Chapter 416

Even if the emperor let him secretly collect evidence, but at this time two people here, he can't help but despise, directly said, he has suspected the intention of rebellion.

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu look at each other. Yan Hongyi's identity is related to Mohism

"Your Highness, the second prince of Yudu is in Yudu, and Mo yubai, the young master of Mohism, has been in the prefecture for a long time and has never been to Yudu. Are you wrong! You need proof! "

Ying Xiaogu looks cold, looking at Fuyang Yan, obviously not convinced!

Fuyang Yan snorted coldly: "is the princess still quibbling? Don't think Prince Ben doesn't know. The people in your prefecture have been taking in Prince Yudu all the time! "

His voice is sharp, say he excitedly stood up, looking at to help Cheng Yu and should small valley quite annoyed.

"You two, traitors! One virtue with Fu Zhengqi and Shen Daihe, treason! "

"You don't want to be bloody!" Fu Chengyu looks at Fu Yangyan with red eyes. Fu Zhengqi and Shen Daihe are his rebellious scales!

Fuyangyan disdained: "how long has Yan Hongyi lived in your Prefecture? Don't you two know Yan Hongyi? Why have you been so unreported? "

Fuyangyan knows everything!

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu did not report to the royal family.

But they haven't been rebellious yet. They haven't made friends with Yan Hongyi, and it's even more impossible to cooperate with Yan Hongyi!

"Evidence! Without evidence, everything is empty talk! " Ying Xiaogu's tone was severe, and he didn't want to admit it directly.

Wang Yiyao shook Xiaogu's arm: "Princess of the county, go to save people. Jiaxun is seriously injured now!"

Wang Yiyao's eyes were full of worry. Her temperature dropped, her cheeks were not so ruddy, even pale.

Ying Xiaogu nodded: "OK, I'll go!"

Ying Xiaogu stepped out and fuyangyan said, "no one is allowed to go today!"

He approached Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu step by step: "you two, where is the prince's mansion? Come and go as you want?"

Fu Chengyu and Ying Xiaogu look at each other. It's really hard for them to escape today. They owe it to Yan Hongyi!

It's not clear how they found out that Yan Hongyi had been staying in the prefecture, and also implicated Mohism!

"Trying to embarrass us? sure! Hand over Mohist Xun first, he needs treatment! " Ying Xiaogu looks at Fu Yangyan and gets angry.

Fuyangyan sneered: "princess, princess, do you really think that with the Imperial Army and the support of the emperor's grandfather, you two are idle emperors? Is it still so arrogant in the crown prince's territory

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu frown and look at Fu Yangyan. Fu Yangyan's attitude is so firm that he is definitely not willing to hand over Mohist Xun.

He is sure to eat two people, just afraid of violence tonight!

"The prince insisted that Mohism and the prefecture government colluded with Prince Yudu, but she didn't show any evidence. Today, the princess found Yiyao in the prince, and she was drugged."

"You also arrested Mohist Xun, robbed the women of the people and beat the good people. These two crimes are enough to damage the crown prince's reputation."

"Prince, you'd better honestly hand over the evidence that the two families of the prefecture and Mohist collude with Prince Yudu. Otherwise, your reputation will be ruined!"

Should millet threat like opening, looking at Fuyang Yan no bit of concession.

She has a lonely and proud temperament, a cold face, a firm and threatening tone. Even in this situation, should Xiaogu still be so calm and proud?

Xiang Jirou clenches her fist. How can she let people go easily today?

She looked at Fu Yangyan: "prince, if you are seriously injured, let the princess of the county cure you. Otherwise, if you die, you can't tell me what the clue will be broken."

Since Mohist Xun is the person that Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu care about, holding the prince's house in their hands is equivalent to holding their weakness!

So Mohist Xun is useful. You can not let him die first.

There must be a reason for Jirou to open her mouth. Fuyangyan says to the outside direction: "bring the rebel of Mohism here!"

Fuyangyan drinks a little wine, the strength of the wine gradually comes up, and his face is a little red. He looks at yingxiaogu and fuchengyu and despises them.

"Do you want Prince ben to show evidence first? Hum, the prince wants you to prove your innocence. If you can't, let's go

Xiang Jirou can't stand fuyangyan drunk, she don't open the line of sight, in front of fuyangyan's face, eyes are still looking at fuchengyu.

This indifferent and calm man was once the love in her heart, but eventually he became a stranger and even an enemy.

Hidden in the sleeve of the hand, clenched into a fist.

She took her eyes back and looked at Ying Xiaogu: "Princess of the county, how often do you change the servants of the prefecture? If there is an old man, can we easily point to Yan Hongyi's portrait and tell him that he is young master Yi who is in the prefecture and Prince's residence and treats the young master of Mohism? "

"And Prince Yi sent people to set fire and rob the prince's mansion, spreading rumors that there are pills in the prince's mansion, which makes the prince's mansion have no safe life for a long time!"

