The arrow of light came down from the sky and fell into the crowd.

The roaring arrows pierced the bodies of the puppets, breaking their hard shell to pieces. Although the attack power of this arrow itself is not high, it has no effect on the follower, but it is different for these fragile man-made and puppets.

"Is this the beginning of Jiaotong University to show friendship?"

Fang Zheng stood on the wall of torefas, watching the battlefield in the distance, and at the same time, he opened his own terminal and began to "appreciate" the unprecedented Holy Grail War.

With a round of bombing of red Archer, the formation of man-made and puppet completely collapsed. The Dragon teeth army under the floating city also took the opportunity to rush up and attack the castle.

If it is an army made up of human beings, then the unreasonable shooting just now is enough to make their morale collapse. But man-made people are not human after all. Although they can't be as ruthless as steel, they quickly organized the formation, raised their weapons and started a scuffle with the Dragon teeth soldiers who charged in front of them.

At the same time, followers of both sides are also marching towards the battlefield.

The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield The whole army!

"Well, the game has started. Let's see the heroes on both sides."

Fang Zheng started to explain as he looked at the screen in front of him.

"The first is the red side. The upper red side is Lancer Garna, the middle red side is Achilles, the lower side is caster Shakespeare and assassin Semiramis, and the lower side is archer atalante. This is a very radical export choice. On the black side, the upper single is Lancer Vlad III, the middle single is Archer Charon, the lower part is ADC made by Berserker Frankenstein, and the auxiliary parts are rider astorford and caster What's the name? Forget it. There's also Berserker Well, we can ignore that. "

Looking at the red Berserker smiling like a fool on the screen, Fang Zheng waved and decisively cut off the screen.

"As far as the number of people is concerned, there is not much difference between the two sides. Although our side has one more field fighting and one more auxiliary AP, it is basically the same. Now let's look at the fighting..."

In founder's commentary, the battle started.


With a flash of lightning coming down from the sky, red rider first takes action. With a whistle, he calls out a battlefield and roars to the front of the battlefield.

Achilles, who was born in the order of rider, was naturally extraordinary. Ordinary man-made people could not resist the impact of him. Under the rampage of the chariot, all the man-made people in front of him were even blasted away before they could get close to him. Even the hard figures were smashed into rags by chariots.

"Ha ha ha! Is that the only skill? Where are the black followers? Come out and fight with me

Excitedly brandishing the long gun in hand, rider moves forward like lightning. But soon, the broken pieces of the puppet under his chariot suddenly melted like mud, wrapped the chariot in it, and then solidified again into hard stones. At the same time, seizing this opportunity, people around quickly raised their weapons and rushed to red rider.

"Ha ha ha, it's useless, you bastards!"

While laughing, red rider raised his long gun and waved it in the air. With the flash of cold light, the man-made people who rushed to red rider were immediately torn, and the gushing blood was scattered on the ground like rain, which covered red rider's sight.

At this moment, an arrow suddenly passed through the scattered bodies and blood, and shot at red rider's neck.


Red rider was also surprised when he noticed the sudden attack. However, as a hero who has experienced many battles, he still waved his long gun in time to block the attack of the arrow. Even so, the sharp arrow still flew past red rider's neck, leaving him a scar.

"How interesting..."

Feeling the hot pain on the neck, red rider shows an excited smile instead.

"Is that you? Black Archer! Come out, let's have a good fight! "

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

As if in response to red rider's clamor, soon, several arrows flew out of the gap of the puppet again, but this time, they didn't play any role in front of red rider who had been prepared for a long time. Instead, they were directly shot. But even so, with the help of the direction of the arrow, red rider also determines the position of the other side.

"This way?"

Yelling loudly, red rider abandons his chariot and rushes towards the place where the arrow is shot. He raises his long gun and stabs forward. The roaring air bursts out and breaks the hard and huge puppet to pieces. At the same time, a figure quickly leaps out from behind the broken body of the puppet, and with the help of other puppets, it once again pulls away from red rider."Stop, don't run!"

Looking at black archer's plan to run away, red rider doesn't plan to give up. He yells and continues to catch up.

