"There should be no problem here."

After leaving the crowd with the girl in his arms, Fang Zheng made several turns in a row and found a no man's land. Then he put the girl down.

"How's it going? Can you walk by yourself? "

"Ah Yes... "

Feeling the action of founder, the girl was a little surprised. She left the embrace of Founder reluctantly, then stood on the ground again and lowered her head to founder.

"Thank you for saving me..."

"You're welcome. It's a lift."

In the face of the girl's thanks, Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"But what are those bastards up to, bullying a girl? Is this their hobby? What a bunch of psychos... "


Hearing Fang Zheng's murmuring exclamation, the girl hesitated for a moment and asked him in a low voice.

"Excuse me..." You, aren't you afraid of me? "

"Me? Afraid of you? "

In the face of the girl's inquiry, Fang Zheng is completely confused.

"Why should I be afraid of you?"

"Because, because, I am the son of the cursed..."

As she spoke, the girl held out her hand as if to cover the cat's ears on her head.

"Da, we all say that the" cursed son "is terrible and hates our existence..."

Looking at the girl with her head down in front of her, Fang Zheng smiles, reaches out his hand and touches her little head.

"I don't think there's anything to be afraid of. A lovely child like you should be hated by people. Only those people's brains can be said to have problems."


Hearing Fang Zheng's reply, the girl raised her head in surprise, her lavender eyes shining with pure brilliance.

"I Is it cute? "

"Of course, how can a lovely child like you be hated? Not to mention, cat ears are cute. "

As he spoke, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and gently pinched the girl's ear Well, the tentacles are soft and comfortable to touch.


While feeling the touch of founder, the girl trembled and looked at founder with dissatisfaction.

"Big brother It's itchy... "

"Sorry, sorry."

Looking at the red face of the girl, founder also quickly let go of the lovely cat ears.

"By the way, what are you doing here?"


In the face of Founder's inquiry, the girl showed an uneasy expression.

"I, I want to see if I can find some food. We haven't eaten for several days..."


"Well It's a cursed son like me


Looking at the girl's expression, Fang Zheng was silent for a moment.

"Do you need food?"

"Yes, and It's going to be winter soon. If we don't get some warm clothes, our life will be very hard. "

"In that case, let me help you."


Hearing Fang Zheng's reply, the girl raised her head in surprise.

"Is that ok?"

"Of course."

Looking at the girl's surprised expression, Fang Zheng smiles.

"Meeting is predestination. I don't know why people in this city regard you as monsters, but Anyway, bullying a group of children is not in line with my values. But first of all

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng carefully looked at the girl in front of her. At this moment, she was only wearing a thin ragged dress. She didn't know what kind of garbage heap she had picked up or other places. She didn't even wear shoes. The world is now in late autumn, whistling cold wind blowing, let the girl's petite body can not help shivering.

"I'd better change your clothes first. You're familiar with this place. Is there a clothing store nearby?"

"No, I can't..."

Hearing Fang Zheng's inquiry, the girl stepped back in surprise, reached out her hand again, pressed her cat's ear and shook her head.

"I can't enter those shops, otherwise I will be driven out..."

Is it because of the cat's ear?

Looking at the girl's reaction, Fang Zheng sighed silently, and then he stretched out his hand and flipped in his own space. I remember there should be Well, just a little bit.

"Put on this hat."

As he said this, founder took out a black hat from the space bag and put it on the girl's head. This is a hat that he bought conveniently when he accompanied Delia to buy clothes. Because I didn't like this style, I was left here by founder. But now it looks like It's very suitable for this girl."Why?"

Aware of the hat on her head, the girl's eyes widened in surprise, while founder looked at her and began to smile.

"In this way, you don't have to worry about being discovered."

“…………… Thank you... "

Holding the edge of the hat, the girl lowered her head and said thanks in a low, reddish voice. For a girl, this is the first time in her life that she has been treated so gently. In the past, when those people saw her, there was always disgust and hatred in her eyes. All this has been used to for a girl. Even she thinks that maybe she really shouldn't have been born in this world, her mother abandoned her, and other people are looking at her with hatred.

But This is the first time Someone Treat yourself so gently.

"Well, before that, let's introduce ourselves."

Fang Zheng squatted down and looked at the girl in front of him.

"My name is Fang Zheng. You can call me whatever you want What's your name, then? "

“…………… "Buschui."

Even after a long time, she will never forget the figure who appeared beside her on this day and saved her from the infinite dark world.

Shop street.

The disturbance just caused by founder didn't seem to cause much trouble. Everything around seemed to be the same as usual. Fang Zheng leaned against the wall beside him, looking at the people walking around outside the shop, and looking through a magazine called "battle of the intestines" in his hand. Through this magazine, founder finally has some understanding of the current situation of the world.

Eight years ago, a kind of viral parasite named "gastrula" appeared in the world. They have huge body and power of mutation, and almost can't be killed. Humans fought with these monsters and were defeated. Human beings have lost 80% of their territory and can only survive in the narrow metropolitan area. They built huge stone tablets in the outskirts of the city with "錵" metal, which can prevent the projejunal animals from approaching, and after being made into weapons, it can effectively kill the projejunal animals and weaken their regeneration ability.

People who are attacked and bitten by projejunal animals will be injected with body fluids by projejunal animals, resulting in gene mutation and becoming one of them. In founder's view, this so-called virus is not much different from the biochemical crisis, except that the virus in the biochemical crisis will become zombies after biting, and the one here will become monsters after biting.

But for founder, the most important thing is The son of the curse.

Generally speaking, according to research findings, unless the enterovirus is injected into the blood, it will not produce human mutations. However, there is a certain probability that the enterovirus will infect infants. Those babies will have red eyes after birth, and some babies will have the appearance changes similar to those of gastrula due to various mutations.

Different from the victims who become monsters after being bitten by projejunal animals, these "cursed children" can inhibit the erosion of projejunal virus to a certain extent. But as they grow up, the erosion rate of these proenteroviruses on the "cursed children" will become higher and higher. Once the erosion rate of the "cursed children" exceeds 50%, they will become progut monsters.

Moreover, due to the instability of Y chromosome, all of the "cursed children" who survived after being infected with enterovirus were girls.

Is that why those people are afraid of them?


At this time, the curtain in front of Founder's eyes was pulled open, and then Bushi Cui came out with a reddish complexion.

"I, I've already selected the clothes, big brother. Are they good-looking?"

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