Li Daochong and his party entered the city with a low profile. Qin Zhan knew that Li Daochong came back and greeted him personally.

Li Daochong suddenly disappeared and didn't even say hello. Qin Zhan was very nervous. Luochaguo must have known the existence of the demon now.

Just because Li Daochong almost beat back the powerful ghost army led by Empress Wu with one person's power, it is enough for the witch ancestor of Luocha to use the power of the whole country to assassinate him.

Qin Zhan sent several teams to inquire about Li Daochong these days, and found nothing.

Fortunately, three days ago, the same missing Hongyang fairy sent a message to report peace and told Qin Zhan that Li Daochong and she were catching ice giant toads in the dark soul mountains.

After getting the news, Qin Zhan put down his hanging heart.

At the moment, Qin Zhan was completely relieved to see Li Daochong back. However, after the reinforcements of the three Xiuzhen empires arrived at the demon subduing City, they rested for a day, and the next day they set out to counter attack Luocha state.

The past few days have been fruitful and have brought back the disadvantages of previous people.

For some unknown reason, Luocha did not increase its troops. The fallen cherry yarn of the witch seemed to evaporate from the world.

The reinforcements of the three great Xiuzhen empires are also tracking down the whereabouts of the fallen cherry yarn.

If the Witch Queen is still on the dark magic star, this is the best time to kill her. This time, the three great Xiuzhen empires sent a total of 200000 Xiuzhen troops.

The quantity is not very much, but the quality is the upper level. There are three Huashen great powers to visit in person, and one of them is the real king in the middle of Huashen.

The reinforcements are mainly Nankun Empire, supplemented by two other Xiuzhen empires.

Nankun borders on the Shenghua Federation. If it does not support the Shenghua Federation, once the Shenghua Federation is broken, Nankun will face the Luocha state directly and will be attacked on both sides at that time.

Therefore, the Federation is in trouble. Nankun can't help it. It involves the self-interest of the Empire.

However, the three magic powers didn't stay long. They only stayed for five days, shot twice, killed more than ten witches, and then left the dark magic star.

The mind of transforming God's power is all in cultivation. If it's not a last resort, you won't waste time fighting everywhere.

For friars in the period of transforming God, everything is trivial except cultivation.

Of course, in addition to cultivation, friar Huashen still has many things to do. It's very embarrassing to come to you demon star to help Shenghua Federation.

Originally, she wanted to kill the Witch Queen Luo yingsha. As a result, the Witch Queen disappeared and couldn't be found.

Even the friar of Huashen can't be found, so there are only two possibilities. The queen witch is dead, or she is no longer on the dark demon star.

Obviously, the latter is more likely and the former is very unlikely.

The empress of the witch didn't die when she was besieged by so many gods, not to mention now.

However, the three incarnation gods are very interested in the friars who lead away the Witch Queen and have been questioning Qin Zhan.

Out of the protection of Li Daochong and his understanding of Li Daochong's personality, Qin Zhan did not disclose any information about Li Daochong. He only said that he was a member of the federal God general group and had been recalled to the federal headquarters after the war.

Although this explanation is very official, after all, it is a matter of other countries. It is not easy for the three God turning friars to ask too many questions. After sweeping thousands of kilometers around the demon subduing City, the three God turning friars hurried away.

Nankun empire is not idle. They want to fight against a prison demon country, one of the four great underworld countries in the underworld.

The war was also not easy. Nan Kun also made a lot of sacrifices by dispatching troops to support the Shenghua Federation this time.

This battle to defend the demon subduing city made Lei daozhenjun famous not only in Shenghua Federation.

It was also known by many monks in Nankun.

However, few people have seen Lei Daozhen's face. First, when Lei Daozhen appeared, the dark demon star was in a mess, the demon subduing city was occupied, and all kinds of facilities built by people for many years were destroyed. There was no monitoring camera at all. The monks themselves were worried, and no one had the intention to record anything under such circumstances.

Second, only a few images are very blurred. In addition to being able to see the human figure from a distance, I can't see the face clearly at all.

There are two close-up images. You should have seen the true face of Lei Daozhen Jun, but when you come to the front, the picture will be blurred immediately, and you can't recover it anyway.

Therefore, all the stories about Lei Daozhen Jun came from the oral accounts of the surviving monks who participated in the battle in the northwest stronghold.

Strangely, some of these friars tried to draw the real king of Lei Dao. Strangely, they didn't look like it.

These friars suddenly found that they didn't remember what the young man looked like.

As everyone knows, the moment before Li Daochong and luoyingsha started the war, shennian had covered the surrounding cage.

The powerful mind caused serious interference to these friars, but they didn't know it.

"Dao Chong, don't you really plan to join the Xiuzhen army?" Qin Zhan was eager, but helpless.

Li Daochong had no interest in joining the army.

"Not for the time being. I haven't finished my studies yet. It's too early to join the army. Besides, I'm used to freedom and don't adapt to the constraints in the army." Li Daochong shook his head very definitely.

