Chapter 1381

Name:Divine Perception Author:bu zui
The dark city has a vast territory, and each area is thousands of miles across. There are countless vicious practitioners. With the feet of Ye Han and others, they came to the south of the dark city the next day. Here, like the yanwang territory, the forces are intertwined. There are nearly 100 large and small forces entrenched here. Here, there are collisions between forces every day, and bloody battles will be staged at any time.

In a restaurant, ye Han and others are slowly drinking wine and listening to the voices of the people in the restaurant. Now they have come to the south area, and ye Han is ready to start.

"No tears girl, you are most familiar with the dark city. What do you think we should do next?" Ye Han asked, looking at Shi no tears. Shi no tears, who has lived in the dark city for a long time, undoubtedly has more say in this kind of thing.

Smelling the speech, Shi Wulei said angrily; "Now that we have come here and want to gain a firm foothold here, we should rely on fighting, ruthlessness and strength. This is the eternal truth of the dark city. I just inquired. This area is controlled by a man named Tu lie. I think we can take him as the starting point and kill him directly."

These words are very domineering, worthy of being the queen of violence. Ye Han smiled and said; "You mean to directly kill Tu lie, take over everything he has, and let us establish a new prestige here."

"Anyway, this kind of thing is common in the dark city." Shi Wulei shrugged and said indifferently. In the dark city, the old forces perish and the new forces rise. This kind of thing is very common. Maybe the forces established today will be destroyed by other newcomers in a few days. There is no reason here. Even if you don't provoke each other, The other party may also have an eye on you. The key depends on whether you have tenable strength.

"What's the power under the butcher's hand?" asked the Passepartout.

Shi Wulei said; "Don't worry, I've inquired. It's not difficult to eat Tu lie with the strength of our group. Tu lie is like me. There are three in one places below. The rest are around heaven and man. Such strength can only be regarded as the bottom level. There are many forces stronger than them in the southern area. Therefore, it's most suitable to find Tu lie Anyway, this man is also a man full of evil. "

Ye Han smiled; "In that case, the three in one realm will be handed over to me. Snakes can't do without heads. As long as these leaders die, those people under them who are combined because of their interests will naturally disperse like trees falling and monkeys."

"Then I wish us success in one fell swoop!" Shi Wulei raised his glass.

The four looked at each other, smiled and drank it all at once.

Tu lie, the force established here has only been half a year. It is called the killing gate. Although there are a group of fugitives under his hands, they are not prominent among nearly 100 large and small forces in the southern region.

At the station of the killing gate, ye Han four people fell down from the sky and slowly walked towards the building in front of them. In front of the building gate, there were experts guarding the killing gate. Watching Ye Han four people coming, one of the cold looking men shouted directly; "Where do you come from? Don't you dare to approach my killing door and get out of here!"

Hearing the speech, ye Han's face crossed a radian. He narrowed his eyes and said; "I also give you a word. Get out before we do it. Otherwise, you're afraid you won't live to see the sun tomorrow."

"Damn thing, dare to provoke me to kill the gate and seek death!" Ye Han's words made the master guarding the gate look angry, but the next moment, daotong and Xiao Yuangang had shot at the same time. They were like two strong winds. Under one knife and one fist, the two people were killed!

"Ye Han, I'll deal with Tu lie and leave the rest to you!" after saying this, Shi Wulei rushed away like a female god of war, holding a silver gun and directly landed in the building group.

"No, someone is attacking!" in an instant, the whole master of the killing door moved, and the sound of killing rang out one after another.

The three of Ye Han also fell down from mid air, and the figures came crazy towards them.

"Hum, just a few people dare to attack us and kill them. It's killing them!"

The three of Ye Han were shrouded in terrible attacks. There were more than forty or fifty people in the whole killing gate. However, no matter how many people could stop Ye Han's team. With Ye Han's combat power, no one in any realm in the territory could pose a threat to him.

"Make a quick decision!"

Ye Han's sword was pulled out like lightning, and his own strength burst out. The terrible sword light broke everything and was invincible. It was cut off with a sword with the power of sweeping the earth. In an instant, the people in front of Ye Han collapsed like a wall. The bodies of human figures were killed by the sword light and turned into a cold body.

Daotong and Xiao Yuangang are also brave and invincible. One holds a war knife and the other is invincible with iron fist. With that cooperation, all kinds of people fall madly.

"Smelly woman, dare to attack me and kill the door, I'll kill you!"

In the evening, a terrible roar sounded at the station of the killing gate. Then, two figures swept into the sky from the station of the killing gate and collided madly. The bloody knife light collided with the gun awn, which was powerful.

"Something happened to the killing door. Go and have a look!"

The terrible movement of the killing gate instantly attracted the practitioners in the surrounding area. Then, many people stood in the void and looked in the direction of the killing gate station.

"Four people, who are these guys? Just four people dare to attack Tu lie's killing gate?" many people looked shocked when they saw the war situation at the killing gate station. However, at the moment, except for Tu lie, the people under his hands have become a scene of one side down.

In the station of the killing gate, ye Han's sword is like the sickle of the God of death. The terrible sword light is vertical and horizontal among the experts of the killing gate. Each sword light can kill several lives. More than 40 or 50 good players of the killing gate have been slaughtered in just half a minute.

"Damn cripple, die!"

Seeing ye Han so fierce, at the moment, the three figures jumped and killed Ye Han from three directions in the air. One of the three has reached the late stage of the unity.

However, locked by the attack of the three men, ye Han looked the same. Suddenly, the terrible golden sword was in full bloom. Ye Han's sword swept through the air in all directions. Where the golden sword passed, the three experts in the one realm were directly killed.

"What a strong strength! As a man in the early stage of the unity territory, he can kill three men in a second!" many people's pupils shrink when they look at the sword erupted by Ye Han.