If Liz is surprised by Fangzheng's gun, then the next operation of Fangzheng will almost make her shut her mouth - he can attack with a gun in one hand and a sword in the other!?

How did founder do it?

At this moment, Liz could not care for any reserve. She almost rushed to catch Fang Zheng and asked him clearly.

It's natural that she will be so excited. After these days of "survival", basically, the players in the game have a certain understanding of the skills and combat system of the game. One of them is - [weapons can use skills only after they are well equipped].

For example, one handed sword has a skill called horizontal square chop. Players only need to hold one handed sword to activate this skill, but it doesn't matter whether their other hand is empty or holding a shield.

On the other hand, if players are equipped with two one handed swords, then they can't activate [horizontal square chop]. The reason is very simple, because this skill is a "one handed" sword skill. If you have two hands equipped with weapons, it's not a "one handed skill". Naturally, it can't be used!

That's why Liz is so excited. You know, the monster cutter she made belongs to one handed sword. If you want to release skills, the other hand can't hold weapons, but Fangzheng can release skills while shooting? Are you kidding me? What kind of system bug is this?

In the face of Liz's question, founder's answer is very simple.

"Because I don't have a weapon in my left hand."


Liz was stunned for a moment when she heard Fang Zheng's words. She looked at the gun in Fang Zheng's left hand, and then looked up at him with a look of "are you cheating on ghosts?" It's not a weapon. What is it? You go to the street and ask. Ten out of ten people know it's a weapon. OK!

"It's true. I'm not lying."

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders when Liz was about to bite, but he explained the reason to Liz.

In fact, this is the inspiration that Founder just thought of from that playful action.

In fact, at the beginning, founder also wanted to make a blueprint of a gun directly like making a monster cutter, but what he didn't expect was that after he finished drawing, the system would directly prompt [lawless map]. Obviously, this problem was obviously considered in the game. Since the drawing skill was designed, the designer certainly thought that the player would pass it If you want to make a sniper gun and take the enemy's head 800 meters away, will you let other players fight?

Or if you give out a Gatling, won't everyone live?

But founder is also a game planner. We are all peers. If you don't let me play, I won't play. Isn't it a shame?

I think I cheated at that time No, I've made millions of players' assets, but you're so careful that you can't stop me? It doesn't exist!

So Fang Zheng really found a way, which was just in Liz's eyes when he was nervous.

In fact, it's not Fang Zheng's nerve. He just confirmed one thing through his action just now, that is, the physics engine in the game is doing very well pretty good.

If you think about it carefully, it's also a matter of course. It's a complete stealth game. You have to create a gravity environment of the moon and Mars. I'm afraid that people will be floating when they walk after playing the game. So the game itself must be as close to reality as possible, so that players can have the best experience.

That's easy!

What is a gun?

A weapon, of course.

But how are guns made in reality?

Of course, it's impossible to build a game by knocking on a blueprint like this. It must need all kinds of parts and then assemble them.

So it's easy. I can't make the blueprint of the gun. I can make the blueprint of the parts. What can you do to me?

It turns out that this system can't really do anything about founder. After all, it limits the scope of the dead program, just like someone in founder's previous life piled up beautiful girls with pixel blocks in my world. The system itself does not have this ability, but the high degree of freedom allows the players to make their own business. Of course, they can dig enough blocks to set up a beautiful girl of two dimensions, and they can still see the kind of pants from a distance.

Right now, founder is doing the same thing. Even if the players all over the world think that Founder is holding a gun, the system will not think so. It will only detect that Founder's left hand is holding an accessory, that's all. For the system, it's something similar to a bracelet, glove, ring or other thing. It's impossible to even classify it as a "weapon"!

So even if Fang Zheng is holding two vicious weapons, in the system detection, he will only think that he has one weapon

Since it's a weapon, it's impossible to limit the ability to release

As for how the gun works, it's even simpler. Since the physical characteristics in the game are the same as those in reality, it's reasonable that these parts can be used in the real environment. It's unreasonable that they can't be used in the game environment.But even so, the gun has many defects.

First of all, its range is less than 20 meters. After founder test, its effective range is about 5 to 10 meters. What's more, the trouble is that you need to load ammunition. In the system detection, founder has a bunch of "accessories" in his hand, so it's impossible to automatically load ammunition for you. So when you finish shooting, you must load ammunition manually.

Even if Fang Zheng added a magazine, he could only fire 20 rounds at a time. This also means that in a battle, you need to change the magazine when you fire 20 shots. Considering the number of monsters in the game world, it needs to consume a lot of bullets. These bullets are not cheap. Although the most important gunpowder is forged material, you can buy and sell it at will, but one dose of gunpowder needs 50 KOL, two is 100. One magazine, 20 rounds, 1000 kors out.

As far as the money in the game world is concerned, 1000 Kohl is enough to make a player eat and drink well for two or three days. You know, before Jia Baili asked Fang Zheng for money to buy equipment, it was only 2000 kors, which is two magazines.

Not only that, the damage of this gun itself is not high. Fang Zheng has just tested it. After hitting the target, the system shows that it has received "puncture damage", and the damage value is even half lower than the weapon's flat cut. As a weapon, it's basically a complete waste.

But what founder is looking at is not its attack power, but its "function".

It has been said before that in the game world, if players want to block the skills of monsters or boss, they need to wave weapons to attack and interrupt each other's skills.

Before, Yingli used this point to block the attack of the kowtow Lord in the boss battle of the first level Lord. She was stiff, and then was given seconds by founder.

But the problem of doing so is also very prominent, that is, every hit of the player is cooled by the shared CD. You drive the opponent into rigidity, and you also enter rigidity, so you need to switch - let other players attack.

However, in this case, the players themselves are in danger. If they fight alone, it's a good thing to say that if they are surrounded by too many enemies, there may be the danger of being cut down by the little monsters.

But with guns, that's not a problem.

If we fight with the boss again, it's almost like this in founder's imagination.

[boss rushes to founder]

[boss uses skill]

[founder shooting]

[boss's skill is interrupted]

[boss gets into rigidity]

[founder uses skill attack]

on the one hand, because the system determines that the skill will be interrupted by attack damage, it means that Founder's shooting can interrupt boss skills. On the other hand, because the weapons in founder's hands are not recognized as formal weapons by the system, founder's weapon attack will not enter a rigid state, and can directly launch skill attack!

Furthermore, founder can even attack with shrapnel instead of ordinary bullets. This kind of bullet has a close range, but it is better than scattered warheads. It has a wide range of attack. In the past, the boss's whole body may be shrouded. In this case, any warhead that hits the boss's weapon or the body of the launching skill will break the skill.

It's safer and faster than taking a one handed sword to risk. You don't need to dodge every time. You just need to pull the trigger on the boss who is coming!

Even if there is a problem, you can also have enough time to avoid, instead of being attacked by boss after blocking failure.

It can be said that the emergence of this gun, for founder's team, is a huge boost!!

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