Chapter 2832

With the elimination of Mizuko MIZUMA, the culprit, the death call incident was completely solved.

However, compared with the calm Kan, his mood is obviously a little complicated. After all, he always thought that the evil spirit was Mizo Mizuho's mother. Unexpectedly, it was the opposite.

This also made naruke Ono not talk much all the way.

This is not incomprehensible. As a teacher, naruke Ono subconsciously believes that children are innocent, simple, kind and beautiful, but in fact, there are no children born as demons like Mizuko MIZUMA. Although scientific research often links a child's character with the educational environment after tomorrow.

But in fact, even children raised in the same environment will have very different ideas and personalities. It's not surprising that some children are born demons.

Of course, acceptance is another matter.

"Well, I'll leave now."

After delivering naruke Ono to the station, naruke Ono planned to leave, while naruke Ono, who got off the bus, sighed.

"Miss chunrino, what are you going to do..."

"That's my problem, but as an evil spirit who has continuously harmed many people, I won't give her any preferential treatment because of my age."

"But after all, she is only a child..."

"You should say this to the victims."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. This is not a good reason to escape, let alone an evil spirit who delights in harming him."


Naruke Ono also had nothing to say for a while.

"Well, I still have a job, so I'll leave now..... By the way, the rest of the money I gave you before will be used as a reward. After all, I'll trouble you to run around with me."


Hearing this, naruke Ono was stunned.

"Is that all right? That's a lot of money!"

"For me, it's just pocket money. You can use it whatever you want. If you don't want to take it, you can donate it directly to charity. Anyway, don't give it back to me..... Well, bye."

With these words, he didn't even give him a chance to refuse. He stepped on the accelerator and the sports car accelerated to the end in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of him. And looking at the far away sports car, naruke Ono was also stunned. He did run around to investigate, but it only took a little bit. Maesuke haramoto also planned to return the rest of the money to him. As a result, the latter didn't give himself a chance to speak and left directly

Although this is a reward for yourself, but

Looking at the ten thousand yuan bill in his hand, Ono Mingjie also had a headache. As a spiritual person, he often received various entrustments and help. However, most of the time, Ono Mingjie helped for free and hardly collected money. That's why he was so poor that he was about to pawn his pants.

But this 100000 yuan... What should I do!

How to spend the 100000 yuan is not what she cares about. She drives back to the office and lives a leisurely life again.

Of course, during this period, the KOF competition also continued.

The death call incident didn't have much impact because she handled it quickly. It just formed rumors among a small number of people. She didn't care much about it. After all, meiko MIZUMA is in her own hands. As long as she doesn't revive the death call, there will be no problem at all.

As for the KOF competition, it has entered the final stage, and the two teams in the final are the grass shaving team of grass shaving flow and the dragon and tiger team of extreme flow. It's a duel between the two major fighting schools in Japan. I'm relieved to see here. Both sides are reliable. No matter which side wins, it won't put forward any particularly strange requirements.

"Dong Dong!! Dong Dong!!!"

While he was watching the live broadcast of the KOF game, suddenly, someone knocked on the door and startled everyone. Chueh crimson quickly got up, went to the door and opened the door. However, at the moment when Chueh crimson opened the door, a woman with black hair rushed in.

"Please, help me! Help me!!!"

The black haired woman seemed quite excited. It took her some time to calm her down. Then she sat on the sofa with her.

"Thank you, thank you......"

Looking at the girl in front of her, the black haired woman seemed to relax at last. Until this time, the woman sitting behind the desk stared at her and asked.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you to come to our difficult event investigation office?"


Hearing his inquiry, the black haired woman became excited again.

"Please, help me, you're the expert in removing spirits, right? Please, I can't stand it anymore...!"

"Please calm down and tell us what happened."

As for the woman's reaction, it's not particularly surprising for Xiaozhe Shenhong and others. In fact, many people who come for help are in this almost hysterical state. At first, they were a little at a loss, but after so long, they were almost used to how to treat such guests.

"Please speak in..."

At this time, still water for a long time also came over and handed the woman a cup of tea.

"It'll calm you down... Say it."

Of course, this is not ordinary tea, but the tea of Liz LITT, the black tea goblin below. As a black tea goblin, Liz LITT didn't say much about combat effectiveness, but at least she is super first-class in terms of black tea, and the tea she took out naturally has Demon power. This kind of tea can make people feel calm, Emotional stability - strictly speaking, it's similar to oral tranquilizers.

The woman was upset and didn't intend to drink tea, but after receiving the tea cup, a tempting aroma of black tea came to her nose, which made her take a sip at once. The warm tea mixed with delicious food flowed into the body, which seemed to calm the originally agitated mood.

"Thank you, little sister."

After thanking Qiu long, who was dozens of times her age, the woman looked at him and said.

"Sorry, I just lost my temper. I really can't bear that terror anymore..."

"Can you start from the beginning?"

"Of course..... I'm very sorry. My name is Renke Lijia......"

According to the woman's self introduction, her name is Renke Lijia. She is a college student. At the same time, she also works as a volunteer in the community. One day not long ago, she was suddenly blocked by the staff of the community, hoping that she would go to a family to see the living conditions of the elderly there.

"..... I went to the house, where I felt very strange, as if no one had lived for a long time. I went up to knock on the door, but no one answered, and the door was unlocked. The house was in a mess, and things were everywhere on the ground......... I found the old man in the inner room......"

According to Renke Lijia, the old woman felt confused and seemed to be bedridden all the time. As a volunteer, she certainly had to take care of her mother-in-law, so she wiped her body and cleaned the whole house. However, in the process of cleaning the house, Renke Lijia heard the cat's cry. She followed the cat's cry and found a space sealed by adhesive tape on the second floor. Renke Lijia opened the cabinet and found a black cat inside.

However, when she released the black cat, Renke Lijia was surprised to find that there was a little boy in the cabinet!!

This immediately startled Renke Lijia. She hurried to the first floor and asked the old man what was going on, but the old man didn't answer because he didn't know clearly. She came to the stairs on the second floor again and met the child. This time, Renke Lijia learned that the child's name was Junxiong. Then she came to her mother-in-law again. This time, Renke Lijia saw an unbelievable scene.

She saw a black figure climbing on her mother-in-law, and then stretched out her hand to strangle her. Then, the shadow looked at Renke Lijia fiercely -- and then she lost consciousness.

After that, the community staff who received the previous report of Renke Lijia with children also rushed over, found the body of her mother-in-law and Renke Lijia curled up in the corner, and took her to the hospital. Fortunately, Renke Lijia was not injured, but

"I've been having nightmares. I'm so scared. I can feel that they seem to be looking at me. They've been looking at me, no matter where I go..."

"I see."

After listening to Renke Lijia, he nodded.

"Did the police come to ask you?"

"Yes, they asked me about the child... They said that the family named Deyong had no children at all... But I did see, saw a child there......"

"I see."

He nodded.

"You said the child's name was Junxiong?"

"Yes, I asked his name. That's what he told me."

"Well, thank you for your information... You can have a rest here. No matter what evil spirit it is, it can't attack you here."

Saying this, he glanced aside.

"Meet the world, take her to the guest room."

"Yes, Miss Kan."

Hearing Kuo's order, heize Fengshi, who had been standing next to him, came over and left the office with the frightened Renke Lijia. Then Kuo looked crimson to the young Kuo.

"By the way, crimson, go and prepare me a TV, a video recorder and a mobile phone."

"Hey? Do you need these things to remove the spirit this time?"

She was obviously surprised at her request, but she smiled.

"I just want to try and see what can be raised by raising Gu."

Then she answered., the fastest update of the webnovel!