Located on the second floor of the college, the gate of the platform leading to the lake is locked, but for founder, this is obviously not a problem.


Watching founder kick open the heavy wooden door, Irene reaches out her hand to hold her forehead and sighs helplessly. She is used to founder's action. What kind of locked door is useless to him. When the door lock is locked, he will kick it open. If he can't kick it open, he will turn over the window. If the window can't get in, he will make a hole in the wall

Irene has to admit that that's why they got to the college so quickly.

It's just that this stranger seems to have some deep-rooted obsession about opening the door It seems that he doesn't like to take a detour to find the mechanism to open the door. According to this stranger, well, it's a waste of time and quite boring.

"Why does a door that I can kick open with one foot have to be opened on the other side? Is there anyone here who wants me to lose money? "

Irene had to admit that there was something in that.

But the problem is This stranger may really lose money this time.


When Fang Zheng kicked the door open, he was embarrassed to find that on the platform on the other side of the door, an old man was sitting in a rocking chair, watching the lake in front of him. He was wearing a heavy robe, a big hat and a long Scepter in his hand. Fangzheng's rude way of opening the door didn't seem to affect the old man. He still curled up in the chair and seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. I just tripped."


Hearing Fang Zheng's insincere apology, Irene gave him a silent look and then said nothing. Fang Zheng's disdain for Irene did not change. He went to the old man and looked down at him.

"You are master William?"


The old man didn't speak. Fang Zheng saw that the part above his nose was covered by the wide hat, but it was obvious that he was not sleeping.

"I have some questions for you..."

Fang Zheng said again, but the old man just shook his head. Then he raised his scepter and pointed to the front.



Seeing the old man's reaction, Fang Zheng and Irene looked at each other. Then Irene went to the edge of the platform pointed by the old man's scepter and looked down. Then she turned her head and shook her head at Fang Zheng.

"Nothing can be seen here."

"I hope you can answer some of my questions, master William."


In the face of Founder's inquiry, William was still silent. He just raised his Scepter again and pointed to the front.

But Fang Zheng didn't care about his actions this time. He just stood beside the old man with his hands akimbo, as if he had spent the same time with him.



As time went by, founder did not move, so did the old man. It's like they're playing a patience game. Whoever can't help talking first loses.

"I said," what are you doing? "

In this case, Irene couldn't help it.

"Didn't the old man give us a hint? Maybe we should look for some clues around here first... "

"He's here, and he's not dead. Can't he just tell us that he wants us to run around?"

Founder obviously doesn't take it.

"Master William, we are all smart people. Don't fool us. I want to ask you some questions, but if you want to be deaf and dumb, we have to continue to consume. This is not a game. You are not a NPC who is set to say nothing except limited content. I am not your student and subordinate. You can't expect to be confused without saying a word Get me to do something. "

“……… Ha ha... "

Hearing this, the old man finally laughed. He turned his head and looked in the direction of founder.

"That's interesting, stranger..." Although I do feel the unusual soul from you, but You're more interesting than I thought

"You think the same as I do. Do people have this problem when they are old?"

"It's a bad habit for scholars to keep a sense of mystery, but you're right..."

Speaking of this, William coughed a few times.

“……… But young people I'm sorry, my spirit is It's hard to support me to have a long conversation. This world, this world is going to crush me completely. You can't understand how I feel, the sound, the light, all these things are totally different to me... "

The old man seemed really tired. He just said a few words and coughed fiercely. After a long time, he was relieved."Well, I'm sorry. I'll make a long story short You did this endless hunting night? "


The old man was silent for a moment and nodded.


This time, Irene couldn't help asking.

"Why are you doing this? Master William

"Because When the hunting night is over, the blood moon will rise

The old man's voice was full of fear and sorrow.

"Ancient gods have always been in this world. We thought they had left. No, they didn't. It's right here, right there, right here, right there. Anywhere we think they should or shouldn't exist. But we just can't touch them. They look at us like we look at the ants in the box Ants are not aware of our existence, because they have no other way to perceive the world than their antennae. We are ants. We can only use our tentacles to feel our world. "

Said here, the old man's body began to tremble.

"But when the blood moon rises, the power of the ancient god will cover everything The whole Yanan, will become its playground, no one can stop its power The curse of the ancient god will devour everyone mercilessly, let them struggle in pain and despair And then Destruction... "

"But now Yanan is on the verge of destruction."

Hearing what master William said, Irene was pale, but Fangzheng was quite calm.

"With all due respect, it's a matter of dying sooner or later. Two cups are poisoned wine, one is choked at the sight of blood, and the other can explain a few last words, but you're still going to die after the explanation, aren't you? In that case, why don't we just Master William, is there any way to get us out of our dreams

“……… To get out of the dream, you have to eliminate the curse of the ancient gods and defeat them But It's almost impossible... "

Speaking of this, William's voice dropped gradually.

"Impossible..." Human beings can't observe the world in the way of ancient god's thinking, but when we understand the world in this way, we can contact with ancient god, but at that time, we are no longer us Mansis persistently seeks the coming of the blood moon and immerses himself in his impossible ideal Lawrence Poor child He's going the wrong way. They're all wrong. "

William raised his wand again and pointed forward.

"I closed the world with ROM's time cycle. The night of hunting will continue, so that the blood moon will never come. It's in the center of the lake. As long as you kill it, the blood moon will come, and the world will be completely changed I don't know what will happen next, but the stranger Since you are so confident, I might as well let you have a try. Go ahead, kill ROM, and Go to find mansis. He tries to create an ancient god with the help of XueYue. His behavior is doomed to failure. "

"That's right. Do you want us to make it clear?"

After listening to William's story, Fang Zheng also picked up the sword and went to the edge of the platform. Seeing Fang Zheng's action, Irene quickly stopped him.

"Wait, wait, are you really going? In case... "

"There's no case. Anyway, the night of hunting will come to an end. As for whether there will be blood month next In time, for better or for worse, there will always be changes, won't there? "

As he said this, Fang Zheng waved his hand. Then he jumped down from the platform.

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