That night, baihecan went to heheyuan alone. She was alone and didn't even bring her silent words.

Hehe garden is a place where white house is spoken. Since the event of Wutong garden, although the study is rebuilt, he never sleeps again. After all, the psychological shadow is too heavy. As long as you close your eyes, you can have nightmares and dream about the day.

Hehe garden is a new garden. It's wonderful to say. The garden was lived by the eldest lady Chunyu LAN more than ten years ago. The word "hehe" was taken by the old man himself. It means that their husband and wife are harmonious and happy. After chunyulan died, the garden was empty, and no one lived in it.

Bai Xingyan doesn't want to live here either, but he can't find any other place for a while. At present, money is scarce, so it's not easy to build a new garden. I had no choice but to clean up and live in heheyuan first. I was still thinking about when I would have money. I would like to build a new garden.

On the way here, Bai hecan grabs two new shoots on the tree. This season, the leaves have not yet come out, only the sharp ones on the branches are called bracts. She held these bracts in her hand and all the way to the gate of heheyuan. The two bracts were stained with her body temperature and skin, which had been toxic to her heart.

She stood at the gate of the yard and spread out her hands. The night wind blew the buds away and scattered them all over the garden.

Bai Xingyan is guarded by a dark guard when he sleeps. At least four people are in the yard, but at the moment when the bracts blow into the garden, he sleeps without any sign. Some sleep in trees, some sleep on the roof, and two sleep in the backyard.

Bai hecan is very satisfied with this effect, and suddenly remembers that every time Jun murin goes to nianxiyuan to find her, he is also a servant who has made a yard faint. But I don't know what method and medicine that person used, but I think it's certainly not as good as her pure natural.

He stepped into heheyuan and walked through the courtyard with the sharp breath of nature. He opened the door of the room and walked to Bai Xingyan's bed.

The toxicity of the bract spreads with the wind, and goes into the room along the door that has just been opened. He follows her to Bai Xingyan and rushes up to let the sleeping people sleep more soundly.

Bai hecan stood and looked at it for a while, looking a little trance, as if she had experienced the same scene in her previous life.

She once stood by her father's bed and looked coldly at the sleeping people on the bed. Several times, she wanted to poison people directly. But after all, he didn't have to go. He kept Bai Xing alive for several years. However, God won't let him live a long time. There are too many people waiting for him to collect his corpse on the road of Bai Xing's death, so he can't escape the disaster.

Now she is Bai Xingyan. To tell you the truth, she may still have a trace of flesh and blood affection for Bai Xing in her previous life, but she can't mention the slightest affection for Bai Xingyan. After all, he is only the father of the original master. She can inherit the blood of the original master, but not the mind of the original master. What's more, she believed that even if the original Lord had a spirit, she would never have the slightest pity for such a father.

Bai hecan reaches out his hand and grabs Bai Xingyan's collar. His internal power starts to pull him down from the bed. Listen to a plop, Bai Xingyan subconsciously dull hum, but still did not wake up.

Like a dead dog, she dragged Bai Xingyan on the ground, from the house to the outside, from the front yard to the back yard, all the way to the well.

"If you drown my brother, you will have a taste of drowning. Just one time is not enough. You might as well have nightmares every night, bubble in water and submerge. Maybe you can wake up a lot. "

With that, she threw the man in her hand into the well. Seeing that Bai Xingyan fell into the well with his head down, when there was only one foot left outside the well, Bai hecan grabbed his ankles again, which didn't make people fall directly into the well.

So, lift it up, throw it in, lift it up again, throw it in again. So repeatedly, like washing clothes, wash half coma Bai Xingyan subconsciously began to struggle, began to aphasia.

Unfortunately, no one can help him, the whole house and the garden are silent, only he grunts like a pig.

It was a terrible nightmare. Bai Xingyan felt that he had fallen into the water. It was dark all around him. He wanted to climb out, but when he waved his arm, he always met with obstacles. It seems that there is a wall standing around him. His ankles are entangled by something. He can't run even if he wants to turn over.

A lot of cold water poured into his mouth. He felt that he was about to drown. He wanted to open his eyes desperately to see what was going on. Unfortunately, he was dizzy and couldn't open his eyes. Under the repeated stimulation of cold water, sleepiness still swept over. He suddenly realized that, oh, it was a dream. He was trapped in a nightmare, so he couldn't wake up.

