Chapter 1555

"A huge underwater object has been found near the peninsula, which has been determined as an apostle. Therefore, this time we will kill the Apostle when they land! Do you hear me? The first plane and the second plane attack the target alternately, and the zero plane is responsible for covering! "


"I understand."


After the end of the call, Asaka gave a long sigh.

"What's the matter with Miri? Did you take gun medicine? So angry... "

"After all, there has been a lot of pressure from above recently."

Fang Zheng laughs when he hears the complaint of Asaka. There's a reason why Ge chengmeili is so worried. If EVA can't produce enough actual results this time, the importance of nerv will be further reduced. If EVA doesn't stop the apostles this time, but is ranked first by red horsetail, then nerv doesn't need to exist.

"But you don't need to care about that. Just do what you normally do."

"Is that really OK? Mr. Fang Zheng

At this time, Kenji also put forward his own questions.

"After all..."

"Don't worry. It's an adult's job to bear pressure. Ge Cheng's salary is for this, so you don't need to worry about these trifles. Just focus on the enemy in front of you."

"The target appears!"

It was not long after Fang Zheng's voice had just fallen that he saw the sea suddenly bulge in front of him, and then a crescent shaped apostle emerged from the water.

"Shinji! And top students! Let's see what I can do! "

Seeing the apostles, she can't help it. She has long wanted to fight with the apostles to prove her strength. But before that, eva-2 fell into the sea. It's hard for Asaka to make a living without rice. Now it's time to do it by herself. Of course, Asaka won't be outdone. He took the lead to control the eva-2 and rushed over with a long gun.

Shinji and ayanamori did not say much about the demands of Asaka. In fact, in daily training, they have gradually learned and adapted to cooperate with each other. In founder's hell Spartan training, they were also taught how to fight with melee weapons. For now, the performance of Asaka is the best, so it's always this match in ordinary days, so I'm used to it.

So as soon as Asaka rushed up, the zero plane and the first plane immediately picked up their weapons and attacked the apostles.

Different from the animation, the current three EVAs don't use long-range weapons much. In fact, Fang Zheng is not willing to see EVA use long-range weapons. The effect is basically zero. It will also reduce people's reaction, and the smoke produced is equivalent to making smoke bombs for each other.

However, Yang electronic cannon is still useful. Fang Zheng also asked Ge chengmeili why he didn't make Yang electronic cannon into a conventional weapon. If you don't say anything else, there is a permanent Yang electronic cannon in the Third New Tokyo city. When the Apostle comes, whether it's useful or not, he can shoot first. If he can't, at least he can see the strength of the apostle?

In this regard, GE chengmeili also said a lot, what authority ah, what energy ah, of course, she said a lot, founder summed up is two words.

No money.

Of course, according to founder, we should simply remove all the useless automatic attack facilities in the Third New Tokyo City Anyway, those things are really useless except for making some fireworks and light effects when the apostles arrive But he didn't care.

Fortunately, at least there's money to make melee weapons.

At present, the three EVAs are carrying different weapons. The main weapon of the No.2 aircraft is Guda's halberd, the No.0 aircraft is the standard combination of shield and straight sword, and the No.1 aircraft uses ordinary long sword.

This is founder's tactics. Instead of going up to kill with long-range weapons, it's better to hold down the other party directly, which is a round up.

If the three EVA's at force fields can't kill you, then it can only show that the Apostle is a real bull.

At present, plane zero is at the front, directly slapping the shield on the Apostle's face, blocking its way. The apostle, of course, is not a wooden post that allows you to output data. He just waves his claws and hits the zero machine. But at the same time, the first plane had also come to the side, and the sword in his hand suddenly waved out, blocking the attack of the apostles.

"Watch the move!"

Asaka also immediately seized the entire gap, manipulated the No. 2 aircraft to jump up, suddenly waved the halberd in his hand, and directly divided the apostle in front of him from the middle into two!

"Well done, tomorrow incense!"

See this scene, GE chengmeili is also excited to hold his fist, yelled, and tomorrow incense is a snort.

"Well, see, that's my strength..."

However, Ming Xiang's words had not been finished, but was interrupted by Ding Shinji."Tomorrow incense, it's still moving!"


