Chapter 582

"It's the eighth prince. Now the prince is missing, the fourth Prince commits suicide in prison, and the eldest prince mutinies. It seems that the eighth Prince is the only one in the emperor's blood who is safe and sound?"

One of them asked, and the prime minister stepped forward.

"A country can't have no monarch or prince for a day! Is it God's arrangement that the eighth prince appears here at this time? "

The prime minister now occupies a great position in the court. When he says this at the moment, it is no doubt that other people will follow suit.

"Yes, maybe it's God's will, but the eighth Prince is the prince. Who is in charge of the government?"

"When the emperor gives the power to the prime minister, naturally the prime minister is in charge. The prime minister has no choice but to support the new crown prince. The queen takes the eighth prince by her side, so the eighth Prince is not worthy of the crown prince's position? Wait for the prince to appear, and then establish a prince.... "

Some people put forward this idea, others echoed it.

"Yes, yes!"

Later, under the arrangement of the prime minister, the eighth prince became the new prince. With the support of the queen and the prime minister, Ying Xiaogu did not appear. A few days later, news came from the frontier that the emperor had passed away!

This news shocked Manjing!

The eighth Prince is the prince, but the emperor is dead, the prince will become the emperor naturally!

Without the emperor in the frontier, the morale will be greatly reduced, and the people in the city will be in fear.

The queen and the prime minister urgently support the eighth prince to ascend the throne. Two powerful people and the eighth prince are the only blood of the emperor. Who can they support if they don't?

"Emperor, are you still seriously ill at this time?" A minister asked his doubts.

"Leisure often out of so many things, the emperor was Qibing what good strange!" Someone mumbled.

"Alas, the princess of the county can't help her. This man can kill her!"

For about two days, the ceremony was hastily prepared by the Palace officials. The civil and military officials stood under the stage and knelt down respectfully to the queen on the high stage and the eighth prince in their arms.

The Imperial Palace was full of heavily guarded soldiers. Under such a solemn and grand scene, the queen and the prime minister thought that no one dared to make trouble.

But just in this kind of atmosphere, on the roof not far away, there was a loud roar of laughter.

Thousands of people were looking at the sound source.

Between on the roof, a man, reclining on the top, dressed in a dark red slant Lapel robe, a wide sleeve swing gently floating with the breeze, he laughed wildly, in the hand of a wooden gourd, with or without a drink.

"A three-year-old boy, who knows how to fight and how to capture Prince Ben?"

"It's just the queen and the prime minister's personal interests. They use a three-year-old child as a pretext. But you pedantic ministers have seen through everything, but they are silent. Why, what are the benefits the queen and the prime minister are going to give you?"

Yan Hongyi is on the roof, and the ministers are standing under the roof. They can only see a vague figure, but his sarcastic words are clearly heard in the audience.

A number of ministers were ridiculed, the queen and the prime minister did not want to be disturbed by Yan Hongyi, so the bodyguard quickly arrested Yan Hongyi.

If Yan Hongyi dares to come here, he will not be afraid of being caught

He turned around and leaped down from the roof. He had confidence to get rid of all the palace guards.

But he felt that there was someone behind him, following him?

Yan Hongyi frowned and turned his head. He was surprised at the people he saw.

"How do you..."

The other party is wearing a black robe, and his eyes look at him with disdain. He is full of cold, approaching Yan Hongyi step by step.

"You are enemies inside and outside the palace. Yan Hongyi, do you still think you can escape today? Where have you got people? "

In the face of Fu Chengyu's question, Yan Hongyi just looked at him mockingly: "you can find the prince, then try to find the princess of the county!"

With a proud smile, he turned around and flew onto the roof. Several ups and downs had already left Xu Yuan.

Fu Chengyu didn't have to choose to keep up.

There were too many people who saw them in the palace. The prime minister and the queen said angrily, "if you dig the palace three feet, you have to find them!"

With an order, the forces of the ceremony withdrew half and went to track the people.

The prime minister secretly pinched a sweat, because the emperor was not dead at all. The moment Yan Hongyi came out, he was afraid that the lie would be exposed.

The palace is full of people searching for Yan Hongyi and Fu Chengyu. Yan Hongyi still doesn't want to tell Fu Chengyu about this. Ying Xiaogu's news. He almost flies a long way, and then finds that Fu Chengyu appears behind him or in front of him, looking at him coldly.

Yan Hongyi has a trace of chagrin. He can't shake off Fu Chengyu.

When they ascended the throne, everyone knelt down on the ground and was ready to shout in unison for long live the emperor. Unexpectedly, another voice came from the roof: "wait a minute!"

The civil and military officials looked towards the roof and saw a bright yellow figure slowly approaching.

Everyone was surprised. When they saw the color, they only thought of the emperor, the queen and the emperor. Wait for a person to fall down, the conjecture in the public heart carries out. Is it the emperor who is seriously ill and can't get up? He landed on the ground from left to right. The two people beside him, the people present, recognized Ying Wei at a glance. At the moment of the emperor's appearance, both the prime minister and the queen could not help shrinking“ Who is this man? It must be pretending to be the emperor! The emperor should have been recuperating in ningshou palace! " The queen scolded angrily, and then ordered the people beside her: "what are you still doing? Take down the fake quickly? " The emperor looked at the empress with disdain: "I used to think that you were not virtuous, but you were in charge of the harem in an orderly way. You were tolerant and kind to the concubines in the harem. But I didn't expect that you dare to choose another emperor in front of the civil and military officials today. Are you going to listen to the government behind the curtain and collude with the prime minister?" The emperor's words, every sentence in the face of the queen, the queen looked at the guards are still standing in the same place, did not move, obviously did not want to go forward to take down the emperor. Worried, she urged again, "don't you believe what I said? Who doesn't know ningshou palace? The emperor is very ill and can't come. He was brought from outside the palace. He's a fake! " With the prestige of the emperor, and the presence of people, everyone feels that the emperor in front of us is not like a fake. Just by the Queen's guess, we are going to take the emperor? They dare not“ You, you, who didn't know that the Emperor gave the county Princess Yingwei? You're from the county princess? The princess of the county asked you to pose as troublemakers? " The queen stepped forward with some excitement, holding the eighth Prince's hand, pinching him with pain. He cried: "mother, pain!"