"Daochong, don't think about it. Becoming a member of the Xiuzhen army is the dream of the vast majority of friars in the Federation. Why have you always been unwilling to join the army?" Qin Zhan doesn't want to give up and continue to travel. Qin Zhan always doesn't understand Li Daochong's refusal to join the army. Even before, Li Daochong has made great achievements. As long as he nods to join the army, He can immediately become an important figure in the federal Xiuzhen army. It is no problem to directly command a group army. The rank of major general is the worst. Qin Zhan estimates that he is a lieutenant general.

What is the concept of? In St. China, the Federation is definitely the superstructure of the authority and can directly participate in state discussions.

"Is it really so important to join the army?" Li Daochong asked when he saw that Qin Zhan had not given up.

"Of course." Qin Zhan answered positively without thinking, and then said, "Li Daochong, you have made such achievements. Even joining the army will not restrict your freedom. You can also initially enter the core of federal power and jump thousands of miles in status. Once you participate in politics, you will have power. You can command the whole country through your own will and change many things. Some things are not solved by your cultivation. You should know what I'm talking about."

"Qin Zuo, you have your ambitions and ideals. I have my ideas and style of doing things. The federal Xiuzhen army is worthy of respect, but I don't join the army for my own reasons. As for politics, that's what I don't like to participate in. Qin Zuo, you should know that I don't like to be the focus. Not joining the army doesn't mean I don't resist the underworld. If necessary, I'll Li Daochong It's my duty not to say anything profound and righteous, nor to boast how noble I am, just because I have people and things I want to protect. "Li Daochong said calmly.

Qin Zhan stared at Li Daochong and remembered what he said. In fact, everyone has their own aspirations and can't come.

"Well, I'm too subjective. I'll add my will to you. If I don't join the army, I won't join the army. However, the leader attaches great importance to you. I hope you can become the instructor of the Dragon teeth of the federal Xiuzhen army and grant you the rank of major general."

Li Daochong was silent.

Qin Zhan went on, "Longya is the most elite army in the Federation. It is led by the divine general group. It is also one of the three branches of the reserve of the divine general group. I spent some time in Longya. Their instructor was seriously injured in the large-scale attack launched by the Luocha state. The old instructor entrusted me to be the new instructor. I'm ashamed. Qin Zhan's military use may be OK, and the fighting is really ordinary, so I recommend it You have been appointed as an instructor. In recent years, Longya has been out of service. It is not as strong as it was then. It is at the bottom of the three reserve forces of the God general group, and even some low-level battle groups are about to surpass Longya. Now the morale of the whole Longya is extremely low, but the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse. Longya still has a high reputation in the Federation. It is a little talented to serve as an instructor with your strength, but Only your strength can convince those arrogant guys. I really have no other candidate except you. This is not a federal appointment, but my personal invitation from Qin Zhan. After becoming an instructor, you have absolute freedom and power. How about it? "

Qin Zhan finished his words in one breath. There were not many gorgeous words in his words. He was plain but sincere.

Li Daochong has repeatedly rejected Qin Zhan's numerous invitations, which is somewhat inhumane. At this time, he feels Qin Zhan's warm hospitality. It seems too cold to refuse again.

"Well, I'll try," Li Daochong finally nodded.

Qin Zhan was so happy that he grabbed Li Daochong's hand and said excitedly, "Daochong, I thank you on behalf of Longya. The letter of appointment and rank have come down long ago. In fact, you can get far more than these achievements this time, but you don't want to show off, so you have to give up."

When Qin Zhan said this, Li Daochong was a little embarrassed and said, "Qin Zuo, don't say that. I'm an ordinary cultivator. Don't lift me too high."

If you are an ordinary cultivator, how can others mix.

Qin Zhan said something in his heart, but of course he didn't say it.

Next, Li Daochong rested in the demon subduing city for two days.

On the third day, Xiaoying and Lingfei boldly contacted Li Daochong. The two women had a try mentality and didn't expect Li Daochong to meet them.

But happiness came suddenly. Li Daochong returned their information and asked them to see him.

The two women were so excited that they didn't know where to put their hands when they came to Li Daochong's room.

"Master." Xiaoying and Lingfei shouted as soon as they saw Li Daochong.

"Well, sit down," said Li.

He promised.

Xiaoying and Lingfei looked at each other in disbelief. They thought Li Daochong wouldn't recognize them.

"How are you practicing recently?" Li Daochong asked meaningfully. In fact, in the previous battle, he already knew that the two women had achieved great success in the front of the nine split sword formula he had thrown to them.

"Shifu, sister Lingfei and I have built the foundation successfully, but there is no more to practice in terms of skills." Xiao Ying told the truth.

Li Dao stretched out his hand and a jade card appeared in his hand. "Here is the part behind the Dao formula. Take it and practice it well. There are my comments on it. Recite the Dao formula yourself within a month, and the content in the jade card will disappear after a month."

Xiaoying and Lingfei looked at the jade card in Li Daochong's hand with bright eyes and tried to restrain their impulse to get the jade card.