Lin went to Tianci town with her. When she passed by Hongfu, she picked up Hongji and put Bai Yanyu and Hongji down outside Tianci town. Then she went to Tianci town by palace car.

But did not enter Rouge workshop, also did not go to Princess House, but went to Tan's small yard, with white flower Yan like to eat snacks.

The Xiaobai mansion in Shangdu city has been sold. Tan now lives in Tianci town with Bai Huayan. He bought a small courtyard with three rooms and a small vegetable garden behind it. It's simple and simple.

After selling Xiaobai's house and buying this small yard, most of the silver is left. Tan Shi gives the silver to Hong Shi, saying that no matter what business it is, if you take part in a small share, the money you earn will be left to Bai Huayan, which can be regarded as a support for her in the future.

When Lin arrived, Bai Huayan was following Tan to pull vegetables in the backyard. It's almost winter, and this is the last crop of vegetables that can be harvested. Tan said to Bai Huayan as he pulled them out: "when you go back and dry these vegetables, they can be stored for a long time. It's convenient to eat them in winter."

Bai Hua Yan doesn't speak, just laughs. Tan patted her head and said nothing more. He just gathered the vegetables together. Then he took Bai Huayan to get up and patted the soil on her skirt. As soon as he looked back, he saw Lin.

"Oh, here you are." Tan Shi was stunned, and then quickly came to say, "come to the front room and sit down. We patronize to pull vegetables, but we don't pay attention to the time. It's past noon. Hua Yan must be hungry. I'm going to cook, and I'm eating right here. "

Lin did not refuse, just nodded, and then stretched out his hand to pull white flower Yan.

White flower Yan's state is much better than before, Lin's pull her, she also by, just don't know call a person.

Tan took the dish to the kitchen, but there was no servant in the hospital. Lin washed her hands and wiped her face, soaked the flower tea with the water, and then brought her some snacks.

Bai Huayan eats snacks at the sight of them, not to speak of any image. Lin sits on the side and wipes her mouth from time to time, but the more she wipes, the more she can see Bai Jinghong's shadow on Bai Huayan's face.

In the morning, Bai Yanyu told her something, including Lin Hansheng and Bai Jinghong.

She didn't feel sad because of Lin Hansheng's death. Even Bai Yanyu shed two tears. She was still indifferent.

In fact, there are still some good memories about her father. For example, in the ten years before her marriage, she followed her father around singing opera. Her father would give her the warmest clothes when it was cold, and he would still save money to buy her two meat buns when there was no money.

Just don't know from which year, a lot of love has changed the taste, Lin Hansheng began to teach her flattery, began to teach her how to capture a man's heart. Until she entered the government of Wen and gave birth to Bai Yanyu, her father began to teach her daughter this.

She didn't know what their mother and daughter meant to Lin Hansheng, just like she never knew what kind of person Lin Hansheng was. For that father, she had made countless assumptions, but never thought that there was her father in the complicated relationship between Bai family, ye family, Guo family, even Gebu and Luo Ye.

Lin felt that this life was really absurd. Lin Hansheng was absurd, and so was she. Because at the beginning, she relied on Lin Hansheng's flattering skills to teach her. She succeeded in letting Bai Xingyan carry her to Wenguo mansion, and even let her daughter capture Bai HaoChen with flattering skills in order to be the next master mother of Wenguo mansion.

How did you live in the past? She can't think of it. She can think of the night when Bai Xingyan died. Bai hecan cried, Bai Zhenzhen cried, and Bai Yanyu also cried. But no one's cry is because their father died, they are just crying about their own lives, crying about the individuals they care about.

No matter who was crying, there were cries, but when her father died, she couldn't shed a tear.

Bai Huayan ate half a plate of dim sum. Lin quickly moved the plate away and told her in a soft voice: "no more. Your second aunt cooked a meal and ate dim sum again. You can't eat any more."

Today's Bai Huayan is very obedient. She says that if she doesn't let her eat it, she really won't eat it. She just sits there and looks at Lin as if she is thinking about something. Lin asks her, but she doesn't say anything. She just looks at Lin and smiles more and more like Bai Jinghong.

Tan's food is simple, three dishes and one soup, only one meat dish.

Lin's own meal, he moved the stool to the table, he took a rag to wipe the dust on the stool.

Wipe wipe stopped, tears fell down, fell on the stool just cleaned.

Tan Shi was startled and asked her quickly, "what's the matter with you?"

Lin didn't answer. He just wiped the rag back, and the tears just fell out of sight.

