Under the transportation of Wang Chong, bishop Carl and his party spent dozens of minutes in the insect territory. With the abdominal cavity opened again, the tentacles rolled up bishop Karl and others again, and then put them back on the ground.

It was not until they stepped on the ground that the dwarf bishop was relieved.

"Blessed by the goddess, it's landing."

"It seems that's what these creatures use to transport members."

Looking at the king bug floating slowly like a hot-air balloon above his head, the fairy Bishop's expression is also very wonderful.

"To tell you the truth, this group of people really makes me feel It's quite unique. "

"This is not the time to say that."

Bishop Carl interrupted their feelings and looked around nervously. He saw that they were the center, and there were jumping insects, snakes, cockroaches, and all kinds of insect groups everywhere. They surrounded the five people. They stared at the uninvited guests coldly and made a low hiss from time to time.

"They don't look very friendly."

The orc bishop put his hand on the hammer again, but soon he gave up With so many Zerg units, he can't even resist

And at this time, a hoarse voice sounded.

“……… Ah It's you again Bipedal... "

With this sound, people saw the insects in front of them separated quietly. Then, a mother worm came out of it. It was the chief queen worm of founder, Milun.

Seeing Milun in front of us, everyone was relieved, although Milun was also a Zerg strictly speaking. But just as "beauty needs green leaves to set off" in Tang Bohu's autumn fragrance, seeing a long creature that is relatively in line with human aesthetics in such a group of monsters that look even more strange than the devil really makes people feel more relaxed.


Bishop Carl stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"My name is Carl. I'm a cardinal from the holy land. In fact, we know that in the former world, you fought here..."

"Those stupid bipedals..."

Milun chuckled.

"If they ignore the warning and invade the territory of our swarm, they will only become prey to the swarm! Humble and stupid bipedals, that's what they deserve

Hearing this, the bishop of man frowned a little, while the others looked as usual. Bishop Carr was also very calm and went on.

"Well, we want to do some investigation on this matter I heard that before the invasion, the swarm had issued a warning? "

"That's right."

Milun snorted, and with her movements, the tentacles behind her began to wave.

"We tried to drive the bipedals out of our territory, but they didn't listen to our advice. They still tried to invade the territory, and even attacked the insects! In this case, those bipedal beasts are our enemies. For us, any enemy who dares to invade the insect territory will be destroyed! "


When they heard this, bishop Carl and others looked at each other. It was obvious that the land of fire thought that it was uninhabited, but in fact, other people's swarms had occupied the territory first. The kingdom of fire takes the swarm as a chaotic Warcraft and attacks it.

For the country of fire, it's natural to destroy Warcraft and occupy the unexplored land.

For the swarm, these intruders are the enemies.

Both sides are right. After all, it is impossible for the kingdom of fire to think that such monsters have wisdom. For the swarm of insects, those "two legged animals" are savage and stupid. If they don't understand their own meaning, they will die

Thinking about this, the five bishops were silent for a long time.

What do you call this

"So this one..."

Looking at the insect mother in front of him, Carl thought for a long time, but he didn't know what to call it, so he just mixed up.

“……… When we came here, we saw a lot of... In the border area They are... "

"They will guard the territory of our swarm. If those bipedals dare to die again, then we will completely exterminate them!"

Speaking of this, Milun's eyes widened.

"The supreme swarm can't be provoked! If those low stupid bipedal creatures dare to invade the swarm territory again, we will destroy them completely


Hearing this, the five bishops were all surprised. After a conversation with Milun, they had some knowledge of the so-called swarm. They're not particularly evil, but they're not so good. But for now, this "swarm" has eliminated the fog of chaos, and it is certain to turn this chaotic place into a territory of order.Not only that, but also the bishops can feel the power of stability and purity in the carpet of flesh and blood they are stepping on. Although this force is not big when viewed alone, it completely suppresses the erosion and counterattack of chaos force when combined with the fungus blanket spreading all over the wilderness. Even in time, the chaos force on the wilderness will be completely purified!

Although the Zerg are It's indescribable, but their contributions to maintaining order and expelling chaos are real.

Of course, the five bishops will not give the insects a badge to praise them for maintaining social peace or anything. They all come from different races. Naturally, they know that the civilizations, views and tendencies of each race are very different. Moreover, if they were to issue badges, they would take the insects as their subordinates They are obviously a very proud group in terms of their words and deeds.

In this case, it is very irrational to provoke them rashly.

More importantly

Thinking of this, bishop Carl glanced around at the dense, invisible swarm of insects.

They also have enough power to defend their own interests.

"But The land of fire The group that attacked you before also has a very strong power

Bishop Karl still intends to persuade both sides to stop fighting, if it's just a simple war, but listen to the meaning of the insects, if they are attacked again, they will completely destroy the kingdom of fire?!

Although the temple of order takes order as its primary belief, it does not mean that they will have no scruples about life.

"If you both fight, even if the swarm wins, it will suffer a lot..."

When he heard bishop Carl's question, Milun gave a calm answer.

"Swarms No fear. "

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