Although the method of human communication adopted by founder is very old, it has to be said that it is very useful. Knight Conan almost used his fastest speed to get to the order fortress, and reported the situation of the rear stronghold. In fact, due to the loss of contact with the rear stronghold, the order Fort also guessed what might be wrong with the rear, but they did not expect that the situation would be so serious.

Not to mention, the situation of order fortress itself is not good.

Because this year's disaster of Warcraft has made them some irresistible!

This time, the number and intensity of the Warcraft disaster are several times higher than in previous years. Even this time, among the troops attacking the order fortress, there are three Warcraft at the Lord level!

It is the three Warcraft lords that make the order fortress dare not send any more people to explore under unknown circumstances. The two strongmen in the order fortress have reached the limit. They are involved by the three Warcraft lords and can't leave at all.

After learning the situation, the order fortress immediately sent a small team to break through the blockade and go to the rear for support.

After learning the situation of order fortress, the temple was shocked!!

The order fortress is the only barrier to protect the north. Once the order fortress is lost, when the disaster of Warcraft comes, it's the whole North!

In this case, the temple immediately removed all the forces they could gather in the north, and sent them to the order fortress, in order to resist the terrible disaster of Warcraft. But when it rained at night, the headquarters of the temple of the North gathered reinforcements and sent them away. It was a relief that stone's help came again.

After seeing stone's request for help, the temple had another headache.

Six armed snake demon Bella!!

The disaster of Warcraft is naturally a problem, but Bella, the six armed snake Lord, is also famous and frightening. In fact, the high level of the temple was almost scared to pee after learning the name from the Pegasus knight! Although I don't know what these heretics intend to do when they collect Bella's statues, can it be a good thing what the heretics do?

Not to mention the abnormal attack on the order fortress at this juncture A strong mountain rain, the taste of conspiracy is almost obvious, can not be more obvious.

But the temple can't help it. The holy kingdom is a huge country, and naturally it has an army. However, these troops are used to maintain stability in various places and can not be mobilized easily. Moreover, the northern alliance does not border on the holy land. It can be said that it is an "enclave" of the holy land. Although the holy Kingdom also has the jurisdiction of order fortress, it is only limited to order fortress.

To say the least, the temple can't mobilize enough troops to come here in a short time. Even if they do, they can't come to the Northern Alliance through the transmission array of the temple, because it's basically like a large army parachuting into the hinterland of other countries - it's almost an outpost of a war!!

What's more, far water can't save near fire. I don't know how long it will take for the holy land to gather reinforcements. By that time, it is estimated that day lily would have been cool.

Fortunately, the temple is not pedantic.

I didn't expect that the temple of the world could be so flexible.

Looking at these soldiers in front of him, Fang Zheng was speechless. In fact, only half of the reinforcements brought back by the second Pegasus knights were Temple soldiers and Pegasus knights, and the rest All mercenaries!

That's right. According to the Pegasus knight, after the temple found out that it was short of manpower, it went to the mercenary guild and gave the Commission. Anyway, the temple is such a big organization, and there must be no shortage of money. What it is short of now is manpower. The problem that money can solve is obviously not a problem for the temple.

This time, the temple sent ten Pegasus knights and ten mercenaries - this is also because each Pegasus can only carry two people at most, and there are no more Pegasus knights in the temple now.

Fang Zheng now feels that the temple of the world is totally different from what he imagined. His first impression of the temple comes from Williams' memory. Of course, it can be imagined that a heretic has no impression of the temple of order. After that, in his brief residence in the temple, founder just felt that it was similar to the religious sects he saw in novels or game animations.

But today, founder sees the other side of the temple. It seems that this huge organization does not have the binary values of black and white, that they are good and just opponents and evil villains. Moreover, they do not particularly value the constraints of certain identities and rules. Flexible and moderate grasp, use all the power that can be used But if you think about it carefully, after all, what this temple believes is not the gods of justice, goodness and light, but the God of order.

But order has never been black or white.

"If we delay further, the destroyer will be suspicious. We must act immediately."The old bishop looked up at the sky, and the guide star was about to reach its predetermined position.

"I suggest that we go in two directions."

In terms of fighting, maybe only stone is an expert here.

"The flies on the head are really annoying. I suggest the flying horse knight to disperse and eliminate the goblins first, and then when the other side is in chaos, the troops on the ground will rush in again to completely destroy their ceremony."

It's still an integrated air ground strike.

"Then the Pegasus knight is responsible for dealing with the goblins, and the enemies on the ground will be given to the mercenaries."

The old bishop also quickly made a decision, it is now there is not enough time to waste.

"The order of Pegasus is led by Sir stone, and the mercenaries on the ground..."

"Leave it to me."

At this time, Fang Zheng raised his hand and stood up. Of course, he saw Shi Dong signal to himself just now that he would air raid with him, but Fang Zheng thought about it and refused the proposal. To tell you the truth, the flying horse knights in the temple are good at everything, but they are too militarized, which makes founder feel uncomfortable fighting with them. On the contrary, it was the mercenaries that made him feel quite friendly, a bit like meeting new teammates in the team.

Besides, most of the mercenaries are very big and don't care about some details. If Fang Zheng is forced to exert some of his strength, he may as well fool him. It would be much more difficult if the eyes of the flying horse riders were low.

"Then it's up to you, Mr. Fang Zheng."

The old bishop took a look at Fang Zheng and decided directly. Then he put out his hand and took out a crystal the size of a finger from his arms.

"This is the communication crystal, which can break through the information blockade in a short distance. I know you have a unique way of communication with the angel, so I hope you can report the situation of the other party to us through this crystal - the mercenaries will be handed over to you, and I will take the rest of you to help us."

The old bishop almost finished these words quickly, and handed the messenger crystal to Fang Zheng. Then he turned his head and looked at the goblin. Then the goblin, which was controlled by the old bishop, immediately got up and left and flew into the night sky.

"I have taken control of it. When it goes back, it will tell the destroyer that the person he is waiting for has been attacked by wolves in the forest, so it's a little late. I think it can delay him for a while, but it won't be long."


When he heard the old bishop, stone nodded, and then he took a look at founder.

"Well, let's start." , the fastest update of the webnovel!