"What do you want to explain?" Yuan Longji asked with a gloomy face.

"Why not inform the Security Bureau of kidnapping hostages and deliberate murder now? Why is the first prize cancelled?" Li Daochong asked yuan Longji without fear.

Yuan Longji's face was even more ugly and said, "I said that things still need to be investigated. The reason for canceling the reward is that your behavior is too extreme, your defense is too improper, and you should know your discretion for a reason. Should you connive at your killer?"

Li Daochong sneered, "when someone identified me just now, why didn't anyone say they needed to investigate? If they had to defend, they didn't force me, I would take action against them? Why cancel what should belong to me?"

Yuan Longji didn't expect Li Daochong to be so kind. He repeatedly questioned him in front of so many people. His old face suddenly turned blue and wanted to split Li Daochong with one hand.

However, when Yuan Longji sensed the breath released from Chu Qianyue, the idea of splitting Li Daochong was immediately suppressed.

Chu Qianyue is the only lecturer in the foundation construction period of blue bay star. Both fame and strength are extraordinary.

Yuan Longji didn't want to conflict with Chu Qianyue. There was Qian Changhai standing behind her. The old boss was not serious on the surface, but he was brilliant after all.

Yuan Longji can't guess what Qian Changhai's strength is. This old man stayed in Xuancang university more than 100 years ago and has always been the vice president of Xiuzhen college. His qualification is much older than yuan Longji.

It is said that Qian Changhai has a golden elixir cultivation, but no one has ever seen Qian Changhai touch anyone. In school, this serious old guy doesn't do anything except watching adult films. The only thing he has done in more than 100 years is to bring Chu Qianyue back to Xuancang University from nowhere.

If the two men hadn't stood behind Li Daochong, Yuan Longji would have bullied Li Daochong and hurt him internally.

"President yuan, in my opinion, it is really inappropriate to cancel Li's prize. The prize should be given to him." an elder on the VIP seat said.

The elder and Yuan Longji looked at each other, and the latter immediately understood the meaning of the former. The elder's meaning was very simple. He took money to eliminate the disaster. Li Daochong was so excited now, mostly because he cancelled the rich prizes, which made him angry.

As long as you give him the prize, there should be no trouble.

"Do you have any objection to the extension of the old proposal?" Yuan Longji asked for opinions.

The lecturers looked at each other. The extra reward was originally a spontaneous and temporary decision of the three principals. They asked if they were useful, but naturally no one responded.

"No objection, that is no objection. In that case, Li Daochong, take the prize." Yuan Longji took out the three items and handed them over.

Naturally, Li Daochong was not polite. He took it and put it into Nayu's bag.

Almost at the same time, Yuan Longji passed by quietly.

"Li Daochong, you also took the things. First, you also got it. When you go back to blue bay star, many cultivation companies will sign contracts with you. At that time, you can choose. In the future, your cultivation path will be bright. As for your gratitude and resentment with those boys, put down for the time being and go back to blue bay star and report to the Security Bureau yourself."

Yuan Longji uses mental transmission. Except Li Daochong, no one can hear it. This kind of transmission is very hidden, unrecorded and undetectable.

Li Daochong felt a little better when he got the heavy silver pith crystal, nine crack knife formula and foundation building liquid.

But there's no way for him to let go of the boys.

Yuan Longji's lightness is really back to blue bay star Li Daochong. I'm afraid he will face the anger of more than a dozen families.

On the surface, he may be afraid of the Security Bureau, but he doesn't know what dark hand to use behind his back. With the strength of these families, it's enough for Li Daochong to drink a pot.

Li Daochong said that everything must make things big. Barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. They are dead vertically and horizontally. It's better to have a fish dead net broken.

"Principal yuan, since you don't want to report the case in the name of the school, I have to come by myself." Li Daochong said calmly.

Yuan Longji couldn't believe his ears. Li Daochong ignored his advice and had to face it. He also took three super prizes and didn't stop.

This is a challenge to his status, even a provocation, and is beating his headmaster in the face.

Yuan Longji is another voice transmission in the past.

"Li Daochong, have you had enough trouble? You are still young and have a great future in the future. Don't ruin your future because of a moment of righteousness. I'm asking you not to pursue it now. I'm helping you."

Li Daochong's face changed slightly, and he didn't have any sense of propriety in his heart. He knew that Yuan Longji was mostly afraid of the family forces behind more than a dozen dandies. However, as the head of a school, he bowed his head to dignitaries. It's really not worthy of the name. No wonder he didn't make progress after so many years. He built the foundation at the age of 30 and broke through the golden elion period at the age of 80. After the breakthrough, he stagnated in the early stage of golden elion and made no further progress.

After thinking about it, Li Daochong decided to give yuan Longji some face and also sent a mental voice over.

"Headmaster yuan, if you really want to help me, punish those dandies with Xuancang school rules. If you don't, I have to solve it myself."

Huh? Yuan Longji looked a little surprised, and looked at Li Daochong with a little doubt.

