The scenes of that night were recalled in Xu Tianqing's mind again, and soon she remembered a detail that had been ignored before. She said: "Ling Zhao... No, it's that person. There seems to be a pimple on the inside of his right leg."

As she spoke, she looked at Zhong Lingzhao, her eyes full of confusion.

"At the beginning, Ling Zhao's wound was on the top of his heart. My parents and I had given him medicine, so I remember the appearance of his wound. Now come to think of it, that night, the man seemed to avoid my sight, not let me see his face. And I didn't open my eyes because I was really nervous. But because the location of the wound was on the surface, when I touched it with my hand, I found that the man had the same wound as Ling Zhao, plus the smell of Medicine on his body, so I identified him as Ling Zhao. But now think about it, I really have never seen that person's face, and I also have no chance to know whether Ling Zhao's leg has that pimple. "

The more Xu Tianqing said, the more desperate she was, because she had heard Zhong Lingzhao saying, "you can check it at any time. If Miss Xu doesn't believe others, you can check it yourself. I'm sure my fiancee won't mind. After all, it's the only way to prove my innocence. "

Xu Tianqing's face was bitter and astringent. "If it's not tested, what else can be tested? You are a virgin, which is enough to prove that you have nothing to do with this child. I think too much, wronged you and hurt myself. " When she said that, she hid her face and wept again.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room was a little awkward. In any case, Xu Tianqing is Zhong Lingzhao's life-saving benefactor. From this point alone, when she encounters difficulties, Zhong Lingzhao should help her. Moreover, most of the time, this incident is aimed at the Zhongs and the general's house. Otherwise, how could anyone deliberately imitate Zhong Lingzhao's wound and take possession of Xu Tianqing at the moment when Lingzhao just left?

Bai Tong scissors began to sympathize with Xu Tianqing, because this matter has now been made clear, Zhong Lingzhao is not wrong, she can't blame Xu Tianqing to come. Because for Xu Tianqing, she really thinks that person is Zhong Lingzhao.

And Bai Tong scissors now sober a lot, also thought of one thing, that is, since this matter is artificial deliberate, then it is very likely that Xu Tianxiang had been given a slight drug. It not only makes her unable to open her eyes, but also keeps her awake to a certain extent, so that one day, she can identify Zhong Lingzhao.

It's no secret that the son of lieutenant general Zhong likes the daughter of general Bai. Many people think it's a matter of time before the two families get married. So Bai Tong thought, this is a dark move. One day it will be better to use it, but if it doesn't, the opponent won't lose much. It's just a Xu Tianqing, but what does a village girl mean to those people? Her life and death will never be considered by those people.

"Miss Xu." Bai Tong cut his mouth and asked: "have you ever thought about what to do if you can't find that person? Can you go back to your home? Are your parents willing to take you and this child in? "

Xu Tianqing was stunned for a while, but said, "if you can't go back, they won't take you in. I escaped. My parents think I'm a disgrace. I make them unable to lift their heads in the village. They have to be stabbed in the spine when they walk, so I can't go back. They also said that as long as I go back, I will be sent to soak the pig cage. This is a punishment for the unfaithful daughter. "

She looked at the silent words again and begged, "let me go, let me run into my head. I really can't live any longer. I used to love this child so much, but now I feel sick at the thought that his father doesn't know which animal he is. I don't want him to stay in my body for a moment. If you say that I don't deserve to dirty the general's house and die here, then you can send me out of the house. I wish I could die far away. " Then he said with a bitter smile, "in fact, I understand what you said. It's clear that someone wants to deal with the general and Ling Zhao's father. This is your enmity. I was kind enough to save people, but you made me look like this. If I had known that, I shouldn't have saved him. "

Hearing this, I don't know how to say it. Besides, I can't say what is worthy of dying here, because Xu Tianqing is not wrong. It's the general's house that is responsible for this.

"Miss Xu." "If you really have nowhere to go, it's better to stay at home. I think you are my sister, and my parents will treat you as their own daughter. We will try our best to make it up to you if you suffer from us. This child will be raised by our Bai family. If you want to get married in the future, we will help you find a good marriage. "

Xu Tianqing looked blankly at Bai Tong scissors, "do you want to take me in? Do you know that my heart has been thinking of Ling Zhao, you dare to accept me? You are not afraid of... "

"I'm not afraid." Bai Tong scissors is very firm, "through this matter, I believe him more. I also believe that you are a good girl, otherwise you will not take the risk of rescuing the seriously injured in the future. You just can't figure it out for a moment. If you stay for a long time, you will understand how to live. Of course, the general's office is duty bound to trace the birth father of the child. No matter how you plan for the future, as long as we find that person, we will bring it to you and let you handle it. What do you think? "Xu Tianqing's mood has a little fluctuation, but what she cares about is not to stay in the general's house, but to be able to kill the enemy one day. She must kill the person who ruined her life.