"Well, we can see that red side's rider Achilles has a strong start on his own line. But after being attacked, he abandoned the middle road. At present, he has been lured into the forest by black Archer Well, I don't know what happens when Achilles finds out that he is his teacher, but as far as I'm concerned... "

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng shrugs his shoulders. It's a dangerous job to be a teacher in Xingyue world. Take a look at Shichen yuanban, Yili Yanfeng and Ichiro kawamu. Which one has a good end?

"Now we can only hope that the black Archer will not be killed by the will of the universe of the moon Let's take a look at the situation of the other two routes. It seems that the two Lancers on the list are of half weight. Neither side has been able to cause fatal damage to the enemy. However, it seems that Vlad III is more fierce. It seems that it's really great to have a bonus on this land... "

Looking at Vlad III, who manipulated the spikes and fought against Garna, founder could not help feeling. If it is in accordance with the setting of life, then how to see Vlad III will not be an opponent of Gardner. But now, with the help of his legendary popularity bonus in Romania, he has been able to fight with Garna, and even has the upper hand.

From this point of view The black side's master is still a bit reliable this time.

However, Fang Zheng was puzzled. In this case, why did no one summon heroes from Japan in the fourth and fifth world wars? Since the battlefield is Dongmu City, the local born heroes, such as Xinchang Zhitian, should have more popularity and strength bonus Seeing that a fake assassin of Kojiro can actually knock down saber, we can imagine how powerful this is

"Well, the road looks glued for the time being. Let's take a look at the next road Black Berserker is addicted to the Qing army and cannot extricate himself. Black Rider is riding a Griffin and plans to go straight to the air fortress to cut the back row. As for whether he can succeed, it depends on God's blessing. On the other side... "

As he said this, founder switched the screen again Then he shrugged helplessly.

"Well, the two outfields here are already at war."

Now the battle has entered a stalemate. Red rider is lured into the forest by black Archer, and the two Lancers are fighting separately. Black Berserker is crazy to clean up the line, the wave of Longya soldiers smashed into rags. As for red Archer, it's playing with red Berserker However, it seems that the situation of red Archer is not so good?

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

The roaring arrows flew through the muscular body of red Berserker. However, the attack that was enough to make him suffer fatal damage did not kill red Berserker at all. Although his knee and body were penetrated by the arrow shot by red Archer, the other side did not stop at all, but rushed to red Archer again with laughter.

"This is a monster!"

Looking at the scene in front of her, red Archer was also surprised. She quickly backed away from red Berserker, and at the same time, red Berserker's dagger almost wiped red archer's forehead and fell on the ground with a piece of gravel.

"Damn it!"

At the same time of jumping and dodging, red Archer bent his bow again and hit red Berserker's body again and again. But his speed didn't stop at all. Not only that, red Archer could clearly see that red Berserker's muscular body was squirming autonomously during the running. Then, the muscles of his whole body began to expand and expand, and he squeezed out the arrows.

That's too much of an exaggeration!!

Seeing this scene, red Archer gasped for breath. As a former partner of the same camp, she certainly learned from the young priest that this treasure of Berserker Spartacus, the roar of the wounded beast, is simply a treasure that can transform the enemy's damage into magic, store it in the body for regeneration and ability improvement. The more hurt he gets, the more power he has accumulated, and it will become huge But red Archer did not expect that this treasure would be so difficult!

It can't go on like this!

Thinking of this, red Archer jumps like a cat and falls on red Berserker's shoulder. Then he grabs his head and tears it up. Then he picks up the arrow and inserts it into red Berserker's neck as a knife, and cuts it aside.

Blood spurted out, and red Berserker's head was torn out of a huge hole. Red Archer took advantage of the situation to jump back, dodged his counterattack again, then raised his head, looked at the enemy in front of him, and then widened his eyes in surprise.In the location of the red BERSERKER neck being torn, countless pieces of meat emerge from the foam like bubbles and gradually become large pieces of meat. Soon, red Berserker's head was engulfed by the swollen meat, leaving only half of his face Even so, he still gave out a laugh, continued to swing the body which had become out of proportion because of the regeneration, and rushed to the red archer.


See here, founder silently turned off the video.

It's disgusting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!