Chapter 1088

The sword flashed by.

The blood splashed, and the fierce wild dogs were split into two in an instant. At the same time, the glass wall in front of them was also cut. Not only that, but also the "audience" where the eunuchs were located collapsed in the next moment.


The auditorium was torn apart, falling to the ground like broken tofu, making a dull roar. The girls looked at all this at a loss and didn't know what to do.

"Cough, cough, what's going on?"

The auditorium was not high, that is, the height of the second floor. Naturally, people would not die if they fell down. It was not long before they saw the eunuchs climbing out of the rubble one by one. And the fat head and big ear, who was the leader, was even more angry and angry. He slapped the dust on his body and roared.

"What's the matter? Who did it? Look, I'm not going to pick him... "

However, his voice was getting smaller and smaller. He looked at the girl with long silver hair standing in front of him. He was almost paralyzed.

"Your majesty

Fat head and big ear knelt down to the ground in a hurry, and the other eunuchs also responded. They looked at the emperor one after another, and their faces changed greatly.

"Your majesty

"You, you, you..."

The emperor clenched his fists, his face turned pale and glared at them angrily. She had never been so angry as she is today. Even the emperor felt that there was a flame burning in his heart.

"You won't let me out..." Is that why I don't see this? "

"You said that you would handle government affairs well. Is that how you handle it?"

"No, no, this, we, we just..."

In the face of the emperor's angry question, fat head and big ear also had a cold sweat on his face, and then he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, your majesty, we didn't make it. It was the ministers who made it. They said there was entertainment, so let's relax. We don't know anything about it at all...!"

"Yes, yes, your majesty, we are innocent!"


At this moment, the emperor no longer has the weakness of eunuch.

"I saw it, I heard it, and you said you were going to let wild dogs eat us! That's what you do, right! That's what you've been doing, right? "

"No, we're not. We don't know anything..."

Hearing the emperor's rebuke, fat head and big ear showed a panic expression and explained. At the same time, the fierce light in his eyes flashed. Then fat head and big ear suddenly reached into his arms and took out a gun to aim at the emperor. However, the next moment, the dark sword suddenly cut down, and immediately cut the fat finger and the gun in his hand into two pieces.


Fat head and big ear made a sharp scream. He covered his bleeding right hand and cried out. At the same time, founder's figure also emerged from the emperor's side, holding a big sword in one hand and fiddling with his mobile phone in the other.

"Well, the evidence of the intention to assassinate your majesty is solid, with video..."

While saying this, founder pressed several numbers with one hand, and then picked up the mobile phone.

"Hello, general Honggu? Yes, it's me. Well, I want you to bring a group of trustworthy people to Where did this come from? In a word, you check the signal coordinates, and then come here, there is a good play to see. By the way, if you encounter resistance, you can shoot to death. And bring some medical staff. "

After giving the order, Fang Zheng took a chair that had not been broken and sat down, looking at the eunuchs in front of him without expression. At the moment, these eunuchs did not dare to say more. They were still wailing on the ground. Although there were several guards who wanted to rush to show their loyalty, Fang Zheng just waved a few swords and turned them into pieces of meat on the ground. Then no one dared to ask for trouble any more.

General Honggu's action was still very fast. After only ten minutes, people heard the sound of guns coming from outside. Then, not long after, general Honggu and a group of soldiers rushed over.

"Your Majesty, are you all right?"

Looking at the emperor and founder, Hong Gu was also relieved and asked. In the face of general Honggu's inquiry, the emperor nodded.

"I'm fine, general Go and arrest them all


At the emperor's command, general Hong Gu nodded in a hurry. However, when he stood up and looked in the direction pointed by the emperor, general Hong Gu was stunned. Then he turned around again in doubt.

"Your Majesty, they..."

"Arrest them all!"

"Yes, yes!"

This time, general Hong Gu did not hesitate. Of course, he recognized the eunuchs who fell on the ground. However, general Hong Gu was also quite confused. He knew that the little emperor was always submissive to eunuchs and did not dare to resist them. Now his majesty is so angry that he even wants to arrest them all. Although he doesn't know what happened, he can at least be sure that the relationship between the two sides has broken down!These eunuchs are going to die!

Thinking of this, general Honggu was also very excited. He stared at these eunuchs viciously, and then waved his hand.

