Chapter 3279

The passage in front of me seems to have no end.

Under the dim light of the oil lamp, the three men moved forward. The passage in front of them seemed to be spiraling downward. No matter how they walked, they could only see the ramp and stone wall in front of them.

"I said... Let's go back."

Shayou feels a little uneasy.

"This is the secret place of the shrine. As outsiders, it's not good for us to come here..."

"What are you talking about? It's all here. You're too late to go back now, aren't you?"

Hearing Sha you's words, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders, and obviously hesitated towards the fog. After all, unlike these two people, she often lives here. If Fang Zheng and others are found to intrude into the secret passage of the shrine without authorization, they will be driven out at most. But I want to live here, in case I'm found... But this idea will change in my mind. My curiosity about the mysterious things in front of me still prevails.

"Mr. Fang Zheng is right. Miss Sha you has already arrived here. Now we can't turn back!"


Is there such an exaggeration? We're not going to fight the devil

At this time, the party seemed to have finally reached the end of the passage, and then Fang Zheng pushed open the wooden door in front of him and walked in without hesitation. And Sha you and Chao Wu Yao also hurried to follow and walked into the secret place under the shrine.


After seeing everything clearly in front of them, the girls immediately opened their eyes and exclaimed.

Behind the door is a huge mountain cave. The sun shines down from the hole above, bringing light to the originally dark cave. A green grassland covers the earth, and dozens of red bird houses form a channel to the shrine deep in the cave.

"How beautiful..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sha you immediately sighed and stared at the fog excitedly, looking around curiously.

Just then, suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Sure enough, you still came."


Hearing the sudden sound, shayou and Chaowu were shocked. They turned their heads and found that under the huge bird house, a white haired girl in strange clothes was standing there and staring at them.

It's no one else. It's naoming tianmian.

"Little, little sleep?"

Seeing the purple haired girl, I felt a little guilty towards the fog and stepped back a few steps. Sha you looked at her curiously and asked in a low voice.

"Do you know each other?"

"Well, she and I are classmates..."

Speaking of this, Chaowu is not very interesting at once. Of course, she knows the identity of Nao Mingtian Mian. Now she sneaks here and is found by her classmates..... Well, even if Chaowu is full of curiosity about mysterious affairs, she feels a little embarrassed.

On this side, Chaowu wants to whisper with Sha you, while on the other side, Fang Zheng is looking at the cten Ming Tian in front of him, looking indifferent.

"What are you doing here?"

"Of course, please leave."

Nao Mingtian Mian held the sickle tightly in her hand. Although her face was still pale, she did not waver.

"You have invaded the divine domain of the great God. This is not where you should come."

"You should know that I want to remove the curse. As long as I remove the curse, then God man can be like ordinary people. What's the problem?"

"... not everyone is willing to do so."

Facing Fangzheng's inquiry, naoming tianmian hesitated and replied in a low voice.

"Do you know what we call humans?"


"We call ordinary people..... God falling people......"


Hearing the answer from Tian Mian, Fang Zheng was not surprised. Indeed, the power of God and man, whether curse or anything, is far more than that of human beings. So it's natural for them to want to distinguish themselves from humans.

"So you should understand that not everyone is willing to lose this power. Indeed, the cursed fate is a sad part of our family, but as long as there is a new moon, you can endure it. Therefore, many people are not willing to lose this power."

"But from my point of view, it's my job."

Fang Zheng spread out his hands.

"I'm here to investigate and deal with the problem, so I hope to solve the problem in a relatively satisfactory way."

"This is the problem of Chang'e city. Outsiders should not intervene."

"This can't be done. Where can players take the task and don't complete it?"


Facing Fang Zheng's answer, naoming tianmian was obviously a little stunned, but Fang Zheng just waved his hand.

"In a word, there is no way to explain and solve this matter in the way that it is your problem. Moreover, we don't know what the situation is now, do we? Is it a blessing or a curse? I don't know the truth yet... Or do you know?"


Hearing this, Tian Mian clenched his teeth and lowered his head.

"This is a sealed place. No one is allowed to step in..."

"So you haven't been in, have you?"


"You don't know the truth yourself. Are you going to spend your whole life like this?"


I don't know whether it was Fang Zheng's words that moved Nao Mingtian Mian, or whether she couldn't bear Fang Zheng's breath. Finally, the girl put down her sickle and retreated silently to one side to stop talking..

And founder also continued to move forward.

A huge rope blocked the bird house, which looked like no admittance. There is also a spell on it. To be honest, it's a little uncomfortable to see the squareness of the rope, because it will remind him of the ritual of dismembering the corpses used to seal the gate of the yellow spring in the supernatural world... It seems that this thing is used.

However, there should be no one who is separated by five horses hanging on a stone to seal the gate of the yellow spring.

Through the bird house channel blocked by the rune rope, the party finally came to the shrine. This time, naoming tianmian was far behind them, but kept silent. Although Chao Wuyao wanted to say hello to Tian Mian, he was a little embarrassed - after all, he was illegally invaded.

But soon, the focus on fog was on something else.

"That's strange."

"What's the matter?"

"What we worship here is Chang'e wolf. Why are the sculptures next to us rabbits?"