"It's nothing. I just remember the days when I was in the peach blossom class with my father. I had to eat by myself, move the stools by myself, wipe the ashes by myself, and wash the dishes after eating. One person has one spoon of food. If you eat too much, you will be beaten by the head teacher. At that time, my father was not the head of the class. The old head of the class was very fierce. He said that I had to do the heaviest work when I was idle. But my father never let me work. He said that if I work too much, my hands will be rough. If my hands are rough, no man will like me in the future. "She wry smile, "you see, no matter when, the first thing he thinks of is this set, whether I will get the man's love.". Later, when I got married to the government of Wen, I thought, you said that he had trained me like that and taught me all the skills of flattering and adjusting incense. What was his intention? I didn't do him any good by marrying into Wenguo government. The master of our family never gave Lin family silver, nor did he give me silver. So even if he goes to Beijing every few years, I can never get more than twenty liang of cash out of my hand when I go to visit my relatives. What do you think he's after? "

Tan didn't expect her to talk about the peach blossom class. Although she knew what Lin's family did, she only knew. About Lin Hansheng, about the peach blossom class, she really never inquired carefully. After all, compared with the Ye family and the Hong family, the Lin family's sense of existence was too low.

"Maybe I just hope you get married well! Although they are concubines, they have no worries about food and clothing. Compared with being in the opera troupe, the days of Wenguo government are good. " She also can accompany Lin Shi to nag like this to go on, say one side to give white flower Yan clip dish.

But Lin said with a smile, "yes, maybe it's just for me. Well, there's no father in the world who doesn't want his children to have a good life!"

But there is such a father, such as Bai Xingyan.

She really had this kind of beautiful illusion before. She felt that her father taught her how to hook Bai Xingyan and let her go to Wenguo government to be a concubine for her good. But it was not until this morning that Yan Yu gave her her her hand that she realized that every step was a chess game. She was just a piece in the chess game. She played a key role in the chaos that seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Yes, it seems to have nothing to do with her. She never thought that the battle of Ye Guobai's three families had anything to do with her. She never thought that Wenguo government had gone from its former glory to its decline, and she had contributed a lot. What's more, I didn't expect that when the two cities of LAN and Tong were in chaos, Bai hecan became the female king of Gebu, and it was her who contributed to the chaos.

She, who had been left out, was immediately drawn to the center of the chaos.

"At the Palace Banquet in hetangzhou last year, my father said that he wanted to go to the palace to sing opera. He asked me to ask the second lady to go to the palace as the Empress Dowager." While eating, Lin said to himself, "at that time, the reason he gave me was to gild the peach blossom troupe. After all, the troupe who had been in the Imperial Palace could earn a lot more money to sing outside, and it would also become a hot spot. I didn't think much about it, so I answered and asked the second lady for it. At that time, Piao Piao was at odds with the master and went back to her mother's house. The second lady asked me to help her call Piao Piao back because there was no money in the house. I told my master and husband that my father would sing opera for the magistrate's family in order to make money. The master felt that it was a disgraceful thing, so he firmly believed in calling Piaopiao back. "

Tan Shi really didn't understand what happened to Lin Shi today and how he kept talking about the past. But she didn't interrupt, just let Lin say. What's rare is that Bai Huayan didn't make any noise, so she ate honestly and listened to the story seriously.

Lin drank a small bowl of soup, thought about it, but shook his head, "I don't know what happened later. I haven't seen my father since that time. It's said that he went into the palace and specially sang opera for the Empress Dowager. After singing the opera, she went out of the palace and left Beijing... "She said with a smile," it's a complete separation from Beijing. If the servant girl didn't tell me that the people living in the peach blossom class went to the courtyard, I didn't know that he had left. "

Tan Shi interjected and asked: "what happened later?"

"Later?" Lin tried to recall, "later, the first lady was rescued from the water prison, and then the second and third ladies died. Later, the Guo family was finished, the Ye family was finished, and finally, the Bai family was finished. Later... "

She didn't go on because there was no way to say it. Later, Lin Hansheng gave Bai Jinghong to King Gebu, who then threw Bai Jinghong to Lan City and Tong City. It is said that Lin Hansheng possessed Bai Jinghong and made him pregnant with a slave's child.

Lin Hansheng and Bai Jinghong, who thought there would be no intersection in their life, turned out to be such a result in the end. The great miss of the Bai family, who has fallen into the hands of Lin Hansheng.

Lin didn't know how to describe that feeling. He was disgusting and wanted to vomit. She covered her heart and retched twice, frightened Tan Shi.

But Lin did not mention Lin Hansheng any more. She just looked at Bai Huayan and followed her hair.

"You look like a young lady. You will be a beautiful woman in a few years. Hua Yan, don't hate your sisters, no matter big sister or second sister, third sister or fourth sister. The children of the Bai family have been living in endless hatred and struggle for so many years. If they are finally free, they should never go back to the old way. "

She propped up the sleeve bag, took out a gadget and put it into Bai Huayan's hand, "take it, this is what your elder sister gave you..."