Chapter 542

Yan Hongyi was not held in the palace, but was sent out of the palace that night. There was no information about where he was held.

The people in the prince's residence captured the second prince of Yudu, the enemy country. They made a great contribution. A reward was sent to the prince's residence the next day. Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu were not happy when they saw the reward, because Ying Xiaogu's poison needed Yan Hongyi to solve.

After one night's attack, Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu deeply know the power of Gu Du.

Fu Chengyu sent many people to look for Gu Shi. He was afraid that Ying Xiaogu would attack anytime and anywhere, and he did not dare to let Ying Xiaogu stay alone.

Ying Xiaogu sat in the pharmacy and began to look through Gu Du medical books. She sighed and said, "Yan Hongyi has made it clear enough, but we are so good that we have no way to find out the real solution."

"He should be held in the heaven prison now. If you ask him, he may not tell you the way to dispel the poisonous insects. If you kill him, I'm afraid you will always have poisonous insects with you!"

Fu Chengyu looks at Ying Xiaogu, hoping that he will suffer instead of her. Ying Xiaogu says with a smile: "don't blame yourself too much. If you didn't save me, I can't figure out what I am now?"

Ying Xiaogu didn't blame him, but comfort him, let Fu Chengyu very happy, Fu Chengyu also began to look up medical books beside.

In the evening, a guest came to the prince's residence, helping Cheng Yu to look at Ying Xiaogu: "let's go to the living room."

In the living room, Fu xuyao is sitting on a chair, waiting for Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu anxiously. He immediately stands up.

"Did you catch Yan Hongyi and take him away by the emperor? Still in the palace? "

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu look at each other. Fu xuyao has many problems. He is very concerned about where Yan Hongyi is going.

"How do you know?" Fu Cheng Yu asked.

Fu xuyao frowned deeply: "it's not a secret. Why can't we know? Can you tell me if it's true? "

Seeing his eager expression, Ying Xiaogu suggested to one side: "maybe this is a trap, the purpose is to lead you to appear. Although the emperor doesn't know what to do with you now, it's because there is no substantial evidence to prove that you are not the prince!"

"But once you rob Yan Hongyi, you will be a traitor. It's easy for the emperor to punish you! You have to think it over! "

Fu xuyao looked indifferent and did not hesitate. He responded: "I only hope you can support what I have done! Instead of admonishing and obstructing me

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu's brows are locked tightly. Fu xuyao is possessed. He just wants revenge?

"Prince, you should think about the consequences. You can't rush for quick success and instant benefit. Your brother is still in your house. Once you have an accident, the emperor will be the first to clean up your brother!"

Fu xuyao clenched his fist: "thank you for your kind reminding, but I hope you will tell me the truth immediately."

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu see that Fu xuyao's attitude is firm and can't be persuaded. Finally, Ying Xiaogu is silent.

Fu Chengyu said slowly: "people are taken away, but if the emperor really wants to lure you, he probably won't detain people in the palace, because it's more difficult in the palace!"

"In order to make you feel lucky, maybe you will arrange people in Dali temple! Of course, it's all speculation, not the exact truth! "

Fuxuyao stood up with a dignified look. "Thank you very much."

He is about to leave, and Fu Chengyu can't help but stop him: "even if you save Yan Hongyi, he may not be grateful to you! Make an alliance with you! But if you go, you are absolutely in danger! "

Fu Chengyu still doesn't give up and continues to comfort him. Fu xuyao turns around helplessly and looks at Fu Chengyu: "thank you for reminding me."

After that, without hesitation, he walked away.

Ying Xiaogu looks at Fu Chengyu: "what should I do? He doesn't listen to advice at all?"

Fu Cheng Yu sighed: "the idea in his heart is too firm. We can't say anything."

Ying Xiaogu was silent and said, "if not, let's help him secretly."

Fu Cheng Yu chuckles: "you and I want to go together!"

After Fu xuyao left, he began to deploy. At night, he took people to Dali temple to find Yan Hongyi's whereabouts, and then robbed him.

With the help of this event, I got the support of Yudu, rebelled and killed the emperor!

In the palace, someone knelt down and reported to the Emperor: "I've seen the emperor. I found suspicious people in Dali temple. They are from the eldest prince. That's right."

The emperor said, "then give him a chance to meet Yan Hongyi."


Shadow stood up and flew away from the window.

Ke Gu, who is eavesdropping outside, walks away.

After he left, he released the carrier pigeon in the air. The carrier pigeon circled in the night, and then landed in the courtyard of the prefecture.

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu have been waiting for news. They quickly step forward and take down the letter paper from the carrier pigeon's leg.


A simple word.

They just want Ke Gu to get information in the palace to confirm whether this Yan Hongyi is being held in Dali temple. Now see a word, should millet and help into Yu are sure“ Since you decide to help Mo yubai, give him your shadow guard! " They can't go to Dali temple at will. Otherwise, if they are found, they will be implicated and will not play any role. Ying Xiaogu nodded and arranged. In Dali temple, there are patrolling officers and soldiers everywhere. A group of people in black all fall on the roof. They watch the officers and soldiers changing their posts below and continue to hibernate. When the night gets deeper, everyone feels a little sleepy. Some yawn and others doze with their eyes closed. Then, at this moment, the people on the roof flew out their darts and shot at the officers and soldiers guarding the entrance of the cell below. There is a strong poison on the dart. When it penetrates into the skin and flesh, it makes people spread the poison quickly and fall to the ground one by one. After that, a group of people in black flew to the ground and headed for the entrance of the cell. At this time in the cell, there are guards, heard the abnormal sound, but just began to scold, people were wiped neck. Everything seems to be very smooth, the people in the cell are sleeping, a group of people in black look at the past, and then eyes locked in a back cell. There was a man in the cell. At this time, he seemed to be very leisurely. He was lying on the grass, folded his legs, and turned his eyes immediately when he heard the sound of picking the lock outside. He was not excited or flustered. He just watched calmly until someone came up to him and said, "now come with us quickly, run away from here, and we will help you go back to Yudu!" Lying on the ground, Yan Hongyi sat up lazily and asked, "did the prince say that he would leave Leichang?"