Chapter 608

Ying Xiaogu has an accident in his eyes. He takes a look at the person who reported it and nods to show that he already knows.

She looked at the emperor and said, "grandfather, I have something to go out of the palace. Please wait for me to come back later."

The Emperor didn't think much and nodded: "go and be busy, don't worry."

Ying Xiaogu was out of the palace in a hurry, and now he is at leisure. No one needs to be careful about the people in Yaowang Valley any more. So all the people in Yaowang Valley go to the Regent's palace to rebuild Yaowang valley.

More and more people come to the capital, and more and more people gather together. Naturally, other doctors and yaowanggu will inevitably have conflicts.

Ying Xiaogu also understands Ke Gu's mind and asks him to discuss with Liao Jing about the resettlement of these people. Different political opinions lead to different decisions.

In fact, it's not surprising that something happened to Xiaogu.

But after waiting for the prince's residence, Ying Xiaogu had some accidents.

Because the door was crowded with a group of people, the gate of the prince's residence was blocked.

Seeing the carriage stop nearby, someone pointed to this side immediately: "look, it's the Regent Princess coming back!"

Sure enough, the eyes of the people present all fell on Ying Xiaogu. Ying Xiaogu frowned and asked, "do you know where this is? What do you mean it's all blocked up here? "

When Ying Xiaogu spoke, he was obviously displeased.

"Princess regent, why are you still living in the palace? Do you really care about us in Yaowang Valley? "

A crowd looked at, some people full of hope, and some people are faintly angry.

"Yaowang Valley has already disappeared. Where are the people from Yaowang Valley? Besides, I'm not planning to rebuild Yaowang valley. What's the point of your daily siege and sticking to different positions in different gangs?

"What I said is very clear. It's impossible for Yaowang Valley to be rebuilt. It's impossible in this life. So if you want to take the opportunity to make trouble, you'd better go quickly!"

"Everybody out of the way!" After Xiaogu said something harshly, he started to walk towards the palace. At this time, someone in the crowd yelled: "the Regent princess has been confused by the Regent. When Yaowang valley was destroyed, there was also the participation of the Regent! We can't let the Regent go back to the palace! "

I don't know who yelled, and people in the crowd began to roar. Ying Xiaogu had to stop as he walked towards the prefecture palace, because he couldn't walk

She frowned and looked at the speaker with a chill in her eyes: "people in Yaowang valley should not live more than 100 people, but where do you come from? What level of disciple was he in Yaowang Valley? Do you have proof of your identity? If you don't have one, please get out of here, or you'll be taken to jail as a mob! "

In response to Xiaogu's words, there was no meaning of being merciful. The people present looked different, and someone raised his voice and said, "do you see that now the master of shaogu has gone back to the imperial court with all his heart and no longer cares about us."

"At the beginning, my family died in Yaowang Valley, but now the master of shaogu in Yaowang Valley doesn't care about the hatred of that year, he has no conscience, and enjoys glory and wealth!"

"Yes, the young Valley master has defected! Now the little valley master is no longer the little valley master of that year! It's possible that this one in front of him is not the master of shaogu at all. The Regent is looking for someone to pretend to be the master of shaogu, so that he can get all the news from the master of medicine, and then catch them all to get the elixir of life and death! "

The argument is becoming more and more intense, which is against Xiaogu.

When Xiaogu's way was stopped, some officers and soldiers rushed out of the palace: "all go away, all go away. The Regent princess has her own identity now. How can she give up her husband for you people like you?"

The voice should be heard by Xiaogu. It's Liao Jing

When Liao Jingchao approached Xiaogu, the soldiers separated him. Someone yelled in the crowd: "this man was from Yaowang Valley before. I didn't expect that he is alive now, but he is also greedy for glory and wealth like the master of shaogu. He doesn't want to take care of us people in Yaowang Valley!"

Ying Xiaogu looks cold. The voice says all the time, who is this man?