When she heard the words of imaji Shinji, she was also surprised. She turned and looked around. She was surprised to find that the Apostle who was cut in two by herself was not dead, but began to wriggle around the wound, and then became two!

"What's the situation?"

Seeing this, everyone was shocked. One apostle is hard enough. Another?

"Well, what about this?"

"Attack its core!"

Fortunately, the three were trained by founder. Although the situation was unexpected, they responded immediately and attacked the Apostle again.

Soon, however, it was discovered that something was wrong.

"It's no use attacking the core!"

"It will heal itself!"

The Apostle himself was not particularly powerful, but he was quite resistant to beating. Asaka, Kenji Shinji and ayanamori all tried their best to hit the core of the Apostle several times. However, to their surprise, the Apostle's self-healing ability was terrible. Even if he was stabbed in the core, he would not die. On the contrary, he would recover in the blink of an eye!

It's the same in other places. Kenji Shinji and Asaka cut off the body of the Apostle more than once, but they soon recovered It's impossible to fight!

“…………… Retreat

Looking at the chaotic situation, GE chengmeili hesitated for a moment, and then gave the order. To tell you the truth, she didn't want to retreat here. After all, she got on three EVA planes directly this time, but even one of the apostles couldn't stop her. The face and interior of nerv were all over.


"There's no need to evacuate. Try again."

At this time, founder suddenly stood up and opened the contact.

"Third captain Fang Zheng?"

"Listen to me. There's nothing wrong with trying."

Founder made a gesture to ge chengmeili, and then opened the communication.

"Listen, what feelings may there be between the two apostles? You should attack their core at the same time! Shinji, you are in charge of the main attack, Li is in charge of the containment, and Asaka, the task of giving them the last blow is up to you! The best way is to pull them in a row and then go straight through like a barbecue! "

"I understand."

"I understand."

Upon hearing founder's order, imaji Shinji and ayanamori immediately gave an answer, while Asaka did not speak.

"Don't worry, I believe you."

However, founder did not say anything more, just said a word, and then shut down the communication.

“…………… The battle continues. "

Although founder's behavior is strictly ultra vires, but Kaesong Meili did not say much. As a matter of fact, she really has no good idea now, and the idea put forward by Fang Zheng is at least It's also an idea.

It's better than three EVA's going back home with no results.

After getting the order of founder, the battle began again.

Of course, founder knows this apostle very well. After all, the 62 second war, one of EVA's classic scenes, came from this. That part is really classic, but Founder doesn't want to do it again.

After all, it's too much trouble.

After Fang Zheng's advice, the three men's cooperation also had a goal. Not long after that, Shinji imaji stabbed one of the two apostles, while ayanamori suppressed the other and made the two apostles stick together back to back. Then, a shot from Asaka pierced the core of the two apostles, accompanied by the roaring explosion and pillar of light The battle is finally over.

Night fell.

On a dark night, the whole city of Tokyo is quiet. Fang Zheng is sitting on a chair on the balcony, drinking tea and looking at the night scene outside.

Seele doesn't have any action, and founder doesn't need it. Now he just needs to wait for the complete elimination of the Apostles But for founder, compared with the apostles, the war with humanity is the most troublesome.


At this time, Fang Zheng felt the balcony door behind him open, and then a figure came in.

"Oh, tomorrow incense, don't you go to bed so late?"

Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at the girl behind him. He asked. And tomorrow incense is silent shook his head, and then sat on the next chair.

"I want to come out and blow."

"Yes, but beware of catching a cold."

"It's OK."

As he spoke, Ming Xiang sat on the chair while Fang Zheng put down his cup and poured a cup of tea for him.

"You did a great job today."

"Is it?"

"Of course, after all, no one thought that the apostles would have that ability, and the previous apostles did not show that ability, did they? Not to mention that in the end you destroyed the apostles. That's enoughLooking at the girl around, Fang Zheng said with a smile, but Ming Xiang was still silent.

Fang Zheng knows something about the idea of Asaka.

Among several EVA drivers, Asaka looks the most powerful on the surface, but in fact it is the most vulnerable.

As far as ayanamori is concerned, driving EVA is a part of her job. She has not found a meaning other than "work" -- this is normal, just like the social animals always feel that their days are falling apart without work. But once she's out of work, ayanamori actually does. Maybe it's lack of interest in life and romance, but don't you still have to live?

