The third round of duel did not last as long as expected. After Li Daochong's amazement subsided, the following duels were all expected.

But the public guessed the result and guessed the process wrong.

It can be said that every scene is extremely boring and insipid.

Oak group was against Lu Ming, who admitted defeat without even going to the challenge arena.

Orson and Duan Yao fought for more than ten rounds. Unfortunately, Duan Yao's strength was seriously overestimated and was finally knocked down by Orson.

These two duels should have been the focus of the war, but they became dull because of Lu Ming's lack of face and Duan Yao's mediocrity.

Only Li Daochong's fierce reversal of Luo Dahai left everyone with endless memories. Although the end of the game was also very fast, Li Daochong surprised people again and again. His strength beyond imagination was amazing. At the same time, he inadvertently made you climax without any preparation. How comfortable it feels is.

After the third round, Li TIANYAO withdrew from the competition because of mental breakdown. Since then, there are still 18 students left, of which three students have not won the first three games and have been eliminated directly.

At this time, the top 15 have all been produced, and the fourth round begins to compete for ranking and rewards.

Starting from the fourth round, he returned to the spirit brain draw. Fourteen people had seven duels, and the other one was empty. This time, ye Feiyue was the lucky one.

Li Daochong became the biggest dark horse in the competition and the most dazzling star among the students.

But those forces hostile to Li Daochong feel unparalleled pressure.

Zhan Zhentian wants to quit, but he can't help but bite his teeth and fight the trapped animals at the instigation of Qiu Xiong.

Both are dead. Zhan Zhentian has to continue to let Tian Bo and Lian bin do some tricks in the lottery.

Li Daochong has entered the top 15 and qualified for the joint examination of 100 schools. There is no possibility to stop him.

What can be done now is to let Li Daochong not get too high ranking, but his strength has been unstoppable. Apart from Gu Chao and Aojia Gemini, Zhan Zhentian can't think of anyone who can stop Li Daochong's progress.

In other words, no matter how obstructed, Li Dao's rush to the top five is almost a certainty.

Qiu Xiong meant to let Zhan Honglie fight Li Daochong in the next game, but Zhan Zhentian strongly opposed it.

In Zhan Zhentian's eyes, Li Daochong has become elusive. Even if his son Zhan Honglie has reached the state of gathering Qi, he doesn't think he can defeat Li Daochong.

Zhan Zhentian didn't dare to disobey Qiu Xiong's intention, but he didn't want his son to be regarded as a gun envoy. Even if it was inevitable to attack Li Daochong in the end, at least Zhan Honglie should be promoted a few more.

Finally, at Zhan Zhentian's insistence, Qiu Xiong agreed to let Orson fight with Li Daochong for the next round.

Orson's strength is not worth mentioning even luodahai. It's another level of existence.

Qiu Xiong also wants to see where Li Daochong's limit is. If Orson can beat Li Daochong.

Then if you give Zhan Honglie one or two magic weapons, you should also be able to kill Li Daochong.

But if Orson can't stop Li Daochong, Qiu Xiong will have to make another plan. He's afraid Zhan Honglie won't be an opponent.

The level of cultivation can determine the strength of both sides to a certain extent, but it is not absolute.

At the peak of Qi refining, the cultivator may not be able to defeat the cultivator at the initial stage of Qi accumulation. Although this is a small probability event, the person with excellent talent can usually surpass the level to win.

With the strength displayed by Li Daochong at present, it is not impossible to win by leaps.

Qiu Xiong's original wishful thinking had no effect in the face of absolute strength. He couldn't deal with Li Tianyang in those years. Now he seems to be defeated in the face of his son.

Qiu Xiong doesn't care about Li Daochong at all, but now this 19-year-old kid gives him an enormous pressure. He seems to see Li Tianyang 20 years ago.

"If you can't let that boy grow up, you can't." Qiu Xiong's old hand like a dead wood clenched into a fist.

"Orson to Li Daochong."

The referee's announcement made all the students excited.

The two masters, the real masters, will finally meet. This battle is bound to be wonderful.

The audience of the other two challenge arenas gathered around challenge Arena 2. Everyone didn't want to miss the real peak duel.

Hearing the sound, Li Daochong, sitting under the tree, glanced and smiled at Qiao Ximo, "Ximo, I'll contact my brothers and sisters and ask them to help. Don't worry, as long as you Qiao's family don't do anything wrong, it'll be fine. I'll go to the game first."

Qiao Ximo kept a delicate little face with a slight melancholy, "well, Daochong, come on."

"Well, come on, too. It's not good to look sad all the time." Li Daochong got up and patted Qiao Ximo, and then walked to the challenge arena.

Qiao Ximo has a red tide on his face. He looks at the shoulder that Li Daochong just patted. He doesn't know why he has a dependence.

Li Dao rushed to the challenge arena and looked at Orson gnawing at the apple with great interest. The latter looked at the sky with his hand blocking his eyes and didn't look at Li Daochong.

"The battle begins." the referee gave an order and everyone in the audience held their breath.

"Come on, come on, stand away. Once these two perverts fight, they are afraid that they can blow those who have cultivated underground skills away." a student said nervously.

"How nervous."

"What kind of battle will it be?"

In the stands.

Several chief executives and elders of the Olympic family who came to watch the game all smiled and looked confident.

No matter what strength Li Daochong showed before, it was not enough in the eyes of the Austrian family.

Only the Aosen family knows how abnormal Aosen is. If this boy is not playful and doesn't have enough practice, the first person of Aosen's young generation will never be oak group. Aosen should be right.

In terms of talent, okqun is not as good as Orson, but okqun's self abusive cultivation method is something Orson can't do.

This is why Orson's talent is amazing, and his strength is still worse than that of oak group.

Aohanlin is the chief executive of Aojia family and the second uncle of okqun and Aosen. He gathers Qi to achieve peak cultivation. A group of Aojia family people, led by him, sit in the grandstand and look up to the heroes.

Apart from the ancient family, others are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Ao family.

Gu Xiukai is the leader of the competition sent by Gu family to watch and observe. He serves as the general manager of the transportation department of Gu family group in Gu family.

"Brother Hanlin, the only thing that can compete with Gu Chao and your Aojia twin stars in this competition is this Li Daochong and Zhan Honglie. However, the heat of these two boys is still worse. The first three can only be produced between Gu Chao, Orson and oak group." Gu Xiukai said with a smile and a proud look in his eyes.

"Hehe, yes, I think it's better to admit defeat to those three people. If not, you'll have to lie in the hospital for a month at least." ohanlin usually doesn't deal with Gu Xiukai, but Gu Xiukai agrees with him.