Chapter 532

Originally, I thought that it was strange for yingxiaogu to come to the prince's mansion. Now, yingxiaogu's reaction is real.

What kind of conflict did she make in the prefecture!

Fu xuyao and Mohist Xun looked at each other, but they did not say anything. They sat with Ying Xiaogu and ate in silence.

When Ying Xiaogu finished eating, he asked for the pulse for Mohist Xun and Fu xuyao. Ying Xiaogu praised Fu xuyao for his good health now, which was not as complicated as before.

Besides the trauma he had suffered before, Mohist Xun's body was as good as he could say.

She looked at the darkening sky outside: "thank you for your hospitality today. I'll go back first."

Ying Xiaogu stood up with a smile on his lips.

Mohist Xun then stood up: "I send the princess of the county."

"No, what are we doing with that politeness? I'm leaving. Don't give it away!"

Ying Xiaogu takes a carriage back to the prince's residence. Everything looks like the same in the prince's residence. Ying Xiaogu goes to soak in hot spring water, and then goes back to his room to sleep.

But to her surprise, there was a person lying on the bed in the room, waiting for her

Ying Xiaogu stood in front of him and looked at him, "did you come after dinner?"

Fu Cheng Yu sat on the bed, did not intend to leave, very honest response: "yes."

Ying Xiaogu snorted, "be careful that she can't sleep, and then ask you to come over, wake me up at that time, but I'll be angry!"

Fu Chengyu replied with a smile: "no one came to inform me, naturally no one will wake you up!"

Fu Cheng Yu's words, is to say, he prevented that kind of thing to happen?

Ying Xiaogu didn't continue to talk about other things. She got into bed from the side, but she was sleeping on the other side.

Fu Chengyu asked strangely, "what is this for?"

"Don't you want to see your face?"

Fu Chengyu

Half a day did not wait for Fu Chengyu to speak again, Ying Xiaogu did not continue to speak, turned over and cultivated sleepiness.

Soon, Ying Xiaogu goes to sleep. The whole room is extremely quiet until dawn. Ying Xiaogu wakes up and finds that Fu Chengyu is beside her pillow.

Looking at the light from outside, no one really came to disturb them last night.

Ying Xiaogu looks at Fu Chengyu's slightly closed eyes, breathing evenly. She can't help but poke him in the face.

Very familiar with a face, but feel some hate! Want a bite!

Ying Xiaogu pursed his lips, turned over and continued to sleep.

Help Cheng Yu's hand immediately moved in the past, she fished into the arms, holding.

Ying Xiaogu doesn't know if Fu Chengyu has woken up, but Ying Xiaogu doesn't want to struggle and continues to cultivate sleepiness.

To ring noon, should millet again wake up, head some faint, side, help into Yu also has been accompanied to sleep.

See her wake up, help into Yu asked: "do you want to get up to eat?"

Ying Xiaogu sat up by himself: "of course you have to eat when you are hungry! It's just that you didn't take care of her at breakfast. Isn't she hungry and didn't even have breakfast? "

Help into Yu in the side of some innocent answer: "I did not eat ah, hungry together, very good!"

Ying Xiaogu snorted coldly, dressed and got up.

When they were ready to go out, the servant had already prepared the hot water and brought it in. Green bamboo wrung out the wet wipes and said, "the food is ready. The princess and the prince can gargle and eat."

Ying Xiaogu took a look at Cuizhu and asked, "someone didn't make trouble?"

Green bamboo shakes a head: "did not make, all morning in pharmacy, make potion."

Ying Xiaogu has some accidents. Did Fu Chengyu communicate with Xiang Jirou? So you learn from Jirou?

Ying Xiaogu glances at Fu Chengyu. He stands aside, waiting for her and going to have dinner with her.

Should millet out of the door, help into Yu followed.

At the dinner table, they were eating, but none of them spoke. Finally, after the meal, Ying Xiaogu stood up: "let's go, go to the pharmacy!"

In the pharmacy, as Cuizhu said, Xiang Jirou is busy. She seems to be very familiar with every process. Ying Xiaogu says, "have you eaten yet? Are you going to be a workaholic

Xiang Jirou covered her veil and looked up at Ying Xiaogu: "thank you for your worry."

She didn't say whether she had dinner or not

Ying Xiaogu looked at her and said, "don't wait for hunger to cause stomach trouble. Blame me then."

Ying Xiaogu watched her busy and studied silently.

Neither of them said a word more. They just developed the potion in silence. When they were busy in the evening, Ying Xiaogu stretched out and had a clear idea of how to do it.

Cuizhu comes to ask her to have dinner. Ying Xiaogu takes a look at Jirou. All afternoon, she doesn't even have water. She seems too busy to have time

After Xiaogu went out, he asked, "did she have dinner today?"

"A servant brought her food. It is said that she ate it, but she ate very little."

"No hunger strike. It seems that the princess taught her something?"

Otherwise, how could Xiang Jirou be so honest?

Fu Chengyu is pretty good, knowing to save their broken feelings in time.