"Somebody, tie them up for me!"

At the command of general Honggu, a group of soldiers rushed up and tied up the eunuchs. And general Honggu turned his head again and looked at the emperor.

"Your Majesty, what can I do for you?"

"Well, then This... "

In the face of General Hong Gu's inquiry, the emperor thought hard, but she didn't seem to have any idea for a moment, so she had to look at Fang Zheng.

"Brother Huang?"

"Well, leave it to me."

While touching the little head of the emperor, Fang Zheng gestured to general Honggu and took him to the side. Then he told general Honggu what had happened before in a low voice.

"Bah, these eunuchs are just abnormal!"

Looking at the shivering girls hiding in the corner, as well as the bloody tools of torture and the dead wild dogs on the ground, even Hong Gu could not help biting his teeth.

"What a disgusting thing without birds..." These animals Your highness, tell me what to do

"Well, then you listen to me."

Fang Zheng dares to call Hong Gulai. Naturally, he has figured out a way.

"Now you leave immediately, blockade the whole Luoyang on the ground that your majesty is missing, and then..."

As he said this, founder handed over a tablet.

"Arrest all these people."

"This is..."

After taking the tablet, Hong Gu glanced curiously, then he suddenly widened his eyes. Because the names on the tablet are all eunuchs' subordinates and running dogs!

"Your Majesty, these people Are you sure you want to arrest them all? "

"Of course, we have enough evidence to prove that they are involved in illegal activities, and the evidence is all in it."

Fang Zheng pointed to the plate.

"There are call records, bank lists, some surveillance images and all kinds of information. If you want to see them, you can wait until you catch them one by one."

"Your Highness, these How did you get it? "

Looking at the list in front of him, general Hong Gu was incredible. Fang Zheng was smiling at General Hong Gu's inquiry.

"Of course, I was prepared. You don't think I came back for sightseeing."

"Of course not!"

Although Fang Zheng was just joking, general Hong Gu was also shocked in a hurry. Then he immediately tightened his body and replied loudly. Now he is convinced of founder. He not only has the powerful power to dismantle MS by hand, but also easily wins these eunuchs.

The Chinese Federation is finally saved!

"Well, the rest is up to you. Don't forget to set up the children."

"Yes, your highness!"

Respectfully saluted Fang Zheng, general Hong Gu immediately turned and trotted away to execute the order. At this time, the girls hiding in the corner seemed to react to what had happened. They looked at each other face to face. Some of them couldn't believe watching the eunuchs who were proud of themselves, but now they were kneeling on the ground dejectedly, like dead fathers, and the soldiers who were suppressing the whole facility. It took a long time to react.

This is Saved?

"I said Are you... "

At this time, the girl also came over, she was surprised to stare at the emperor. Just now, the girls all listened to general Honggu's words, and now they were even more suspicious.

"You are..." Your majesty


Facing the girl in front of her, the emperor nodded in embarrassment. She looked at the girl and opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't know how to say it. However, she saw the girl in front of her staring at her, then suddenly stretched out her hand, slapped her in the face.


The hot pain on the cheek, the emperor looked at the girl in surprise, she did not understand, just now clearly also to oneself so good girl, why to beat yourself. However, the girl just stares at her, then turns around and runs.

"Rude man, how dare you...!"

Seeing this scene, the guard next to him was also surprised. He hurried forward to catch the girl, but he was stopped by Fang Zheng.

"No, let her go."

As he said this, Fang Zheng went to the emperor and pressed her shoulder. The emperor turned his head and looked at him with tears in his eyes.


"It hurts. You may feel aggrieved and feel that you should not be treated like this, but You deserve it. ""Why?"

"You are no ordinary child, your majesty."

Fang Zheng looked at the emperor and said word by word.

"You are the supreme ruler of the Chinese Federation, you have the responsibility to manage all this, but you give up your responsibility, they..."

As he spoke, Fang Zheng looked at the girls who were crying and receiving treatment.

"They are the result of your giving up responsibility."


This time, the emperor did not speak any more. She just looked at the crying girls silently and said nothing. Fang Zheng patted her on the shoulder.

"Remember that slap. It's probably the best gift you've got tonight." , the fastest update of the webnovel!