"Brother five, you need some face!" Jun Lingxi quit first, "my ten brothers didn't say to live in. What's the matter with you wanting a room?"

The fifth Prince pointed to her, "don't you live in front of your tenth brother?"

"I'm her sister."

"I'm her brother."

"My brother is not my own brother."

"My sister is not my own sister."

"You..." Jun Lingxi language plug, this special what logic? This five fox is more and more shameless. She was so angry that she stamped her feet. "Sister ran, look at him. He's too shameless. You can't allow him to live in."

White crane dye nods, "really can't let him live in." Then he said to the fifth prince, "if you like tianzhenci, there are inns in our town. You just take care of the business of the inns. I'll ask Ji Bo to show you around the town to see if there's anything you want to buy, or if you want to buy something in lingwangfu in the future, you can come here! " As she said, she thought of a good way to make money. "You know there are mountains behind Tianci town. There are many livestock in the mountains, and there are flower fields, fruit fields, medicine fields, grain fields and vegetable fields. You can come here to buy what you eat and use. Just take care of our business, OK?"

The fifth Prince's nose was almost crooked. "You don't want me to live in. After that, you give yourself business in the town. Since it's business, shouldn't you treat me better? I'm your guest. You have to wait for me. "

"Do you want to buy it or not?" White crane dye stares at eyes, "do I need you? Don't come to my God given town after you don't buy it. "

The fifth Prince shivered, "buy, you must buy!" After that, he turned back to his entourage and said, "remember, I'll arrange it immediately after I get back to the mansion. In the future, any need in the mansion, as long as it's in Tianci Town, will be bought from here."

The entourage nodded quickly. Although he only temporarily followed the master after pinsong was injured, he could see that his master was eaten to death by the heavenly Princess and could not turn over.

Bai henran was very satisfied with the attitude of the fifth Prince and the arrangement of Ji Bo. Bai Haofeng may not come often, but Bai haoxuan must live in Princess mansion. The two courtyards are close to each other, so it's convenient for brothers to come and go.

One of her arms was held by Jun Lingxi, and she stretched out the other hand to hold Hong forget, "go, take you to see the yard. Later, my brother will have two homes. You can come here anytime you want." Then he said to Jun Lingxi, "I'll pick one for you next to Yanyu's yard. You can choose it yourself. You can live wherever you like. Although there are not as many upper courtyards in my princess's mansion as there are in the Imperial Palace, it's enough to live in you. I'll let my servant buy you what you need in the future. "

"That's about the same." Jun Lingxi is very happy. He walks to the backyard with red forgetting one by one, holding white crane dye in his arm. When he leaves, he doesn't forget to annoy her five brothers, "envy! Be jealous! We're real brothers and sisters, so we don't have your share. I'm so angry with you! "

Jun Mufeng was really jealous, but he didn't get angry. He just thought that he would carry people back to Kyoto from the snow. The little girl called him brother. For a moment, he really felt that he was her brother. He was closer than Hong forgetting.

White crane dye and his party walked away happily, and soon they couldn't see it. Because the front yard is still busy, Ji Bo, as a housekeeper, doesn't lead the way in person. He just lets the servant girl of the red family take the new servant girl for a trip, which is also convenient for new people to find the way.

The young man around the fifth Prince is very good. He immediately borrows people from Ji Bo and wants to go to Tianci town. He also goes to the mountain and orders everything he can. He also said that when he came back to Beijing, he would also mention it to his familiar family, so that everyone would come to Tianci town to buy more.

Of course, Jibo is happy. Tianci town is rich in real estate, self-sufficient and has a lot of reputation. However, because it has become an independent Town, the town road has not been opened yet. If more big families in Beijing can come here to buy, the business of Tianci town will be better, and people can earn more money. In this way, everyone will be happy, and work will be more enterprising.

The entourage went out with the servants in the mansion. The fifth prince was sitting in the front hall drinking tea, while Bai hecan was walking in the inner courtyard with Hong forgetting and others. Having seen the yard of Hongji, I just looked at junlingxi's yard. When I wanted to arrange the yard for Roche, Roche said, "I just want to live with her. I came to take care of her. I don't worry about living elsewhere. I don't come here often. When his illness is almost over, I should go back. It's almost new year's day, and there are too many things to do at home. There's no need to clean up the yard. "

White crane dye know that Luo really love red forget, he also nodded, "well, that big aunt and red forget elder brother in a yard, just have red family servant girl here to help, I call two come to wait. There are still flowers in the yard. There must be no problem. "

As soon as Hua Feihua heard that a servant girl was coming, she was very happy at that time. Luo Shi gave him a glance and reminded her, "Xiao Hua, you are not allowed to fool around. Don't take advantage of other girls just because you look like a child. Be careful that I expose your background."Hua Fei Hua shrinks her neck and immediately takes back the idea she just started. Alas, that's all. I thought I could be more comfortable when I went to the red family. I didn't expect that all the red family members were fierce and didn't attach to their external image at all.

