Chapter 529

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu arrive and see the people around the table. There are really a lot of people coming.

"Congratulations to the king and Princess of the county for coming out of danger!"

Almost all the sisters from the Lu family and the publishing house are here. Together with Mo Jiaxun and Fu Yuze, one table is not enough. There are two other tables beside

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu look at each other: "thank you for your congratulations. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long."

Help into Yu slowly step forward, pull should millet sit down beside.

"The prince and Princess of the county have been in danger all this time. Now we are satisfied to get up and eat with us!"

"That's it. Just sit down and eat cold food in winter."

Yingcuizhu and Huanxi put chopsticks beside them. Yingxiaogu pulled them: "sit down and eat together!"

Ying Xiaogu looked at Mohist Xun beside him again: "your elder brother didn't come?"

"He has other things to deal with. After he sent me, he left."

Ying Xiaogu showed a sudden expression: "let's all eat more."

Fuyuze sneezed a few times. Yingxiaogu gave him a strange look: "you have a cold?"

"It's too cold outside. I'll see if I have any symptoms later."

CEN Tianlei laughed and said, "you're not a good boy."

He clapped his hand on fuyuze's shoulder. Fuyuze snorted, and his shoulder seemed to be broken.

Liao Jing looks at it calmly. Although he likes the lively scene, he doesn't know how to cut in.

"Princess of the county, don't you think it's a young man to cure the Liao brothers? So many sisters of our publishing house are waiting for us? "

Qingwan joked. Liao Jing's face turned red immediately. He lowered his head and quickly picked up the rice.

Wang Yiyao next to Qingwan clip vegetables: "eat soup, don't tease people, he is more subtle than you."

Wang Yiyao gave a clear look: "who calls him cute?"

Yu Yangyang's mouth said: "if you like it, take it down quickly, so that others won't recover their looks and become a handsome young man. Then you won't look up to you!"

The sisters of the publishing house are used to fighting with each other every day. Naturally, they have no scruples. They are not afraid to open up criminals when they speak. While they speak, Yu Yangyang and Qing Wan still use chopsticks to knock each other,

Fu Chengyu poured a glass of wine for himself at this time: "when the prince's residence is in trouble, you are also involved. It's the fault of the prince's residence. I'd like to propose a toast to you. I also hope that in the future, everyone will be happy and have a good day!"

Qingwan stretched out her hand to stop her sisters from carrying wine. "Jun Wang, we sisters have been damaged by the disturbance of your Jun Wang's residence. You should be our Amway future husband, otherwise, don't think we'll drink this wine!"

Fu Chengyu chuckled: "OK, no problem. If I have a chance, I'll hold a martial arts contest for you and a Wen contest for you!"

Then the people in front of them took their glasses and drank them up.

It was late in the evening when the dinner table was scattered. Everyone was drunk. Although it was cold in winter, people didn't seem to feel any cold.

CEN Tianlei and Liao Jing are responsible for sending all the people back. Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu lie sleepy together.

"Another sleep?" Fu Chengyu asks in Ying Xiaogu's ear.

He holds Ying Xiaogu in his arms and walks out. Ying Xiaogu shrinks in Fu Chengyu's arms, squints his eyes and responds with a smile: "it's good, it's not good."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to watch the snow with you, but I want to stay under the warm blanket."

"Well, your request seems a little unreasonable... We sleep in the snow?"

Ying Xiaogu laughs in Fu Chengyu's arms. Fu Chengyu can't help but laugh.

"Are you serious?"

Ying Xiaogu shook his head in his arms: "I don't know! Let's sleep together

Her cheeks were red and she was obviously drunk

Fu Chengyu reluctantly caresses her hair and puts her on the bed. Ying Xiaogu's eyes are closed and his mouth is slightly smiling. At this time, he seems to be in a good mood

After Ying Xiaogu fell asleep, Fu Chengyu walked out. At this time, outside the house, there was a little guy waiting for a long time. When he saw Fu Chengyu, he immediately reported: "prince, the people in the prince's house have set out for the frontier, just..."

Fu Cheng Yu Wei squinted: "just what?"

"Only the villain found a secret in the prince's mansion."

Help Cheng Yu eyes flash accident, "what secret, say."

"It's the prince's house, the princess. She's under house arrest and abused!"


At night, Fu Chengyu is dressed in black night clothes and walks on the roof. Below is Xiang Jirou's room. Her room is locked and guarded by two people.

Fu Chengyu holds a silver needle between his fingers. His eyes are bright and cold. He flies out of the silver needle on his fingertips. They hum and fall to the ground. When he landed on the ground, he took out his dagger, cut off the door lock and went in. In the room, it seems that there is a bad smell of Sao, and a sour smell. Fu Chengyu frowns and approaches the bed. He blows out the origami and sees the situation on the bed clearly. A weak and thin woman was lying on it, her eyes closed, and her breath was weak, as if she would lose her breath at any time. He came forward and called softly, "Jirou?" The other side did not respond, Fu Chengyu called a few more, until the other side had a reaction, Fu Chengyu eyes flashed a touch of joy: "what do you think?" Xiang Jirou looks at Junyan in front of her, her eyes are a little confused, and then she gradually recovers her look. She excitedly looks at Fu Chengyu: "help, help me..." her voice is hoarse, with a trace of excitement. She wants to reach for Fu Chengyu, but her wrist is locked by the iron chain, and she can't move at all. Help Cheng Yu take out a dagger: "don't worry, I'll save you!" Xiang Jirou didn't say a word any more, waiting for Chengyu to save her. Not long in the dark, the position above the roof, Fu Chengyu holding her waist, with her flying on the roof, after a few ups and downs, then disappeared without a trace. After daybreak, in the prince's mansion, the servant found that the door lock was missing, while the doorkeeper was still in a coma, so he was worried immediately“ No, no, housekeeper At the same time, in the prince's residence, the abused Xiang Jirou cleans up. She shrinks and calls Fu Chengyu, who is standing outside the door, to come in quickly. After Fu Chengyu enters the room, she pours at Fu Chengyu immediately. Standing beside the joy, eyebrows tightly tightened up. Xiang Jirou holds Fu Chengyu and buries his face in his arms: "I'm so afraid, I'm afraid. Brother Chengyu, don't leave me!"