Can you read and sound during Qi refining? Yuan Longji felt that his back was a little cold. The dignified Jindan friar was frightened by an entry-level cultivator in the Qi refining period.

Yuan Longji was really startled. The transmission of mental power could not be achieved until at least the middle of the gas gathering period, otherwise the intensity of mental power could not form the sound of reading waves at all.

Li Tianyang?


Yuan Longji couldn't help taking a breath. Suddenly, he seemed to see Li Tianyang's domineering figure behind Li Daochong.

Li Tianyang was once the first master of blue bay star. Even veteran Jindan monks like yuan Longji have deep fear and fear of him psychologically.

Isn't Li Tianyang seriously injured as rumored? Is he just pretending? Yuan Longji's eyes jumped.

If Li Tianyang really just pretends to be seriously injured, his strength is in blue bay star, which can crush everything.

In addition to Li Tianyang, Yuan Longji can't imagine who can make Li Daochong so strong in such a short time. He can even read and sound.

Li Daochong's calm and calm at this time had to make yuan Longji guess. He wouldn't be so confident just relying on Chu Qianyue and Qian Changhai.

Chu Qianyue has submitted her resignation. After the big test, she will no longer be a super lecturer at Xuancang University. It is said that she will leave lanwanxing to deal with some personal things.

Chu Qianyue can protect Li Daochong for a while, but she can't protect him for a lifetime. Even if Chu Qianyue doesn't leave, her strength is not enough to shake the encirclement and suppression of more than a dozen families.

Although Qian Changhai is very mysterious, he got here for a reason. It is said that he offended the senior level of the Federation and had to retire. Even if he wanted to face Li Daochong, he didn't dare to move too much, otherwise it would be bad for him.

However, Li Tianyang is different. He is a powerful figure of an owl regardless of his strength or mind. Li Daochong is his son. As long as he still has one breath, he can't let his son go.

At this time, Li Daochong was somewhat confused in Yuan Longji's eyes.

"Do it yourself. It's beyond the scope of the school's management." Yuan Longji weighed and said again and again that no one should offend.

More than a dozen family elders on the VIP seat suddenly changed their faces. They all looked at Li Daochong one by one, and some even launched a powerful attack on Li Daochong.

However, Li Daochong, who has a strong mind, is not afraid. These elders are just gathering Qi. Their power is not enough to make Li Daochong uncomfortable.

Of course, Chu Qianyue also helped Li Daochong resist a large part of the power, and the cool color on her beauty became colder.

"Since the school can't manage it, it has to report the case," said Li Daochong. He raised his watch and dialed the Lingwang number of Xiuzhen Security Bureau, which was quickly connected.

Without any disguise, Li Daochong directly put his voice to the maximum, and a serious but gentle female voice came from the other end.

Li Daochong said the matter immediately and told his location. The report desk asked Li Daochong to wait in place for half an hour, which will make the nearest Xiuzhen Security Bureau patrol feiyusuo arrive as soon as possible.

When Li Dao closed his watch, there was a dead silence in the flying hall.

The headhunters of Xiuzhen company looked at each other and removed Li Daochong's name from the observation list.

Many Xiuzhen companies have countless relationships with more than a dozen families. Li Daochong offends so many families. If they absorb Li Daochong into the company, it will only add trouble to the company. It's worth mentioning that Li Daochong's true talent will be able to build a foundation in the future. If he can't build a foundation, it will be more than worth the loss for a cultivator in the Qi gathering period to have a festival with so many families.

The probability of foundation building is small, and the probability of replacing spiritual pulse is smaller.

On balance, it is human nature for headhunters to choose to stand on the side of more than a dozen families.

Of course, the seven major repair companies are not afraid of more than a dozen families on the fourth-class repair planet, and it's nothing great to unite. However, the seven repair companies do not pay attention to blue bay star, and the recruiters sent are small clerks stationed in blue bay star for a long time. These guys usually take the benefits of these families.

Even some recruiters secretly sell some unimportant positions in the company.

Dozens of distinguished guests invited to the VIP seat did not look very good. They thought Li Daochong was too serious.

Li Tianxing, the chief executive of the Li family, saw the whole process, but he didn't say a word from beginning to end.

The shock on Li Tianxing's face gradually eased down after Li Daochong reported the case, and inadvertently smiled. Li Daochong offended so many people, which was exactly what he wanted to see.

After Li Daochong won the first place, Li Tianxing was worried that it would be difficult to deal with Li Tianyang and his son in the future. Unexpectedly, the boy dug a hole for himself. It's best. However, it saves the Li family the trouble of planning.

Everyone had their own little 99 in their hearts. Half an hour passed quickly in silence.

A pure black small flying shuttle, more than 20 meters long and more than seven meters wide, flew into the flying hall from beyond the starry sky.

Two monks in the uniforms of secret service personnel of the Xiuzhen Security Bureau stepped down from the Feiyu shuttle. Both of them were middle-term accomplishments of gathering Qi.

The emergence of secret service personnel, an inviolable dignity, spread in the flying hall. They represent the determination of Shenghua Federation to safeguard the rights and interests of practitioners.