"This crime is enough to cut young master Yi to pieces! But at the same time, we were surprised to find that he was Yan Hongyi! Ha ha, the second prince of Yudu

"You and the prince usually look like a pair of harmless lovers, but now, they are traitors who collude with Yudu and have ulterior motives!"

Xiang Jirou's words are pearly. She slightly squints at Ying Xiaogu. Her eyes are not only cold, but also murderous.

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu know that they are difficult to resolve the crisis.

This time, it's a disaster.

But the most important thing now is not to implicate Wang Yiyao, but also to save Mohist Xun's life.

They frowned, and Mohist Xun was brought in.

Mohist Xun is in a coma, and his blood is dripping. Obviously, Fu Yangyan has committed atrocity against him. These are all evidence of crime!

But Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu have no right to question the prince's mansion.

People are thrown on the ground, should Xiaogu and Wang Yiyao quickly close.

Wang Yiyao's tears fall down one by one. She looks at Mohist Xun heartily.

"Wake up, Jiaxun!"

However, Mohist Xun did not respond at all.

Ying Xiaogu comforted: "don't cry, help me untie his clothes."

There is no medicine box in Xiaogu's hand, so we need to be careful when taking out the medicine.

Ying Xiaogu looked at fuyangyan: "medicine!"

Fuyangyan despised: "No."

No, it's impossible. I just don't want to give it.

Should millet pinch fist, help into Yu mouth: "don't give medicine, how to keep his life?"? If the Mohist is condemned to death

People have been destroyed, is it not to help Yang Yan to blame? It's hard to convince the public to convict Mohist at that time!

Should millet and help into Yu to this moment, still so arrogant, help Yang Yan feel very uncomfortable.

He snorted, no medicine is no medicine.

One side of Xiang Jirou, slowly opened his mouth: "I've always heard that the princess of the county has excellent medical skills. At the beginning, the princess was so seriously injured that you could save people."

"I'm afraid this young master of Mohist School's injury is just a little witch, isn't it? So why should the princess of the county worry? Why don't you take your time to find out the herbs you need, and I'll let the servants in the mansion prepare to go? "

Ying Xiaogu frowns. Obviously, they are deliberately delaying!

Ying Xiaogu put his hand into his sleeve, groped inside for a while, and then took out the disinfectant.

Do they want to wait for her to ask for help?

Xiang Ji's soft Fuyang Yan stares at Ying Xiaogu, who is carrying medicine with him

However, it is not unusual for a doctor with excellent medical skills to carry medicine with him.

They were disappointed.

Ying Xiaogu devotes himself to cleaning the wounds of Mohist Xun. In front of them, he takes out a suture needle on the sleeve and stitches the big wounds.

Xiang Jirou fuyangyan has never seen Ying Xiaogu's suture technique for treating trauma

They are a little stunned, but try not to be so humiliating.

"Princess, the princesses you picked up in the street are so excellent. The prince has to doubt you. That's your arrangement!"

Fu Chengyu's eyes are cold: "prince, please keep quiet when doctors are treating diseases."

Fu Yangyan: "I'm not sure."

At the end of the sewing, Ying Xiaogu took a long breath and put two capsules on his sleeve to feed Mohist Xun.

She only dares to take out small things

Fu Chengyu knows that Ying Xiaogu is actually deliberately keeping it.

"Princess of the county, what happened to him?" Wang Yiyao asked, a little nervous.

Ying Xiaogu's expression is dignified: "don't worry too much, as long as you can get rid of the high fever, it's just that the internal injury needs to recuperate for a long time."

"The princess of the county is really good at medicine. The medicine she carries can save people!" Xiang Jirou said sarcastically.

Should millet white her one eye, ignore.

Fuyangyan coughed softly: "well, now people are cured. The princess and you have colluded with the second prince of Yudu. Now the prince's mansion wants to arrest you two!"

He clapped his high fives hard. Outside, he stepped in quickly.

Fuyang asked: "take down the princess and the princess of the county!"

Fu Chengyu stands beside Ying Xiaogu and protects her and Wang Yiyao: "you follow me closely and rush out."

"Rush? Princess, the world's largest, is it the king's land? What if you break out? The crown prince can use the wanted warrant to arrest you. You are also wanted. Why

Ying Xiaogu and Fu Chengyu didn't pay attention to Fu Yangyan. Fu Chengyu told Xiaogu: "I take Mohist Xun, you and Wang Qianjin follow me closely."

Ying Xiaogu shook his head: "no way, if you can't break out, you'd better hold it..."

Later, Ying Xiaogu's voice is low, and Fu Chengyu can hear it clearly. Ying Xiaogu asks him to hold people, and Fu Yangyan has to let them go.

And the person who is held will be Xiang Jirou... "Willing?" Xiaogu asked. Fu Chengyu chuckled: "good idea!" Then he raised his eyes to see Xiang Jirou, Xiang Jirou was helped into Yu's eyes, inexplicably feel some uneasiness“ What are you doing? " She stares at Fu Chengyu. She doesn't believe that Fu Chengyu can treat her like an enemy! I don't believe that she and Fu Chengyu will really become enemies and can't turn back.