Xu Tianqing want to nod, but at this time, white Zhen Zhen but suddenly said: "can't stay in the general house."

This words a, even white pupil cut all Leng next, "Zhen Zhen, what do you say?"

White Zhen Zhen wrung eyebrow, some urgent, "cousin is about to get married, three uncles also want to go to the barracks, three aunts at home to take care of Hao Feng, how have time to take care of a pregnant woman again?"? And the general's house is too conspicuous. If the other party's fight is the idea of harming the general's house, isn't she in the right place? This is not an opportunity for the other party to take advantage of. What will not be easier in the future? So she can't live here. She'll have to arrange another place

Having said that, I immediately had an idea: "to live in Tianci Town, Tianci town has plenty of places, and the people there originally came from all over the world, so it's not sudden that a new comer appears. Anyway, we don't know each other. We say that a young widow who has lost her husband will not be ridiculed and can just start a new life. "

Xu Tianqing is a Leng again, heaven sent town?

She has also heard about Tianci town. Everyone says that it is a happy land. It is a happy land that does not belong to the eastern Qin Dynasty, but only listens to Tianci princess's words. Although the princess mansion has not been built and the heavenly princess has not moved in, the people in that town live in good order, and every house is well built.

Xu Tianqing's yearning rises in her heart. Compared with the sadness of staying in the general's residence day by day, it's like going to Tianci town to start a new life.

So she said immediately, "I'd like to, I'd like to go to Tianci town."

White crane dye feel standing beside white Zhen Zhen is using small hand to pinch her arm, she turned white Zhen Zhen one eye, see is white Zhen Zhen frown quietly to make her look.

She moved her heart and nodded to Xu Tianqing, "OK, then go to Tianci town!" She looked at murmur and said, "you can accompany her to the town. You can arrange a residence near the workshop, leave some silver, and then find a woman to wait on. She is now pregnant with inconvenient body, you tell Yan Yu, usually take care of more After that, he said to Xu Tianqing, "my third sister is in charge of a rouge workshop over there. I'll take you to meet her in silence for a moment. If you have anything to do in the town, just ask her."

Xu Tianqing follows Mo Yu. This Wulong seems to be over, but for the general's house and Zhong's family, it's just the beginning. One day they can't find the child's father, their hearts will never fall.

However, who actually designed this good play?

In the white Zhen Zhen urged, white crane dye did not continue to stay in the general house, soon out of the door.

Before going out, he left a prescription for Bai Tongjian to raise his throat. Seeing that Zhong lingzhaozheng spoke to Bai Tongjian in a soft voice, he was relieved. She will not be wrong, the future cousin is a reliable, white pupil cut life well, met a good man.

They got into the carriage, but they didn't know where to go.

Bai Helian thinks of Su Liwan. She has sent people to this life Pavilion. She just doesn't know if she can send them out completely this time.

This is not the first time that she has sent Su Luowan away. The last time the tenth Prince Mu Lin broke Su Luowan, she asked Dao Guang to send him to Li Wang's house.

It's a pity that the fourth prince was not there. When the servants of Prince Li's mansion saw Su Liwan, they all avoided her as if they had seen the plague. How dare they let her into the mansion.

According to Dao Guang, the guards and servants of liwang mansion knelt down and begged them not to send Su Liwan back to liwang mansion, even if they threw him out of the city. They begged the princess to do well and send the Buddha to the West. Since they didn't want it, they threw it out of the city. It doesn't matter whether it's dead or alive, just don't send it back. There was nothing wrong with them as servants, but they couldn't bear to see their master suffer. What Su Luowan did was not human.

Dao Guang couldn't help it. He couldn't really throw people away. At last, he had to send people back together with Ma Pingchuan.

White crane dye this time is the second time to send away Su Luowan, also don't know smooth, so he proposed to this life Pavilion, she wants to see Su Luowan.

White Zhen Zhen is not so-called, go where all right, she just want to say a thing with her two elder sisters, a she till this moment still don't quite want to understand, but there are some things to be afraid of.

"Sister, I seem to know whose child Xu Tianqing's stomach belongs to..."