White crane dye also glared at him, "floret, your problem has not changed? Do you want me to send you back to the palace of hell for further training? "

"No, No." Hua Feihua shook his head again and again, "absolutely not. I have changed it. Please rest assured."

After watching several courtyards, people went to see the yard of forgetting worry. Jun Lingxi kept praising that forgetting worry has achieved good results. Life is to forget worry. After that, he said, "brother Hong, don't you think so?"

Red forget not understand, but see Jun Lingxi smile good-looking, will also follow the smile, smile while nodding.

Roche looked at them like this is also happy, she thought in her heart, ah, white Zhen Zhen is the granddaughter of the red family, with the nine Prince ordered a kiss. Although she is not her own, she is now formally recorded in her name, that is, her own son and master Hong, the young master of the Bai family. If red forgets to have an eye with di princess this matter, that red family is equivalent to another royal family.

Of course, her favorite is not the emperor. If the two children look at each other in the wrong way, or even if one of them is not willing, even the emperor will not support her. At that time, even if the emperor orders, she will fight for the happiness of her son. But the problem is, now the two children look at each other too pleasing to the eye, the way they look at each other and smile, she wants to smile with her eyes. If Hong forgets to be able to maintain this state after her illness is cured, the marriage will be decided in all likelihood.

Roche is a little excited, Princess Di! Her son is going to marry the princess, then he will be the son-in-law!

It is said that the Queen's greatest wish in her life is that her daughter will not marry far away. She will marry beside her. She can see it if she wants to. For this reason, he has been fighting with the emperor for many years, constantly persuading the emperor not to let his little daughter make peace with him.

Isn't that just right! If there is a play between the di Princess and Hong forget, it will not just fulfill the wish of the queen. Both of them are in the capital. No matter whether they are going to build princess's house or live directly in Hong's house, they don't need to be urged by the empress. Every day, she will let her daughter go back to the palace to accompany her mother. Young people, do you expect her to be idle at home? We should go out for a walk and go where we are happy. The red family is lively and does not restrict the younger generation. As long as they don't do bad things, they can do anything.

White crane dye peeks at Roche, see Roche is watching two children smile, she is also a wry smile.

It's not that she doesn't support Hong forgetting to be with Jun Lingxi. She's just afraid that after Hong forgetting is cured, she will be sane and have more ideas of her own. And he has been in chaos for 14 years. Once it becomes clear, he is bound to have a strong curiosity about the world.

She has long thought that if her brother wants to walk and see more, she will not stop him. At most, she will send someone to protect him secretly, but she will support him to see the world. Although with hanjicao, the disease will be cured better, she can even instill a lot of knowledge into Hongji in the process of treatment. But it has to be instilled in. If you want to apply what you have learned, you still need to integrate it to really get through, and you have to practice to get the truth. She supports red forgetting to integrate these knowledge. She just doesn't know if Jun Lingxi can accept it.

"Miss." A new servant came here to spread a message, "Miss, someone is coming again. It's a girl's family. She calls herself Leng and says she's your good sister. Would you like to stay in the front hall for tea, or would you like to come here? "

"Surname Leng?" Bai Helian patted his forehead. God, lengruonan came.

Jun Lingxi also jumped up, "how did she come? Leng Ruonan must have come after us when he heard that we were all here. Her father is really free-ranging for her. He says that she can go wherever she goes. He doesn't stop her. "

Bai Helian told the servant, "go to the front hall, and invite Miss Leng to have tea in the front hall."

From immediately trot to pass a message, white crane dye helplessly said to the people: "it seems that we can't rest, if the south is cold, the house will be more noisy." As she said this, she sighed, turned to Qihuang and said, "go to the workshop and invite the third lady back. Then she said that there are many distinguished guests at home. Let her come back and help me treat them."

Qihuang agreed to go, Jun Lingxi sighed: "sister ran, I feel that your princess house is like an inn."

Baihecan also felt that his mansion was like an inn. There were more guests in than the host, and they all had their own yard, and they were frequent visitors. If they couldn't drive them away, they would all come back in a few days.

But she didn't mind and liked the feeling. Xu is used to loneliness in her previous life. All of a sudden, there are so many sincere people around her, which will make her feel that life is very beautiful. Even in such a winter day, it's as beautiful as the warm sun in early spring, and life is full of hope