Chapter 2643

According to HIRI, the man named bloody Baron was not a real nobleman. He was originally an officer. After the defeat of the Empire, he led the remnant here and occupied the abandoned place. Gradually, more and more refugees fled here, so he granted himself the title of Baron.

But the bloody Baron is different from his reputation. He is actually a very friendly person. He not only healed Shirley who escaped from the swamp, but also let her sleep in the guest room. He also took her out to hunt together and got along well with each other. Originally, Shirley wanted to stay here for a long time, but there was something unexpected. After that, when he went out, the Baron was attacked by the monster. In order to save the Baron, Shirley used his own power to send it to the tower to kill the monster and save the baron.

Although it was a happy ending in the end, Shirley was bound to be locked in the wild hunting because she used her own strength, so in order to avoid implicating the Baron and others, she finally decided to leave the crow's nest and continue her journey.

When he came back this time, he naturally wanted to see the baron to see how his old friend was doing.

In fact, they were warmly welcomed.

"Ha ha ha, look who it is! Shirley

Just walking into the castle, I saw a man who was eight feet tall and eight feet around. He looked like a walking wine barrel. He came over laughing and held out his hand to Shirley. He was wearing thick black armor, a bright red coat and a thick beard. It was really different from the rumor that he looked very "thick".

"I haven't seen you for a long time. You look good!"

As he said this, the man patted Shirley on the shoulder and looked at the three people beside her.

"This is..."

"They are my companions."

Xili introduced with a smile. Then miaojie came forward and saluted respectfully.

"Hello, my name is miaojie igritte. When we meet for the first time, please pay more attention. "

"Liz arjent."


"Hahaha, Hello, welcome to crow's nest."

The bloody Baron didn't care about the reaction of the three. He said hello to them with a smile, and then looked at Shirley again.

"So, Shirley, did you come back to stay here this time? By the way, I didn't see the man you said. Besides, the room you used to live in is still reserved. You can go back to live at any time... "

"No, I'm just here to see how you're doing. We'll have a good drink when I've solved the problem."


Hearing what Shirley said, the bloody Baron looked her up and down curiously.

"I haven't seen you for a while. It seems that you have changed a lot."

"... is it?"


Looking at Shirley with doubts on his face, the bloody Baron nodded forcefully.

"Before you left here, I saw that your expression was just like a chick out of the nest. Obviously, at that time, you were not sure what your future would be like. But I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for a while. You can easily say "solve the crazy hunting."


Hearing the bloody Baron's reply, Hillton was stunned.

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, not long ago, I was still on the road by myself. Even if I met someone like me, I would be separated after a short contact. Wild hunting is like a nightmare, a shadow that can never be driven away. At that time, even Shirley felt that the future was a haze, and there was no hope at all.

But when did she stop worrying about those guys?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking back at the founder behind him, and then turned his head.

"After all, I've made some progress...... don't say that, you don't look very good. What happened? Is there anything I can do for you? "

When we met just now, Shirley found that although the bloody Baron seemed quite happy on the surface, there was always some sadness between his brows. She and the bloody Baron have known each other for some time, and they know that each other is a straightforward person. Although sometimes they are very grumpy, generally speaking, they just need to vent their anger. They don't seem to be bothered like they are now."Ah."

Hearing Shirley's inquiry, the bloody Baron was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"This is not a place to talk. Come with me."

Soon, the bloody Baron with four people into the castle's own room, and then he sat in a chair, a long sigh.

"To be honest, actually... My wife and daughter disappeared not long ago."


Hearing this, Hillton was shocked.

"Missing? How did they disappear? "

"I don't know."

The bloody Baron shook his head with an expression of pain.

"I just fell asleep at night and woke up, and they were both gone. I don't know what happened. I've sent people to search everywhere and posted notices, but there's no clue for so many days. "

"Please let me help."

Hearing this, Shirley immediately volunteered.

"Maybe I can help you!"

"Of course, if it's you, I don't think it's a problem... Please."

At this time, Fang Zheng, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth.

"If we can, we would like to have a look at the scene of the crime. I wonder if we can get your permission?"

"What do you mean by the crime scene?"

Hearing a strange noun, the bloody Baron was obviously a little puzzled, while Fang Zheng gave a smile.

"It's their room. Maybe we can find any clues from it. Of course, if their room is still the same as it was when they left."


In the face of Founder's demands, the bloody Baron is in a bit of a dilemma, and the atmosphere of this era is also extremely conservative. In principle, adult men should not be allowed into women's rooms. But after all, the situation was urgent, so he nodded.

"Well, no problem. Follow me."

Then the bloody Baron took them to the bedroom on the second floor, and turned away.

It was not until the bloody Baron left that the girls, who had not spoken before, began to speak.

