushuangcheng is still the busiest place in Tianshu domain, because there is a merit monument of the Terran!

On the huge square, thousands of golden stone tablets were surrounded. Everyone around looked up with admiration and silently looked at the dark traces on the stone tablets. Although the golden traces were still dazzling, many traces had darkened.

These traces that have become mean that those who have left traces on the merit monument have left their lives in the Shura battlefield on the Terran boundary line.

According to statistics, these darkened traces have reached 140000, which undoubtedly shows that the Terran lost 140000 people in the war on the Terran border!

They are fighting for the Terran and dying for the Terran. It is worth remembering them by anyone of the Terran!

At present, the whole Terran has a low momentum. The panic caused by the extinction crisis is spreading in the Terran again. After all, there is no hope for the Terran to compete with the powerful demon race. There are warriors who are not afraid of death in the world, and of course there are cowards who are greedy for life and fear of death!

At the junction of Tianshu domain and Tianxuan domain, more than 500000 troops of the Terrans who withdrew from Tianxuan domain are stationed here to prevent the demon family from attacking again.

However, this defense does not play a substantive role in the current crisis faced by the Terran!

When ye Han returned here with Ye Qing, the top level of the Terran was preparing to hold a meeting and had a war with the demon family, so that everyone knew that in the face of the positive confrontation of the demon family, the Terran could not gain any advantage and would only increase casualties. However, in the face of the demon family, the Terran had to fight. At this urgent moment, the Terran must come up with a better way to fight the demon family!

Of course, this method can only be born from the minds of Ye Han, Cangtian burial and Zhuge Prajna. After all, whether ye Han, Cangtian burial and Zhuge Prajna, their strategies are well known to the human race. In this regard, the human race wants to find someone comparable to them, but there is no one yet.

Therefore, in this meeting that gathered high-level Terrans, everyone's eyes were looking at Ye Han, heaven burial and Zhuge Prajna!

At present, the top level of the Terran is also divided into several camps. The Cang family is a camp. Strong people such as the second elder Tianxuan are participating in the meeting. The original Tianxuan domain alliance is still the strong emperor of all ethnic groups. As for the super strong people such as double sword King Li Cheng, Li Shengyu, Taiyi arrow king and prisoner devil holy emperor returning to the sea, they did not participate.

In terms of the scattered cultivation camp, some leaders were also elected, such as the holy king of Skywalker, which ye Han had seen in yaochi, and two holy kings and a holy emperor led the scattered cultivation camp.

Being watched by these eyes, ye Han seemed to feel that the eyes of the whole Terran fell on them.

"Heaven burial, at present, the demon family occupies Tianxuan domain and will kill at any time. What's your opinion?" at the moment, ye Han looked at heaven burial, and the woman's wisdom was also terrible.

"Why don't you let her talk first!" under the gaze of Ye Han, the sky burial looked at Zhuge Prajna and looked interested. The sky burial thought that in terms of power, thousands of Zhuge prajnas were scum in front of her, but in terms of strategy, the sky burial had to admit that Zhuge Prajna was so powerful than her. It was under the planning of Zhuge Prajna at the beginning, The Cang family lost 100000 troops in succession.

Hearing the speech, the high-level Terran leaders present also looked at Zhuge Prajna. When the Terran and Cang fought, Zhuge Prajna's amazing strategy also opened the eyes of people all over the world. Even if she has no accomplishments, people all over the world still dare not underestimate her!

Seeing this, Zhuge Prajna stood up and said without giving way; "In terms of strength, it is already a fact that the human race is defeated by the demon race. In such a weak situation, if the human race does not have good tactics to fight against the demon race, the human race will be destroyed by the demon race. It is also a fact that in the last war, we have seen the power of the demon race, which has directly lost 140000 troops. Therefore, I have the following to fight against the continued invasion of the demon race A proposal to disperse the existing strength of the Terran. "

Hearing Zhuge Prajna's words, all the high-level Terrans present frowned. The existing strength of Terrans can't resist the powerful demon clan. If they are scattered, wouldn't it give the demon clan a chance to break one by one?

"Miss Zhuge, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. If the current 500000 strong army of the Terran is dispersed, isn't it self destruction?" at this time, someone opened his mouth and said this, which was also what everyone thought.

"It's really wrong..." someone began to seconded.

Looking at the tight frowns at the meeting, Zhuge Prajna smiled faintly and said; "Dispersing the power of the human race is the best way I can think of at present. It seems that you haven't guessed my intention. In this case, it should be difficult for the crown prince of the demon family to guess?"