“Is this where those aliens are?”

Wang Dong, looking at the city in front of him, furrowed his brow. And the expressions of the others around him weren’t any better.

However, this was also normal. After all, the Zergs, from the units to the buildings, they gave off… well, a kind of villainous aura. It was not unreasonable to call them devils… Besides, Zergs especially liked to lay the carpet for themselves which could be said to have spread everywhere. This also led to the humans’ first impression of them. In any case, they were definitely no way closer to angels or saviors.

“Do we have to go there?”

Looking at the thick and squirming blanket of fungus under his feet, Wang Dong frowned and turned to look at a middle-aged woman with spectacles behind him. This time, Wang Dong had come here as a member of the joint command’s investigation team. He was working with others to protect the representatives sent by the command to contact these strange creatures. The main purpose was to find out whether these creatures were friends or enemies, why had they come to earth, and why were they fighting the mimics…

“I think these strange bugs are here to occupy Earth!”

Looking at the squirming blanket of fungus, a blond man snorted and said, dissatisfied. The spectacled woman immediately gave him a serious glare in response to his complaint.

“Shut up, idiot! We came here to establish contact with them on behalf of all mankind, not to declare war! Put your gun away! The humans are in dire straits already, I don’t want any more mistakes that would make it even direr.”

“Alright, alright.”

The blond man spread his hands and curled his lips, facing the spectacled woman.

“So, what do we do now? Should we keep going?”

“No! It’s better we don’t do this.”

This time, the spectacled woman thought for a moment before giving an answer.

“Although I don’t know what it is, it very much looks like enclosed territory. These creatures may have a strong sense of territory. If we step in rashly, it’s very likely to arouse hostility.”

“Well… Damn it, this is our city!”

Wang Dong and the spectacled woman glanced at each other, helpless expressions on their faces. Just like those disputes on the internet, there had been many debates in the joint command over how to treat these aliens that had appeared out of nowhere. Especially after seeing the video provided by Wang Dong. Many people were already terrified and disturbed by this mysterious race that had suddenly appeared.

Wang Dong knew very well that in the joint command, even the faction that supported communication with the alien creatures was more afraid of their terrifying combat effectiveness than the idea of peaceful coexistence between both sides. However, it wasn’t surprising. Who asked the Zergs to grow into such terrifying… In any case, as long as one was a normal human, he wouldn’t think that the Zergs were very beautiful.

“What should we do now?”

Another fat man with a big belly asked curiously. He was a very famous psychologist and a member of this negotiation team. He was responsible for evaluating the psychology of both parties. He also hoped to use this to roughly estimate the development of the alien creatures’ civilization.

“We can’t stay here forever and do nothing, can we?”

“Don’t act rashly for now. We are the first human team to enter their territory. If they want to communicate with us, then…”

“Ah, sorry, Madam, I need to correct you.”

However, the blond man suddenly interrupted the spectacled woman, again, before she could finish speaking. The interrupted spectacled woman was very upset, for obvious reasons. She furrowed her brow and glared at the blond man, dissatisfied.

“What is it now?”

“I think… we aren’t the first human to enter their territory.”

While speaking, the blond man pointed at the sky not far away from them with an amused look on his face. Everyone was taken aback by his movements. They quickly turned their heads and looked in the direction the blond man was pointing. Immediately, they saw a helicopter roaring across the sky, flying straight into this city. Wang Dong hurriedly switched on the long-range scanner of the mech-suit, locking on to the helicopter.

“That’s… BBC!?”

“Those damned media reporters! Are they trying to get themselves killed!?”

The spectacled woman started shouting after hearing Wang Dong’s reply.

“These bastards, they don’t even care about the life and death of mankind for their news!”

If Fang Zheng had heard this sentence, he would have comforted the spectacled girl. However, reporters destroying the world was a bit of a cliche in science fiction movies. For example, they would specifically dig out some news about the end of the world to create chaos among the people, making everyone, who was biding their time and waiting for their deaths, panic endlessly, leading to complete collapse of the social order. Or they would set free certain animals that had been experimented on for freedom and justice, causing a virus to spread and infect humans… So, the journalists and scientists in the science fiction movies were high-risk occupations that could destroy the world; their access was restricted.

Obviously, as a science fiction film, the reporters of Edge of Tomorrow also inherited the courageous and fearless spirit of their peers. After entering the city, not only did the helicopter from the TV station throw caution to the wind, but it also deliberately circled at low altitude. Wang Dong could even see a suicidal photographer carrying the camera and shooting a video of the Zergs.

“These bastards!!”

At this moment, Wang Dong couldn’t wait to fire an RPG straight to the sky. We still hadn’t figured out why these aliens are here, and yet, these idiots have rushed here to get themselves killed! What if the aliens think they are hostile!? Aren’t these bastards afraid of dooming the entire human race with them?


And right at this moment, it was as if their bad premonition had come true. A huge Corruptor slowly rose into the sky with a roar, flying straight towards the helicopter, closely followed by an Overlord. The helicopter seemed to be getting nervous, seeing the monster flying at them. It rocked left and right before it turned around, trying to escape. But the Corruptor’s response was obviously much faster than the helicopter’s. It flew above the helicopter before it reached out with its tentacles, grabbing the helicopter. But at the same time, the helicopter’s propellers also tore off the Corruptor’s flesh and blood burst from its body.

“That’s just a machine… it’s just a machine…!!”

Everyone in the delegation turned pale at this scene. The spectacled woman clasped her hands, mumbling some kind of prayers. God knows who she was explaining to. However, Wang Dong could understand her panic. They weren’t quite sure why the alien wanted to catch the helicopter. Maybe it was an attack or just plain curiosity. But the response of the helicopter obviously didn’t meet their expectations. More importantly, the opposite party was injured!!

Wang Dong didn’t believe that if he had reached out and grabbed it just as he saw something strange, and still considered it a harmless little rabbit if he was injured by the opposite party. In many races, this was almost akin to a declaration of war!

Could it be that mankind is about to face the attack of these terrible Zergs!?

And the cause of this was just a damn media helicopter that didn’t listen to advice and rushed in to take pictures?

Wang Dong felt that he would really not have a face to meet the future generations if the historical records were like this!