"He's hiding something from us."

Miaojie narrowed her eyes and her soft green short hair swayed gently.

"I can see that he didn't tell the truth about his wife's disappearance."

"Miss Shirley, you've been here for a while. What do you think?"

Liz also looked curiously at Shirley and asked, who was embarrassed to smile.

"It's a bit embarrassing to say that I don't have any in-depth contact with his wife and daughter. After all, I prefer to be outside, and I'm relatively close to his subordinates..."

Are you a girl who doesn't get along with the hostess and goes out to climb trees and hunt birds all day?

"Cough, forget it, Mr. Fang Zheng. How are you going to investigate?"

Aware of Fangzheng's eyes, Xili also quickly changed the topic.

"The demon hunter has a skill to see through the traces and breath left at the scene. Mr. Fang Zheng, do you also have this ability?"

"Of course I didn't.... But aren't you a demon hunter?"

"Well, strictly speaking, I was trained as a demon hunter, not a demon hunter."

Shirley was embarrassed to say that.

"Only after the grass trial can I be regarded as a real demon hunter and have the special strength of a demon hunter. I just received some training and didn't pass that trial, so I don't have this ability."

"No, it doesn't matter. After all, as long as the scene is still there, there should be no problem. Let's see how people in other worlds solve crimes. "

In the face of Shirley's reply, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly. The ability of demon hunter is useful and useless. Of course, in terms of the development of civilization in this era, the ability of demon hunters, which is similar to scene investigation, is quite useful, but in modern times, it is basically useless.

"In that case, go and have a talk with the Baron's men."

"Why?""Because there's something wrong with it."

Fang Zheng stares at Shirley and says.

"We just walked in from outside the crow's nest. As you can see, the crow's nest crossed the bridge and had to go through three doors to get to the castle. This is also normal. After all, the construction here is to consider defending against the invasion of the enemy. On the contrary, it is not so easy to get out of the castle. The doors here must be completely closed every night. And his wife with two children, how to hide so many soldiers, quietly out of the city? Are they Laura? Or 007? "


Although I didn't know what Fang Zheng meant, at the same time, Xili was stunned and reacted. Indeed, she has lived here for a period of time. She knows that because it is a time of war and chaos, the guard at night is also very strict. It's really strange that two women can feel the castle quietly and not be found.

What's more, it's a fortress, not a villa with front and back doors like semria's. To put it bluntly, according to the bloody Baron's words, if his wife and his wife want to leave, they must first go out of the first gate of the castle, then the second gate, then the third gate, and then the fourth gate connecting with the outside world..... Except for the third gate, all the four gates are defended by soldiers. How can so many soldiers be blind, Nothing?

"What do you mean, Mr. Fang Zheng?"

"I mean, either these two women have wings and can fly, or someone is in charge. Aren't you familiar with the Baron's men? Sneak in and ask about it. After all, you have a good relationship with the people here, and it's OK to care about it. I'll look here to see if I can find any clues. "

"OK, I see."

Shirley was not a fool either. Now, when he was mentioned by founder, his brain immediately turned around, nodded and turned away.

"So what are we looking for next? Mr. Fang Zheng

After Xili left, miaojie swept around curiously.

"Indeed, according to you, it is quite unreasonable for the husband's wife and children to leave, but isn't there many strange monsters in this world? Maybe they took the husband's wife and children? "

"It's not impossible, but it's unlikely."

Fang Zheng shook his head, then he raised his right hand.

"I'm not Xinyi or jintianyi. I'm not familiar with the scene investigation, but it doesn't matter. We just need to have a look."

As he spoke, Fang Zheng snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the scene suddenly changed.

In front of them, the picture of the room in front of them began to change constantly. Soon, an old woman appeared in their sight. Then, a woman with short hair in leather armor rushed in, grabbed the old woman and said a few words. Then they left in a hurry.

"Well, now it seems that these two should have left voluntarily."

Fang Zheng made a gesture to "pause" the picture, and then made a circle around the virtual shadow of the two people in front of him. At this moment, miaojie and Liz were also surprised to stare at the scene.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, this is..."

"Oh, I've turned the time around in this room so that we can know what happened."

Fang Zheng looked at Liz, who was very surprised, and said something casually. When she heard his answer, miaojie stepped back.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, it seems that you can't enter the girl's boudoir any more. Otherwise, I don't know what you will do."

Oh, you know that, little girl.

Fang Zheng takes a deep look at miaojie. Unexpectedly, the noble daughter looks quiet and virtuous on the surface, but she is a black driver on the inside? This brain circuit reacts so fast that it's almost as fast as Yingli and Xiaohei.

"Well, let's move on." , the fastest update of the webnovel!