Although Hideki is introverted and autistic, at least one thing is that he doesn't really care about driving EVA. There are several times in the animation, Hideki is really determined to give up. Big deal, I'll go back and live my autistic life. Do you love to do my shit? I stay at home every day to read paper. Isn't my wife good?

But tomorrow incense is not the same, for her, she only drives EVA to have the existence value.

Because of this, in fact, the demand of Asaka for itself has reached a quite abnormal height.

Take today's battle against the apostles as an example. At that time, founder gave the order, Aya bori and Kenji answered, but Asaka didn't answer. Founder immediately knew what the problem was.

On the surface, it seems that it doesn't matter, but founder knows that in the bottom of his heart, he is worried that he will screw up. After all, it was she who split the apostle in two, so it became two. If something goes wrong, if the battle fails, if everyone else thinks it's their fault

Tomorrow incense mouth did not say, but founder is to see it. People can lie, but they don't respond. After the Apostle's resurrection, the No.2 plane of Asaka is tied up in battle. In the eyes of Kaesong Meili and Akaki Luzi, they may only think that Asaka is cautious, but the look of Founder's hand rubbing the king of salary can tell the emotions and thoughts of Asaka.

For Asaka, driving EVA is her survival value. Once something happens, it's not as simple as the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth. It's that she has no meaning at all.

Because of this, Asaka always criticizes other drivers. In the animation, she always looks down on ayanamori. In fact, this is normal. Asaka was officially selected to become a pilot, and ayang Boli in the animation has no record of fighting. At least, Shinji Kenji killed several apostles in the animation. Ayang Boli is really a soy sauce player.

That's why tomorrow's incense calls Shinji and ayanamori back door and top students with ridicule. In fact, her top student was just satirizing Ling Boli for what she was doing and why she couldn't beat the apostles. She got the driver's position by being obedient.

This is a kind of blasphemy for tomorro, who regards driving EVA as the value of his life. He has worked hard and spent almost everything to get. For some people, he can only pretend to be clever and obedient - this kind of thing can't stand on anyone.

Of course, today's Asaka is not as unruly as in the animation. It's not that her temper has improved, but that under founder's training and instruction, Aya poli and Kenji have made great achievements. Aya poli has killed xiaoshuishui, Kenji has killed mosaic, and both of them have worked together to eliminate ray angel.

With this kind of achievement in front, of course, Asaka will not ridicule the two people as in the animation. They can only eat and work, so they can get along happily.

But it involves some core issues

“…………… Founder. "


It's not very polite when it's called, and it seldom calls people, but founder doesn't care.

"What's the matter?"

“……… Do you know my past? "

"Not very clear, and I don't really care."

As he said this, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and touched the head of Ming Xiang.

"No matter what happened in the past, at least you are here now, aren't you?"


Tomorrow incense silently patted open founder's hand.

"I can almost guess what you think. In fact, I have said similar words to Li and Shinji before, and it's not too late to say it again now - although you can only drive EVA now, you still have your own future in the future."

“…………… Is there really such a future? "

"Of course, the apostles will be wiped out one day. After that, what are you going to do?"


In the face of Founder's inquiry, Asaka was silent for a long time.

"I didn't think about..."

"Get married? What do you think of Shinji? "

"No, I'm not interested in that idiot."

"Then do scientific research? I hear you're out of college now"If I wanted to do that, I wouldn't drive EVA."


Hearing this, Fang Zheng thought for a moment.

"So do you want to drive a robot to fight aliens?"

"Ha? Are you a fool, too? "

In the face of Founder's proposal, Asaka was stunned.

"Where are the aliens from?"

"This world does not, does not mean that there are no other worlds. Maybe there are aliens in other worlds..." Why, are you interested? "

“…………… No, I just want to drive EVA. "

As for founder's proposal, Asaka thought for a moment and finally shook his head.

"Well, that's a bit of a problem, but Take your time. "


When I heard this, I didn't say anything more. She just closed her eyes and leaned on founder's shoulder.

Soon, with a slight breath, the girl fell into a deep dream. , the fastest update of the webnovel!