Ying Xiaogu turns his eyes and looks cold as a pool.

"You want to live in the past, but I don't want to. I have my life now. If you want to learn medicine, no problem, I can teach it to you for free! But if you ask me to accompany you in order to return to Yaowang Valley, I'm sorry, I'm not as great as you think

Ying Xiaogu's words fell in the ears of the people present, and many people found them very unpleasant and unpleasant

"Princess, don't worry about them, just go to the mansion."

Liao Jing comes to Ying Xiaogu and worries that he will be hurt by the people present.

Ying Xiaogu looks serious and goes to the palace with him.

I don't know who yelled in the crowd: "the people in the palace have killed people! Kill

A man fell to the ground, with a lot of blood flowing out of his body. At this time, he was covering his stomach in pain. It seemed that he was hurt a lot.

Ying Xiaogu thinks that she doesn't want to go back to Yaowang valley. She just wants to live her ordinary life. Everyone can be well and have nothing to do with each other. But she doesn't think that it's not because someone is unhappy with herself and won't let her get what she wants... Ying Xiaogu frowns and says to Liao Jing, "go and have a look." After that, Ying Xiaogu plans to go back to the government by himself, but someone grabs Ying Xiaogu and doesn't want to let go: "the Regent Princess wants to escape after she kills people. Come and see!" When the bodyguard saw the people present, he could only push them away. Ying Xiaogu felt very depressed. I don't want to waste any more time here to appease others. She stepped into the palace, vaguely heard the sound of fighting outside... Ke Gu was also in the Regent's palace at this time, and saw Ying Xiaogu coming back. She was surprised: "is the emperor's illness getting better? How did the Regent come back Ying Xiaogu tightly screwed his eyebrows and said, "if Liao Jing doesn't find someone to inform me of the situation outside the palace, won't you always send someone to inform me? How would you like to do it? Drive these people away, or kill them? "“ These people are from Yaowang valley. As disciples of Tonggu, how could they kill them? The princess of the county really blamed me“ No, it's the best. " Ying Xiaogu looks directly at Ke Gu, as if he has lost the trust he had at the beginning. Ke Gu followed Ying Xiaogu and asked, "if these people are really making trouble all the time, what should I do with them?"“ Pull a line outside the palace, and don't let those people continue to get close. In addition, if you can ignore them, don't ignore them. After waiting for a long time, maybe they will lose their spirit at the beginning, and they will separate, leave and not get together. "“ I see After Ke Gu said a word, he didn't leave. Instead, he followed Ying Xiaogu all the time. Ying Xiaogu asked strangely, "do you have anything else to do?" Ke Gu then responded: "the school is under construction, but it's easy to cause dissatisfaction among the people present to give the former and new applicants the same treatment... Ying Xiaogu frowned tightly:" I have no special case here, so... We must treat them equally and give out the exact news. No matter what other people say, we must insist that I should never give up, Rebuild Yaowang Valley“ I'm sorry for the grandeur in our eyes. I can't satisfy you and I can't do it! " Although Ying Xiaogu asked Ke Gu to convey this to others, he also suggested that Ke Gu meant it. Ke Gu didn't express any objection and replied, "yes." His eyes darkened gradually, then he turned and walked out. Those people at the door were still making trouble, but Ke Gu went out and ordered to the guards, "if everyone dares to break in again, they will catch them directly. They will be hungry for three days and three nights and will not give them food!" I found that I couldn't get any advantage in the palace. In the end, no one continued to insist on it, and they left separately. Liao Jing wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to Ke Gu, "help me. Do you need to sew this wound?" Ke Gu shrugged his shoulders and said, "only Cuizhu and the princess can do it. I can't do it!" An accident flashed in Liao Jing's eyes, and he said: "then carry the person into the house first, and then ask the princess to see if it really needs to be mended. Ke chin glanced at the people present and asked, "who hurt the person?"