“……… Is it really your first time to learn magic

Rex stares at Fang Zheng fiercely now, just like a starving wolf eating people, and Fang Zheng nods.

"Of course, Mr. Rex."

Cheat the ghost!!

Looking at the founder in front of him, Rex really wants to slap him in the face. You know, although he doesn't think this young man has any potential, as a teacher, he naturally has to teach with all his heart. Although the relationship between the White Pagoda and the temple is not very good, what we should do is to do well. The "textbook" he gave founder is a primary textbook that all mages in the country of magic guide will learn.

But Generally speaking, it takes a year for those mages to master the contents at the fastest time!!

You've mastered it in two days, and then you come here and ask me what to do next?

Rex has never met a brilliant mage. There are holy spirit knights and divine dependents in the temple. There are similar mages in the temple. After all, both sides believe in the goddess of order. But Rex has never seen anyone who can master the whole magic foundation in just two days!

Oh, by the way, the boy hasn't chanted the mantra just now, he still uses the magic silent hair!!

Compared with Rex, founder is very calm. It's not his intention to pretend. After the test of modern education, founder is looking at these things, and there is no difficulty. The so-called magic Rune as the periodic table of elements to recite on the line, ah, the college entrance examination when we are not so killed out?

As for the mantra? I don't believe it can be more difficult than C + +, which is from the beginning to the end?

Actually, it's quite simple.

Maybe the mantra is really difficult for ordinary people, but for founder, his code didn't die in it. How could it be difficult for him to get the mantra which is countless times simpler than the code? Not even a circular reference and destructor, just a text Xiaole, what's the difficulty?

As for silent casting Of course, Fang Zheng didn't know the principle of silent casting, but after reading the whole textbook, he also understood the meaning. After all, a word or a word is easier to pronounce and memorize if you read it out. Therefore, the reason why mages chant magic is not that they really need to chant, but that they can strengthen their memory in this way, and at the same time, they can use the power of the soul to outline the runes.

But for Fang Zheng, who has a perfect body, his memory is not much worse than those so-called absolute memories. Therefore, he doesn't need to sing at all, and can quickly use the power of his soul to outline magic runes in his mind and release magic.

Unfortunately, Fang Zheng wanted nimfu to learn magic by the way, but nimfu couldn't do it at all. Strangely enough, NIMF can control by invading other people's spells. But she couldn't release a zero level trick herself. Of course, this has nothing to do with the IQ of the little guy. As an artificial angel, NIMF is really unforgettable, but she just can't release magic, which is very embarrassing.


Rex looked at Fang Zheng with complicated complexion, and didn't know what to say for a moment. The white tower is similar to the temple, and anyone who wants to enter it has to go through a thorough investigation. So they also got the information about founder from the temple. According to the information, the young man was a poor aristocrat, and his strength was pretty good. But before that, there had never been any evidence that he could do magic, only the old man said something about the characteristics of this young man

Is there such a goddess in this world?

Of course, according to founder world's words, Rex's inner thought translates into "open hang open so big, do other players want to mix? Don't think you can do whatever you want with GM in your lap! Everyone wants to eat chicken

After a brief shock, Rex felt anger and excitement.

The reason of anger is that such a good magic seedling was delayed by the old immortals in the temple!

And the excitement is that he may witness the emergence of a legend!

Hey, I don't know where this kid can go?

Thinking of this, Rex narrowed his eyes and was silent for a moment. Then he stood up and looked at Fangzheng.

"Well, now that you've passed the basic test, it's time to choose your own specialization faction."

As far as founder is concerned, he really doesn't know anything about the world's magic. However, after some "evil remedy", founder finally understands the formation of the world's magic.

In the main world, magic is divided into eight systems.

Protection system, incantation system, prophecy system, enchantment system, plastic energy system, magic system, necromancer system, change system.

Protection, as its name suggests, is a magic system specialized in protection and isolation. If you want to say that, then the protection system is the strongest shield in the magic, which is used to protect the mage from damage and isolate the existence of the enemy.According to the understanding of Founder world, incantation system is more like a kind of summoner. The essence of the incantation system is to use magic to summon all kinds of things and creatures to fight through different dimensional space.

Compared with other factions, prophecy is a kind of "harmless" magic faction. Although prophecy can't let people completely and completely control their own destiny, it can remind the caster where to appear or what is about to happen. Sometimes just a omen or an inspiration is enough to change the whole war situation.

As an alternative of the magic faction, enchantment faction is a kind of faction that looks very evil in founder, because the essence of enchantment faction is to influence and distort the spirit and will of others through the power of arcane, which is a kind of magic that is specially used for spirit and soul. Well It has to be said that when Fang Zheng saw this faction magic, he immediately appeared in his mind the harmonious existence of "hypnosis o school" and "O mother brainwashing".

Plastic energy is naturally, needless to say, the famous five fireballs cult, which manipulates the power of elements to destroy everything. If the shield system is the strongest shield of a mage, the plastic energy system is the sharpest spear of a mage. The most powerful magic used to create tsunamis and tornadoes are easy, and ordinary people have no way to resist them.

But the most irresistible enemy of man is always himself. Because of this, magic is one of the eight magic schools. It transforms your will by creating the most frightening scene in your heart through illusion. On the surface, there seems to be little difference between magic and enchantment, but in fact it is not. If enchantment is compared to "hypnosis", then magic is more like "training" in founder. Hypnosis may be cracked one day, but when a person automatically transforms his will in illusion, it is difficult to go back to the past.

Necromancery is a profession with bones and soul, needless to say. Just to Fang Zheng's surprise, the white pagoda itself does not prohibit the existence of the necromancer faction. Although stone once told him that the temple could never allow that kind of thing to play with and manipulate the soul of the dead to happen. But for Rex, he obviously has a different story.

"Those grave digging bastards are just calling out other people's souls to trade. They are not as evil as the idiots in the temple say!"

So founder immediately understood the difference in values between the white tower and the temple.

As the last change faction among the eight factions, they focus on the word change. They can change the nature of any object through the power of arcane magic. Whether it's turning wood into steel, or turning man into a chicken, it's all in their mind. Even advanced changers can change the weather and terrain of the whole area. From a certain point of view Change is much more reliable than artificial rainfall.

Frankly speaking, Fang Zheng wants to learn all the eight factions, but unfortunately, Rex does not intend to give him this opportunity.

"Don't dream, boy! According to the white tower's rules, a mage can only specialize in one spell and practice up to three at the same time! Everything else will be banned! You have to make your own choice! "

Should we choose four of the eight factions and ban them?

This is to force the death of selection difficulty!

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