I feel relieved to have nightmares. Who hasn't had several nightmares in his life? No need to struggle, no need to resist, even if it is hard, it is an illusion. In fact, he is lying on the bed in the room, snoring and sleeping. There is no cold water on his body, but a soft and warm quilt. It's all illusions. It's all fake.Baihecan can clearly feel that the person she is carrying gives up the struggle and stands upright, letting her toss.

She laughed. "Do you think it's a dream? This is very good, but Bai Xingyan, please remember that from now on, you will have such a dream every night. How about it? Are you looking forward to it? "

In this way, half an hour later, Bai hecan fished the man out of the water and dragged him back like a dead dog. From the backyard to the front yard, into the house and on the bed.

In the morning of the next day, Bai Xingyan woke up in a cold shiver. He was shocked all night. He was still frightened when he woke up completely.

This dream is terrible. How could he dream of falling into the water? How can you dream of being flooded repeatedly? The memory of being haunted by nightmares is too deep, so hard to wake up is not enough, almost died in a dream.

It's terrible. He's never had such a terrible dream.

Bai Xingyan subconsciously pats his heart. Only then can he find that his clothes are wet and his hair is wet. It's as if he really fell into the water before and now he's half dry.

All of a sudden, he made a mistake in his heart. Is it the sweat of midnight dream? No, how can you sweat so much?

He was shocked, "come on! Come on

There is dark Wei quickly into the house, Bai Xingyan asked: "what happened last night? Can someone enter the garden of harmony? "

Dark Wei shook his head: "no, nothing happened last night. Why does the master ask such a question? "

Bai Xingyan frowned, "nothing happened? Are you sure? " He was very angry and pointed at himself. "Then explain to my father what's the matter with my wet body? What about the water in my hair? Don't tell me that I don't know anything. What's the use of the local government to support you? "

Dark Wei is greatly surprised. At the same time, Yuan Chi, who has just walked outside, rushes in when he hears the sound. Bai Xingyan's appearance scares him. Then he looks at the dark Wei standing beside him and asks in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

That dark Wei one face is at a loss, "subordinates really don't know what happened, last night calm, he he he garden what special things didn't happen, subordinates and other four people vigil, didn't find any outsiders come in."

Yuan Chi frowned and pondered for a while. Then he said to Bai Xing, "master, dark Wei can't lie. Have you ever noticed something wrong last night?"

Bai Xingyan also calms down. He believes Yuan Chi's words, and dark Wei won't lie, but last night... "Last night, I had a nightmare, and other local officials didn't notice." Then he looked down at his clothes, still wondering, "can nightmares make people like this?"

Yuan Chi thought about it and said, "maybe the sweat soaked his clothes and hair. Is the master's dream terrible? Sometimes dreams are too vivid and frightening, which can make people sweat a lot. "

Bai Xingyan recalled the terrible dream of last night. For a moment, the feeling of suffocation caused by drowning hit his heart again, making him almost unstable and almost fell down.

Yuan Chi gave him a hand. "The master's face is not good. He needs a rest. Do you want to go down and invite a doctor?"

Bai Xingyan just wanted to say yes, but then he thought that there are not many doctors in Jingzhong now. They all went to tangzhou mansion, and the remaining fees are very high. Now Bai mansion is very hard up. What he fears most is to spend money on doctors!

So he waved his hand, "no, just take a break. From tonight on, the night guard will be added to six people, and we must keep an eye on the news. "

Yuan Chi and the dark Wei said in unison: "I will obey you."

Bai Xingyan ordered them to step back and sat on the edge of the bed for a long time.

Is it really a nightmare? He is so timid that he can be scared like this in his dream? Or is drowning last night really a dream? Why does he feel so real? It's like a personal experience. Everything is in my mind.

It's dark all around, and the space is narrow. After a few struggles, you can hit the wall. People are hanging upside down, big head down

Unable to sit down, he got up and walked out of the house to the well in the backyard.

If it's right, the space in the dream should be a well. He should be held by someone's ankle and hung upside down in the well. When he's soaked, he'll lift it up, and then he'll soak it down again and again.

He could remember clearly that he had choked a lot of water, and the cold well water poured into his mouth, making him feel that he was about to drown. So he struggled and tried to wake up, but he couldn't open his eyes. His eyelids were heavy, so he was in a nightmare.

However, such a real feeling, is it really a nightmare?Bai Xingyan held his hands by the well and looked into the water. This action just made him look down and see his hands first. At that moment, his brain exploded with a buzzing sound!

It's not a dream