"My word is Tao. As I told you, I'm a monk, and it's not difficult for a real God to kill one with every move, so I say the God level here is nothing!" Jue Tian Dao, looking at Jue Tian, he's not joking at all. The old man fell into meditation. Is this God really so powerful, but one thing is sure that Jue Tian is very strong, Powerful enough to be God level, he didn't respond to the blow of the wolf head. He could see clearly. He believed that if the blow hit him, he would protect himself with fighting spirit. He would certainly spit blood and fall to the ground and be seriously injured!

"Tao, no matter what your cultivation method is, it's the same way in the end. In the end, you want to go to that place. But if you don't set goals for yourself and just meet the current situation, you can't reach that level!" Jue Tian said. After looking at Connor, Connor has begun to practice. These should let him know, otherwise he will be complacent when he reaches the divine level, That's all my life!

After walking all the way for a few days, Casa preached: "there are indeed signs of human activities here. It can be seen that the panic thief group is indeed as Jue Tian said. We still don't go deep, and the task is completed here!" although he knows that there are two gods in his team, and they are all very powerful roles, It's not a problem to kill the whole panic thief group, but this is not their purpose. Just find out the location of the panic thief group!

Louis took out the recording crystal and recorded everything with magic, and the moving village in the distance also recorded it and received the crystal ball. Casa preached: "let's go back and kill two gods here. It's hard to be more powerful. After all, this is the territory of orcs!" Jue Tian didn't say anything. His purpose is to find the treasure of heaven and earth, Other things are not important. Only when you find the treasure of heaven and earth can you have the opportunity to go back. Otherwise, you can only go to the divine world after crossing the divine robbery. You can't tell whether there is a divine robbery in this space!

After a month's long journey, the seven finally got out of the panic grassland, and Connor also achieved the great wizard, which is more powerful than the ordinary great wizard, because Connor's can't be called magic, but Taoism, which is more powerful than the ordinary magician, because Connor's strong body is about to reach level 15 swordsman, and Louis has also reached level 15, After all, Louis himself is a genius. In addition, building Kidan at the moment of Jue Tian has greatly increased Louis's physical strength, better magic storage and much better energy, so he can break through quickly. In fact, physical exercise is strong, and the magic can naturally increase. After all, the body is all containers. Only when the container is large can it be, Naturally, some gifted magicians are not excluded. Their spiritual power is very huge, which makes them gather magic more quickly. Therefore, their bodies are sometimes thin, but their magic is very full!

"The biggest gain of this trip is the breakthrough in cultivation. Hehe, everyone has made great progress. For this, we deserve to celebrate!" Payne said. Jue Tiandao said, "that's a good idea. I have several fruits here. Let's each have one. It's a good thing. It's only one in a thousand years. Hehe!" Jue Tiandao took out the gold and silver fruit, Each person has a share. What Jue Tian took out is naturally a good thing. It has only become one in a thousand years. This is a powerful thing. However, several people don't know whether to eat it or not, because such a powerful treasure of heaven and earth will burst themselves after eating it. The last wine is an example. After drinking a cup, they don't have to eat for more than ten days! Now with such a big gold and silver fruit in hand, will it also have such an effect!

"Let's eat, this golden fruit and fruit are all in the world. Seeing these two colors is not the result of the absorption of the essence of the sun and the essence of the moon, and it is very mild. In the body, the essence of the moon will neutralize the essence of Yang, absolutely filling up, and my stock is not much!" Naturally, several people were rude. Penn bit off more than half of it. The sweet juice entered his throat and directly turned into a spring of energy, flowing all over his body! All over the pores!

"Good things, good things!" after eating, Penn felt that he was 30 years younger, his face was very ruddy, and his limbs were full of strength. "I said, Jue Tian, do you have anything else to tuck in? Take it out and let's have a look. It's also fun for everyone to share!" Penn said, Jue Tian almost didn't fall down. It's still fun to share his own things, Why don't you share it!

"There are some good things, but they are basically not suitable for you!" Jue Tian smiled. Seeing Jue Tian laughing, Payne quickly put an old face together and said: "it doesn't matter whether they are suitable or not. It's important to let these boys open their eyes. They can't go out at that time. They haven't seen anything. We lose more people, don't you say!" Casab and others immediately despised Payne from head to toe after listening to it. Obviously, you want to see it yourself and have to say us, but they are really curious. Jue Tian takes out amazing things every time!

"Well, in that case, now it's a wilderness, let's spend the night here!" said Jue Tian, clasping his hands, a mark flew into the sky, and then turned down in the shape of a bowl. If someone outside, he must be surprised, because Jue Tian disappeared out of thin air. In fact, Jue Tian just used a hidden word formula, and Penn looked at Jue Tian's handprint, As well as the subtle fluctuations around, I was shocked. This boundary was so simple that it was released by Jue Tian. It was just a handprint. What kind of cultivation method is this? Is this cultivation? Why has it never been heard before that monasticism is so strong!

With Jue Tian's hand waving, the captured alien master ship appeared in the open space. Such a huge thing appeared out of thin air. Rao's nerves have been greatly stimulated by Jue Tian. He can't help but be shocked. What artifact is the ring? The space inside is so huge. Look at this strange thing, the length is up to 100 meters, In other words, Jue Tian's space ring is at least 100 meters. God, there are not so many artifact rings. At most, 30 meters is the largest!

"Let's go, let's have a look inside today!" said Jue Tian. Suddenly, a ladder was stretched out in front of Jue Tian, and then a wonderful voice said, "welcome back!" then Jue Tian went up the ladder, and several people followed behind. When the ladder was fully automatic, they looked at it in surprise. The door was closed and the light inside was very soft, Moreover, the channels move forward automatically. Standing on it, Jue Tiandao: "This is the new civilization, technology! You know, its attack power is very strong. Take the super God level as an example. I can guarantee that they can't resist such a shot! It's almost automatic and doesn't need manual manipulation at all. Hehe, it's useless to tell you now. You'll have a good rest here today. By the way, don't disclose it to others after you go out I've been here, but it's a secret. I can't let people know! "Several people nodded mechanically. They haven't responded yet. Is this magic? Obviously not, it's completely automatic. My God, it's incredible!