Chapter 1711

Name:Divine Perception Author:bu zui
The appearance of the holy emperor's bones startled the four sides. At this moment, almost everyone in the auction venue is emitting a crazy atmosphere. There is a strong desire in the naked eyes. Under the holy emperor's bones, almost no one will be unmoved!

In the auction venue, the strong people sitting in the boxes have opened the curtain and all have been exposed. No one can still sit here with the appearance of the holy emperor's bones.

At this moment, even ye Han's eyes have a strong fiery color, staring at the high platform.

"I'm willing to exchange imperial weapons for the holy emperor's skeleton!"

At this time, under the spread of the fiery atmosphere, someone finally couldn't help opening his mouth first. The strong man called Montenegro is an immortal territory, powerful and strong. His whole body gives people a kind of power to support the world.

"Hum, if you want to exchange imperial weapons for holy emperor's bones, Heishan, I think you'd better quit as soon as possible. I'll exchange ghost Sabre Su Sheng's semi holy weapons!" after Heishan spoke, ghost Sabre Su Sheng also spoke, and the other party was a terrible semi holy weapon!

Hearing this, there was a strong shock in the fiery eyes around. The fiery breath in the eyes dissipated slowly. Although the holy emperor's skeleton is extremely precious, if you want to get it, there is no corresponding precious thing for exchange, and you can't get it.

At this moment, even the semi holy vessels are out!

This kind of thing, except for the top strong here, basically no one will have such terrible weapons. However, if you want to get the holy emperor's bones, semi holy weapons are far from qualified!

"It's just a semi holy vessel. I'm willing to exchange holy vessels for burning the sky!" at this moment, even the king of burning the sky opened his mouth. As the future successor of burning the sky Pavilion, even terrible holy vessels exist.

In this exchange, except for the top strong, other people can't get involved at all. They can only stare at the owners of these reported terrorist weapons with shocked eyes.

Seeing here, ye Han's eyes flashed light. The holy emperor's skeleton was so precious that these people couldn't help reporting one terrible weapon after another. Although Ye Han had a lot of good things, it was very promising to compete for the holy emperor's skeleton.

However, after several struggles, ye Han chose to give up. Although it is said that the holy emperor's skeleton is very precious, it is true that the holy emperor's skeleton is not helpful to Ye Han at present. However, ye Han's collection of gold stones, ice soul crystals, Jiujie ancient trees, and natural and chemical steles are too helpful to Ye Han.

If you exchange these things for the bones of the holy emperor, some gains outweigh the losses for ye Han!

After the thought flashed in his mind, ye Han chose to give up and looked calmly at the strong people around who offered the price. Of course, more importantly, ye Han understood that even if he got the holy emperor's skeleton, he would be coveted. There were many strong people here. If one of them stared at him, ye Han would die. At that time, the other party would kill and seize the treasure, I'm afraid Ye Han can't even go out without two cities!

At present, the only people who can have the holy emperor's skeleton are the strong here. Of course, even if these strong people get the holy emperor's skeleton, they have to be careful.

"Hehe, the holy emperor's skeleton, such a treasure, is really moving. I Liu Qingye would like to exchange holy armor!" in vain, Qingye Bansheng also smiled and opened his mouth. When he was a strong man in his realm, the holy emperor's skeleton was more attractive to him. Once he hit the holy king, the next step was the holy emperor, maybe he got the holy emperor's skeleton, It can also make him enter the top level of holy emperor in advance!

However, the items exploded by the green leaf semi Saint also shocked the people in the auction venue.

Holy armor, although these treasures also belong to the category of holy weapons, they are much more precious than holy sword, holy knife and holy gun. It is a suit of holy armor, which is like Ye Han's Heavenly King armor, which is more precious than Heavenly King weapons. Once defended by this holy armor, even if the holy King faces the terrible blow of the holy emperor, he can't kill himself!

"Holy armor, even this terrible weapon has appeared. It is worthy of being a green leaf semi holy. I'm afraid only he can have holy armor here!" people in the auction hall were shocked.

At the moment, facing the holy armor exploded by the green leaf semi saint, many strong people in the auction venue frowned. They asked themselves that they had no treasure more valuable than the holy armor. There was little hope to compare the green leaf semi saint.

"The holy armor is really terrible, but the green leaf half saint. This time, I will not give in to burning the blue sky." at this time, the overbearing voice of the burning king came. He looked at the green leaf half saint. Even if the other party took out the holy armor, he was not worried at all.

Hearing the speech, the green leaf half Saint smiled; "Just now, my little friend made a concession. I Liu Qingye remembered it. This time, we can rely on our ability. Even if we lose, I Liu Qingye won't have any complaints."

"Well, it's worthy of being a half sage of green leaves. This magnanimity is worthy of admiration." the burning King's eyes were like fire. Immediately he looked at the old man on the high platform. A wave of power spread from him and spread to the high platform. If you don't feel it carefully, you can't find it at all.

Immediately, the old man on the high platform smiled faintly and said; "I can certainly trust the reputation of the burning Pavilion. If no one can take out something more precious than the burning Pavilion, then the skeleton of the holy emperor will belong to the burning Pavilion."

Hearing this, the people around looked shocked. Just now, the burning king must have made some kind of transaction with Qianye building in private. However, the burning King chose to hide this transaction and did not make it public. Only he and Qianye building could know.

Seeing here, the strong people around frown slightly and the soul transmits sound. Although this is not a clever means, people present don't know what the burning king said to the strong people of Qianye tower.

A sigh came from Qingye Bansheng's mouth. He knew that most of the holy emperor's skeleton would miss him. Since the strong man of Qianye tower was moved, what the burning King took out was definitely not a simple thing.

Of course, the green leaf semi saint will not give up so easily.

"In addition to the holy armor, I'd like to add another holy instrument. I don't know whether these two can compare with the little friends of the burning pavilion?" the green leaf semi Saint asked looking at the strong man on the high platform.

Hearing the speech, the strong man of Qianye building shook his head and said; "Green leaf semi saint, I'm sorry. Even if you add another sacred vessel, it can't compare with the items burned by the king of heaven for trading."

These words once again shocked the people around. What did the burning king take out in exchange? I can't even compare three holy vessels!

The green leaf half Saint sighed again. He looked at the burning king and smiled; "Congratulations, little friend. This holy emperor's skeleton belongs to you!"