At the same time, in the palace, someone reported to the emperor that the prince's house was happy.

As soon as fuyangyan left the capital, there was joy in the prince's mansion, which naturally belonged to fuyangyan!

Fuyangyan fertility no problem!

Mr. Yan congratulated him: "Congratulations, Emperor. The prince is in good health. He can continue to have children for us! It's a great joy

The emperor's expression is light, he replied: "reward!"

When fuyangyan left the capital, all the ministers thought that fuxuyao or fuyuze was the next candidate for the crown prince. But now, fuyangyan has hope again.

All the people in the court were talking: "the medical skill of the princess of the county is not very good. This kind of event can also make mistakes!"

"But, Prince, his arm is injured. I'm afraid that he will be inferior to others in hunting and going to war in the future?"

"I'm worried about what I'm going to do. I can write with a pen."

Hearing a group of Ministers' comments, Fu Chengyu just stood aside silently.

Back to the prefecture, Fu Chengyu at the dinner table, can't help asking: "at the beginning you for Fu Yangyan treatment, very sure he has no fertility?"

"Sure, why?"

"There is a happy pulse coming from the prince's mansion!"

Ying Xiaogu was surprised, but soon recovered as usual.

"No matter whether his prince's mansion will be happy or not, they are the only ones the emperor trusts and will reuse now, aren't they?"

She felt that fuyuze and fuxuyao were both blacklisted by the emperor!

"Very reasonable." Fu Chengyu gives Ying Xiaogu a dish. He seems to have a good appetite.

Ying Xiaogu looked at him and suggested: "however, in the prince's mansion, if Xiang Jirou doesn't show up many times, it will certainly make people suspicious."

"And even if she is veiled, she may not be found by people in the prince's mansion. If she bites back, how can you defend yourself?"

Fu Chengyu didn't want to think so much about Xiaogu. He coughed: "do you want me to send her away?"

"Do you think it's worth the risk for her?" Xiaogu asked.

Fu Chengyu is silent.

Ying Xiaogu continued: "she has a problem with fuyangyan because of his abuse, but she is a princess. Is she willing to report the prince for her abuse and destroy her identity?"

Xiang Jirou, without the title of Pro princess, will only be an abandoned wife in the future!

Ying Xiaogu's words are reasonable, but Fu Chengyu didn't say a word for a while, and Ying Xiaogu didn't continue to say again. Anyway, Fu Chengyu should understand the advantages and disadvantages!

After the meal, Ying Xiaogu stood up, but a servant came over and reported to him, "the princess is not well, girl. She is too tired, and her leg injury recurred. Now she can't walk well in the painful Road, and wrestling is very serious..."

Ying Xiaogu looks at Fu Chengyu, and Fu Chengyu stands up: "let's go and have a look together!"

Ying Xiaogu didn't want to go, but as a doctor, she didn't go and invited others. It seemed that she had made some mistakes.

After Ying Xiaogu follows, Xiang Jirou has been taken back to her room and placed on the bed, but her hands and legs are injured

People, pain in the bed wipe tears, that beautiful eyes exposed outside, looks very pitiful.

Should millet look calm, came forward to check the wound: "rubbed the skin and flesh, bleeding, anti-inflammatory drug on all right."

And her leg has the original scratch marks, so big a piece of meat from the new growth, some terrible, the wound was helped into Yu to see, should millet glanced at him, don't know what he thought at this time.

Xiang Jirou asked with a worried face: "can I not go to the pharmacy tomorrow?"

She asked cautiously, seemingly asking for advice.

Ying Xiaogu was stunned and looked at her and said seriously, "it seems that I didn't let you go today, right? Did you go by yourself? You work all the time and don't rest. It seems that you decide for yourself? Even if you walk and wrestle, I don't push it? "

As Xiaogu asked, Xiang Jirou was shocked. She sobbed bitterly: "but you are the princess of the county. I dare not neglect what you told me."

She wiped her tears and looked at Fu Chengyu with tears in her eyes

This light call, full of feelings of grievance, is a man's heart is soft, right?

Fu Cheng Yu frowned and said, "you can take good care of it. You don't need to make any medicine."

Xiang Jirou bowed her head, covered her stomach, and said in embarrassment: "today, Jirou has tried to eat by herself, but she is still uneasy, so she only took a small bite. Now she is very hungry. Can you help me, princess? I want to eat... "

Is still aggrieved and pitiful tone, speak gently, soft, with entreaties, so pathetic appearance, help into Yu heart to refuse?

Ying Xiaogu didn't speak at the side, waiting for Fu Chengyu to express his position. Xiang Jirou looks at Fu Chengyu pitifully: "Jun Wang?" Help into Yu helpless, looked at the next standing servant: "duanfan to." Ying Xiaogu chuckles and looks at Xiang Jirou's eyes without any temperature. She announced: "there is good news from the prince's mansion that a concubine is pregnant! As a pro princess, if someone in the palace comes to reward you, or your father wants to meet you in private, I wonder if he will find that you are missing? "“ How can people in the prince's mansion declare that you are missing? Being taken away? Running away with people? "