In the sword of the dark moon, the status of Esther and lestia is actually quite strange.

Fang Zheng is the founder of the dark moon sword, while Esther and lestia belong to the senior class. Under this ranking, generally speaking, if Fang Zheng is not in, one of Esther and lestia is responsible for his affairs.

But this is not the case. These two people, like little transparency, always do their own things in silence. When Fang Zheng was there, they were responsible for fighting with him. When Fang Zheng is away, they basically stay in their room. Occasionally, people will see Esther and lestia go out to fight, but that's it.

As for the affairs of the guild, they did not interfere at all, leaving Fang Zheng to others.

Strictly speaking, founder's idea of doing things is different from that of the Japanese. Most of the Japanese, whether they are associations, jobs or schools, are basically in the mode of seniority. This is similar to that of the state-owned units at the beginning of the liberation. If you are old, you are an advanced unit, and you are a senior, you are qualified to direct the country and express your opinions. But the latecomer has to be submissive, unless he meets a superior who knows the talents, or he can get up to the level where he can guide the country, and then he can turn over and sing.

However, Fang Zheng obviously doesn't care about this. He completely depends on who can let who go. Yasna likes to practice, so she can lead the training team. Although Yingli has a dark stomach, she has nothing to do. She can observe the atmosphere of the members of the guild. When she needs to practice, she can even lead the team.

For founder, this is suitable for talents, but for these girls, it's a headache.

The big question is, how do they use Esther and lestia.

This once made them very confused. After all, these two are the "predecessors" of the guild, and they are just "descendants". It would be not good to order them to do things. But if they were not called, would they think they look down on the "predecessors" if they were known by them

Of course, these girls' minds are complicated and tangled, which he doesn't know, and he doesn't care. He just orders them to brush the labyrinth copy, and then he takes una and black cat away.

Finally, the girls discussed for a long time, and then "asked" them to go down the maze with them. The result did not expect that the two people did not say a word, took up arms and followed.

But when they fight, they seldom speak, which is in line with people's impression of them. When they were led by Fang Zheng before, they followed him quietly during the rest, just like the shadow of Fang Zheng.

In fact, for the identity of the two people, yasna and they are very curious, but they discussed several times in private, but there was no result, and they were embarrassed to ask directly. As a newcomer who has joined the guild for a short time, mi'er is careless in her personality. Now when she raises this question, other people don't talk on the surface, but in fact they begin to pay attention to it secretly.

Even yasna, who had planned to urge everyone to start to fight boss as soon as possible, now closed her mouth and looked at them curiously.

And in the eyes of the public, Esther is quickly given the answer.

"We belong to the master."


In the face of Esther's answer, everyone was dumb for a moment and didn't know how to take it. It's really because Esther's answer is too natural, just like it's going to rain, women want to get married, and people want to eat

But Why Things?

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little awkward. And green leaf is to turn a head to look around, then clap to start.

"Ah, that one They are Mr. Fang Zheng's Maid

"We don't have that simple relationship with the host?"

At this time, lestia also said with a smile. Compared with Esther who spared no words and didn't talk much, lestia was obviously more "naughty".

"We and our master are in one body and mind. No matter the soul or the body, we have no relationship with each other."

"Ah Ah, ah, ah?! "

Hearing lestia's reply, several girls, including Qingye, couldn't help crying out, and Yingli's eyes were shining.

"You two Are they all Mr. Fang Zheng's girlfriends? "

"The host certainly has several girlfriends, but we are different from them."

In this point, both lestia and Esther are very persistent. In their view, crazy three and atalante are only the "spouses" of Founder after all. However, they are sword elves and weapons of founder.

As the saying goes, spouse is like clothes, weapons are like hands and feet, clothes can be changed, but hands and feet can't be lost!

But the focus of other girls is obviously not here.

"Does Mr. Fang Zheng have a girlfriend?"

"It would be strange if he didn't have a girlfriend...!"Make complaints about the girls who are surprised. How can a man who is handsome, powerful, kind, brave and reliable like founder not have a girlfriend? If he doesn't have a girlfriend, he must have a boyfriend. Yingli can be sure. On the condition of founder, it's hard to be single

“…………… Ha ha... "

At the moment, yasna can't help sighing. I don't know why. Just now, when she heard lestia say that Fangzheng had a girlfriend, she felt a little twitch in her heart, which seemed to be uncomfortable. But the specific reason why she was not feeling well was not clear for a while.


However, Youji frowned.

"Brother Fang Zheng has a girlfriend, so his girlfriend must be worried about his current situation."

In the face of Youji's inquiry, Esther shook his head.

"No, they don't know the master's current situation."


"Because they're not in the world."


Hearing this, everyone suddenly fell into silence. Even Jia Bai Li, who had just complained, did not speak. I don't know how long it took for yasna to whisper.

"Get ready. It's time for us to eliminate the boss."

"Ah, well Yes

Yingli also nodded in a hurry, and then picked up the dagger.

"I'll go ahead and investigate, you follow."

"Yes, yes..."


Looking at the girls who left in a panic, Esther tilted her head doubtfully, and then she looked at lestia.

"What did I say wrong?"

"You said nothing wrong."

Looking at the back of the girls leaving, lestia smiles.

"Well done, but don't tell the host This is a surprise for our host. "



Looking at the battle ahead, Fang Zheng sneezes. He rubs his nose and frowns.

"What's the matter? Mr. Fang Zheng? Do you have a cold? "

You Na, who follows founder, looks at founder curiously. You know, in the game world, people can't get sick. This is What's going on?

"Yes, it's just that my nose itches suddenly. Maybe someone is talking about me behind my back."

Fang Zheng replied casually, but he didn't take it to heart. A handsome man like him will always be discussed. Fang Zheng is used to those who are not as handsome, smart, strong and popular as he is. As the saying goes, those who can do more work, which can also be regarded as the side effect of being handsome.

"They did a good job."

Fang Zheng continued to look forward to the battlefield and nodded with satisfaction. Along the way, as he said before, he regarded himself as a shadow. Without saying a word, he just hung at the end of the line and watched the battle between the dark nebula and the knights in red. To Fang Zheng's great satisfaction, the two guilds were obviously well prepared, and they all did it in strict accordance with the guidelines in their survival manual.

Whether it's the level of combat members, the way of fighting, or the time of switching, these people are very skilled, and there's nothing special to prove.

"Keep going, everyone, come on, the Lord is ahead!"

Even ang was excited after he killed the last wave of small monsters. Although dark nebula and the Red Knights had played a lot of branch labyrinth copies on other floors, it was the first time to face the boss of the Lord. As long as they can defeat the boss, they have the power to control their own destiny!

After the recovery, the first player pushes the door of the Lord's room. The next moment, the figure of the fifth floor lord appears in front of everyone.

However, in front of the scene, but let many players are stunned.

Although they haven't played against the boss of the LORD before, they have also played against other bosses, who basically bring a few monsters. But now, standing at the end of the hall, the fifth floor lord is a lonely person, completely invisible.

Seeing this, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

The situation seems to be a little bad , the fastest update of the webnovel!