Chaowu pointed to the stone sculptures on both sides of the bird house and asked in doubt. Indeed, generally speaking, Japanese shrines will put whatever sculptures they worship. For example, Daohe shrine will put a pile of fox sculptures. According to the truth, since Chang'e wolf is worshipped here, it is normal to have wolf sculptures in the shrine.

In fact, when they were outside, founder saw many people's doors with wood carved wolf heads and Basuo beside them. I don't know about Chaowu. I just think it's a local custom to ask for the protection and blessing of the wolf God.

But in this shrine, there is no wolf sculpture at all. On the contrary, rabbits are placed everywhere.

"So it's interesting."

At this time, Fang Zheng also showed a meaningful smile on his face. He first paid attention to Chang'e city because of its name. However, although there is Chang'e in the name, there is nothing related to Chang'e here, which also makes Fang Zheng quite confused. However, it seems that now... This place does hide some secrets that even the local people may have forgotten.

The door of the shrine in front of me was locked, and there was a seal on it. However, because it was too long ago, the handwriting on the seal could not be seen clearly. Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the shrine. With the harsh sound, the heavy door slowly opened, and the dust rushed to his face, making Sha Youhe cough back in a hurry.

It was not until a moment later that the dust dispersed that the people entered the shrine.

In such a large shrine, most things have been corroded. You can only barely see a statue of a rabbit on the altar and some scroll books next to it. Chaowu Yao also took a Book curiously and opened it.

"Woo... I can't understand what's written on it."

Looking at a lot of ghostly characters in the book, she is going to be confused directly towards the fog. Although she likes occult science very much, the words above have gone beyond the scope of her knowledge.

"Let me see."

Fang Zheng took the book, then opened it and turned it over. Then he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, that's really interesting... It records the history of Chang'e village."

"Really? What does it say?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Chao Wu was immediately excited, and Sha you came together curiously.

"That's interesting..."

While reading the records in his hand, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and showed a thoughtful expression.

According to the records, this family moved to Japan a long time ago. They worship the jade rabbit and are said to have the blood of the jade rabbit. As for whether it was the jade rabbit in the myths and legends, I won't mention it for the moment, but according to the above historical documents, the reason why this family left their hometown and came to Japan at that time was to escape the disaster of war at that time.

According to the above documents, this family was strong, agile and Superman, and was regarded as warriors by all countries at that time. However, they like peace rather than fighting, so in order to stay away from war and avoid disaster, these people traveled across the sea to Japan, and then settled down in this isolated mountain forest.

However, the good times did not last long. Soon, they found that there was an evil and terrible wolf God here. It commanded the wolves and traversed the mountains, forests and wilderness, almost invincible.

At first, they also expected to communicate with the wolf God, but the other party obviously only regarded them as food, and even put forward requirements. As long as this family is willing to offer young women as sacrifices for them every year, they can be protected from worry.

HMM.... Japanese monsters like to engage in this kind of heresy, but unfortunately this family comes from the mainland and naturally doesn't eat the wolf God. So the two sides broke down, and then the wolf God led the wolves to launch an attack on Chang'e village. For a time, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

At the last moment, the ancestors of Chang'e village lured the wolf God here, and sealed it in the cave forever with the power of the moon with the help of the power of the jade rabbit they believed in.

The wolf God could not bear to be humiliated. When it was sealed, it also cursed the people who believed in the jade rabbit. It cursed that the jade rabbit people would be eroded by the wolf soul for generations.

The result of the curse is that in the future, people who have the blood of the jade rabbit family will change from their peaceful nature into beasts and have the desire to attack others, so as to completely degenerate and become the victims of the wolf soul.

"I see."

After reading these records, Fang Zheng finally realized that he felt strange at the beginning. After all, even if it was a curse, it was too gentle in the form of curse. After all, even if the curse breaks out, people in Chang'e village will not kill or eat people, but simply invade each other. It's not like what werewolves do at all, and vampires don't fall in price like that.

But if it's a rabbit... Well, it seems understandable?

After all, the rabbit itself is a very impure creature. If this family really has the blood of jade rabbit, it will naturally have similar characteristics. Think about it carefully. Speed and strength are typical characteristics of rabbits. And Fang Zheng also saw that the eyes of cten Ming Tian Mian and others will glow red when they act... The eyes of wolves don't glow red.

In this way, it is understandable that this place is called Chang'e village. It is obvious that the residents here should have believed in the jade rabbit and Chang'e. later, in the battle with the wolf God, both sides were hurt. Before the wolf God was sealed, the jade rabbit family was cursed by the wolf soul. Therefore, after this, the existence of God man will appear in Chang'e village

"How did it happen..."

After hearing Fang Zheng's explanation, Sha you and Chao Wu were stunned, while Nao Mingtian Mian opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

If the record here is true, then it shows that the wolf god worshipped by others is actually the culprit who makes the people of Chang'e village suffer?

"But, but the wolf God clearly cursed them? Why do people in Chang'e worship the wolf God now?"

Chaowu also looks incredible and completely incomprehensible.

"Because the time is too long, the original history has been distorted."

Fang Zheng closed the ancient books in his hand and put them aside.

"However, it's actually very simple to identify whether this ancient book is telling the truth."

"... simple?"

"That's right."

As he spoke, Fang Zheng pointed to the sealed gate in front of the shrine.

"Don't they use the moon to seal everything? Don't they use the God's power behind us?"

"...................... Ah ah!!!"

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